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Infinite Kyo

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Everything posted by Infinite Kyo

  1. I finished half on the roster....now for the other half lol
  2. he looks pretty wacky but cool at the same time lol gonna try him out
  3. I just want Asura and Yasha (Asura's wrath) Haggar, Cody and Guy also want Ghost Rider and Old Man Logan
  4. yo this looks awesome man! as a Kyo player I gotta download this very nice work
  5. I think I might be addicted to Yakuza 0 its such a fun game the story is awesome too really glad I purchased it

  6. was working on these 2 renders in photoshop a couple of days ago figured they would be good ports Tia Langray Ukyo Tachibana there are still some white spots I missed especially on the Tia one i'll probably finish them....someday lol
  7. updated my Legacy roster gonna get the Capcom and SNK rows outta the way also reserving 2 rows for the One Piece charatcers once they get created
  8. I'm not gonna lie I was pretty surprised by this lol now I just need a McCree character haha
  9. I loved wild guns it was so damn fun thanks for the stage OG!
  10. bruh you gotta love the pc fanbase they considering making a balance patch for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 when it comes to steam as sorta like a mod will be pretty cool to see what type of skins they could make too like Old Man Logan skin for Wolverine etc

  11. bruh we are gonna get DLC for the King of fighters XIV and that Angel costume is sexy as hell!! lol and also 4 NEW CHARACTERS



  12. is it just me or is Capcom literally only worried about Street fighter and Resident Evil? because it seems like it lol they buried so many great games that could have epic sequels LIKE ONIMUSHA yet they were like "nah fam fuck that"

    1. DuckMannnn


      They're pretty much burying SFV too. I don't exactly own the game but it doesn't make sense if you release an unfinished game for $50 and then force people to buy different seperate DLCs for 5 bucks each

      Meanwhile KOF XIV was less invested but still comes as a complete game with 50 characters

      Plus vital graphic updates for free. And character costumes for 2 bucks.

  13. bruh those palettes make broly look damn terrifying especially the one on of the right lmfao
  14. a better version of samurai jack also Jolyne Kujo from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 6 stone ocean
  15. ( after dodging the flame breathe from Iblis Kyo clenches his fists and prepares for his next move) -heh I gotta agree with Lightflare on this one this thing is becoming quite annoying to handle -so what do you plan to do? hmm you said it yourself you cant get near it too attack -Lightlfare tore one of its arms off its probably worried about the immense pain its feeling than anything else but it wont be occupied for long so.... -I GUESS I'LL GO FOR IT (Kyo sprints toward Iblis and slides in front of it he then gathers a tremendous amount of flames into his fist) (the Ex Ame no murakumo engulfed Iblis's face in flames as the monster cries out in pain Kyo retreats to a safe distance) -hmm I don't suppose you attacked its face on purpose did you? -the bastard cant hit what it cant see right my flames may not last long though even though its the special kusanagi flames that thing is literally made of fire but at least it did some damage huh
  16. The Swamp thing trailer just dropped he looks pretty dope now all we need is BOOSTER GOLD lol
  17. -holy crud this thing is shooting meteors now? how the hell are supposed to get near it then? -I don't know guess we will have to think of something....oh by the way there is a meteor flying toward us from above -you could have told me that before hand! (Kyo jumps into the air and punches the meteor with a fist full of flames the meteor shatters into pieces and kyo lands on the ground) -well that was close we need to do something we cant just dodge flaming rocks all day this thing Is throwing everything at us which means its probably desperate (Morrigan giggles but stares at Kyo with discomfort) -"why do I get such an eerie feeling from this man I can sense such a dark energy flowing around him it seems he doesn't know it yet though and what he doesn't know wont hurt him"
  18. started to work on Legacy again because my old roster was lost when my laptop broke down its a much bigger screenpack then I remember lmfao
  19. bruh the Kolin chick from SF5 looks like she could be Kula's legit mother lmfao she even has ice abilities she does look fun to play though not that I even play SF5 anymore but eh

    1. Galvatron


      Yeah i see, im shocked that they let Gill's assistant( also his known secretary) to be a fighter. which leaves another theory.. If Kolin is the ice user corresponding to Gill then their might be another assistant of Gill's that uses Fire (another possible new character).. which we might not know tell later on...

  20. (Morrigan sees the shockwave coming and flies higher up to dodge it but the shockwave hits kyo straight in the back as he was worried about the few remaining henchman) -argh that freaking hurt it looks like he is pissed off alright jeez that hurt my back -I was going to warn you but I was too high up in the air at the time sorry -so you saved your ass first huh some teammate I've got
  21. ...okay HOW ARE RYU'S FEET NOT BURNING lol I guess its proof of his training
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