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Infinite Kyo

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Everything posted by Infinite Kyo

  1. (Kyo continues running then suddenly stops and looks around he could feel someone's presence it wasn't the worms it was far stronger than that) -Okay how about we cut the hide and seek crap come on out I know you are there!!! (then from out the rubble of a collapsed building a silhouette of a woman with wings fly's down toward the ground where kyo is standing -my my I thought I could hide and watch for at least a little while longer I guess you must have really good instincts (Kyo starred at the woman with a confused look) -"well she obviously isn't human and why is she so cheerful we are in a burning city this is too weird I better not let my guard down regardless if she is a potential ally or enemy" -what's wrong? you found me now what huh? you know that that I look closer you look kinda cute I bet your one of those Rebellious types aren't you? -hey I'm gonna be asking the questions here lady just who and what the hell are you? and what are you doing here? lastly do you have anything to do with that giant monster? (the lady answers with a seductive smile) -well my name is Morrigan Aensland I am a Succubus I came to this city to see this monster with my own two eyes of course the other fighters looked interesting a lot of colourful characters those bunch are and I can assure you that I have nothing to do with that monstrosity (kyo had to take a minute to take in all the info he just received he actually didn't think she would tell him all that) -hmm a Succubus huh? aren't those a type of Demon? although I really shouldn't be surprised honestly I was fighting giant lava worms just a couple of minutes ago and you mentioned other fighters? where are they? -they are a bit scattered across the city but some of them are in a group if you wouldn't have stopped to confront me you would have ran straight into them you silly boy do you even have a plan? do you seriously think you could stop that thing all by yourself? (Kyo then realised that he didn't even have a plan he just ran towards the monster head on he would have gotten killed if he went by himself) -well as a matter of fact I don't have a plan but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let that asshole destroy more cities and potentially kill more people so if you don't wanna get in my way move or i'll cremate you (Morrigan moves to the side while Kyo starts sprinting in the direction of the monster leaving Morrigan behind) -gosh he is a stubborn boy but they do say the stubborn ones are the most fun maybe I should spectate him more (Morrigan licked her lips then flew away in the direction of Kyo eager to see what his next course of action is)
  2. the Robin trailer is here and he is a fucking savage lol
  3. (Kyo continues walking down the flaming street when a insanely huge roar comes from deeper into the city -What the hell was that? it was so loud it hurt my eardrums and why did it suddenly get hotter? (Kyo then turns his attention to the giant flaming monstrosity in the distance) -so I take it that's the thing that burned this city down well then i'll show him the flame of the Kusanagi (it was at that moment that some of Iblis' worms started spawning out of the ground) -looks like I have some exterminating to do (Kyo charges his flames then unleashes the Ura 111 Shiki : Ama no Murakumo to take them down) -heh even though you guys like it hot you couldn't handle the heat of my flames (kyo continues to chase after the monster in a accelerated pace)
  4. well i'll be damned we actually got a release date for Tekken 7 its June 2nd (Early 2017 my ass that's like halfway into the year lmfao)

  5. (in another area of the city Kyo continues to walk through the runed streets drenched in flames) this is way worse than I thought I just hope everyone got out of here safely (kyo then pays attention to the ground as he see's abnormally large boot prints) who...or what the hell made these? they are huge I'm not sure whatever owns these prints is friendly but I guess i'll find out sooner of later
  6. sorry to bother you man but I need these 2 please BB Hood Bruce Lee
  7. lmfao bruh this is epic more Shonen Jump vs Capcom fan art Asura vs Goku? tbh I wanna see this fight really damn badly
  8. ffs I forgot my Mugen Fighters Guild password and for some random reason the email to change ir doesn't appear Christ sake man lol

  9. (meanwhile in the outskirts of the city Kyo Kusanagi stands in awe of the destruction that the city had taken) Kyo: Holy crap just what happened here? this is another level of devastation well I guess I wont know until I go into the inner city although I cant help but feel this something....is it fear? maybe Kyo: my flames burning brighter than ever alright guess I'll get a move on (Kyo continues forward into the city not knowing of the danger it holds inside)
  10. bruh my inner fanboy just came out as soon as I watched this lmfao


  11. this is tight! was just playing xmvsf lol picking this up for sure
  12. I have been messing around with the Fightmachine screenpack its rather nice actually ports are easy to make
  13. well idk about you but this is just too fucking random
  14. hello welcome to the site although I am a dog person I do like cats they are cute
  15. got bored so I made a new signature I might add more characters to it and fix it up if I can be bothered lol


  16. I'm looking to replace my jojo characters portraits the old ones were bad DIO JOTARO JOSUKE
  17. Kenshiro made a Luffy? fuck yes I need MOAR one piece characters hoping he makes sanji and zoro soon
  18. bruh I'm going to master Darkseid in Injustice 2 and go online and straight up murder fools he is my new main also Poison Ivy looks dope

    1. Darkflare


      As long as he's not bottom tier.

  19. the story trailer just came out (ABOUT DAMN TIME) and it looks pretty cool Bane and Poison Ivy are confirmed also Darkseid is available....AS A FUCKING PREORDER BONUS
  20. I'm in Australia that shit costs 400 bucks...as opposed to the ps4's 500 so its not that bad
  21. Punisher don't care about yo magic shit boi idk about this one tbth lol this one is awesome tho
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