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Infinite Kyo

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Everything posted by Infinite Kyo

  1. Kiryu and Morrigan try to recall what they were doing when they got sucked into the portal -well I remember that I was in a fight against this drunkard in the street he was causing a commotion so I calmed him down -what he actually did -After that I was walking home down a back alley to avoid attention next thing I know I got sucked into that portal thing {Morrigan laughs slightly then explains her story} - I was having a bath it was an amazing bath too the water was just right not too hot yet not too cold...anyway I got dressed then literally got sucked into that portal its a good thing i got my clothes on before hand otherwise id be walking around here completely naked haha {Kiryu looks at her and sighs} -"this woman......good grief" @DuckMannnn
  2. Kiryu turns around and sees a man dressed in all black attire and Morrigan hears his voice and returns landing beside Kiryu -"who is this guy? well he does look suspicious but any guy dressed in all black would look sketchy besides he's the only other person I've seen other than Morrigan" {Morrigan smiles and answers the mans question} -No I think I'm fine but thanks for asking......I don't think I've seen you before you weren't with the others were you? {Kiryu decides to answer as well} -I'm okay too you I'm Kiryu and this is Morrigan....so are you lost in here too?
  3. After hearing the battle between Saber and Shovel Knight Kiryu hurries towards it but by the time he gets there no one was in sight -"hmmm I was sure it came from this direction wait what the hell?" {Kiryu notices the burn marks on the trees he walks over and inspects them then folds his arms and tries to think} -"what the hell did this? a flamethrower? well regardless I'm gonna need to find them and get some answers" {just then Morrigan flew down and landed in front of Kiryu and as she does it breaks Kiryu's train of thought -you know I did see then they headed that way if you wanted to know a small group but they seemed quite entertaining {Kiryu looks back at Morrigan and gives her a confused look} -so you saw them but you didn't go and ask them where we are? -well I was watching from up in the trees and it was an interesting fight to say the least two blue knights a woman and a man one was wielding a shovel and another had an invisible sword it was really intriguing -well regardless we still need to catch up to them why don't you fly ahead and see if you can spot them I'm gonna be right behind you we may as well work together seeing as we are stuck here.....also cant you just fly out of here anyway? {Morrigan folds her arms and becomes mildly annoyed} -well I would if I could but flying takes a lot of stamina and energy you know and when I appeared in this forest I was exhausted to say the least I can only fly for a short time and to make matters worse it doesn't look like my powers are coming back either {Kiryu sighs} -well that sucks....I guess but can you at least fly ahead and see if you can find them please? {Morrigan starts to calm down} -well since you said please I suppose I can Mr Kiryu {Morrigan chuckles then flies ahead as Kiryu sighs again} -"why do I always meet such weird women? ah well she doesn't seem that bad and she said it herself she is kinda weak right now..........I still don't understand why a succubus is trying to help me tho hmm" {Kiryu follows Morrigan on foot}
  4. while walking down the river the man started thinking to himself -"hmmm this forest is unlike any I've ever seen its insane really although I haven't seen any animals that would be dangerous just birds and other small creatures" {he then takes out his cigarette packet and looks inside} -"what the? its empty did I really smoke that many in that short amount of time? no that cant be my smoking habits are not that bad" Just then a woman with what seemed to be bat wings was sitting on a branch on a nearby tree -hey over here were you looking for these? {she holds up a handful of Cigarettes} -okay just who.....or what are you? and HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THEM? {the woman lets out a delightful chuckle} -I snatched them from you when you were hoping over those rocks on the stream haha it was fairly easy and if you must know.....im a Succubus and my name is Morrigan Aensland -a Succubus? seriously? I find that hard to believe but fine since you told me your name I may as well tell you mine its Kiryu Kazuma -hmm Kiryu huh? well now that I have your attention do you know how to get out of this forest? -I wish I did I've been wandering his goddamn forest for what seems like hours.....NOW CAN I HAVE MY SMOKES BACK {Kiryu began to get very impatient and showed signs of anger while Morrigan chuckled} -oh alright but you do know its bad for your health right? -well its the only thing that can calm my nerves sometimes....anyway I should get going i'll see you later uh Morrigan {Kiryu gives a slight wave and heads deeper inside the forest instead of following the river} -"well he seems interesting I might have to follow him....maybe he'll lead me to other people" judging from what I'm sensing there are many people in this forest....I wonder if I should tell him...there is probably a reason why so many people have gathered here"
  5. meanwhile a portal opened up along the stream of a river a man in a grey suit was flung out. but he managed to land on his feet (barely) -Well that was......weird. what the hell was that? some kind of portal? no that wouldn't make sense that stuff only happens in anime and movies he then wonders about just what on earth happened -just a minute ago I was in the night district in Kamurocho and now I'm in a goddamn forest? this shit doesn't make any sense he then gets a packet of cigarettes and a lighter then proceeds to light one and begin to smoke it -well standing around here isn't going to help....may aswell look around and see whats inside this dense as hell forest guess i'll follow the river I'm bound to hit something at least He then starts to walk by the river hoping over rocks and being careful not to trip and fall in
  6. Wesker vs Wesker 3: fate of 2 Weskers......


    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      -10/10 Fight isn't seven minutes long.

    2. Gaulbetti


      *Fate of Two Umbrella Corps

  7. bruh Kratos is there lmao well I guess killing gods works up a mad thirst lmao
  8. okay so I changed my Legacy roster around ALOT lol put in new portraits, characters etc
  9. well i just watched all 3 movies in the Dollars trilogy.....my god those movies where so badass and they WHERE MADE IN THE 60S they still hold up great today

  10. bruh the Blazblue cross tag team looks lit.....im gonna main Qrow tho lol also I wonder if the sprites will come to Mugen most of RWBY's cast will finally be mugenised

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Infinite Kyo

      Infinite Kyo

      yes that would be awesome as fuck

    3. StrongestPotato


      oh and by the way, a little heads up for all future Roman mains: watch out for the birds

    4. StrongestPotato


      and for the Kira mains: beware the ambulance

  11. so I got bored and decided to edit the main menu screen of this weekly shonen jump screenpack wanted it to show more characters than just Vegeta


    1. Infinite Kyo

      Infinite Kyo

      this is what it looked like before


  12. PAINT ROLLA DA!! I.... don't even know lol
  13. not even lying was playing Tekken 7 and fighting Kazumi and then it came to me..she is basically a stand user her fucking Tiger appears on the screen attacks you and then disappears.....that's when I decided to main her

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Infinite Kyo

      Infinite Kyo

      i don't think it is really if you think about it the characters in JoJo only use their stands for a few seconds/minutes until they disappear the exception being Star Platinum and Za Warudo the Tiger appears out of nowhere and attacks then disappears anyway it was only a joke lol 

    3. Infinite Kyo

      Infinite Kyo

      i don't think it is really if you think about it the characters in JoJo only use their stands for a few seconds/minutes until they disappear the exception being Star Platinum and Za Warudo the Tiger appears out of nowhere and attacks then disappears anyway it was only a joke lol 

    4. Darkflare


      It's really reaching. Just like your bad joke.

  14. 34 notifications and 28 of them are from Ryoucchi holy crap lol its good to be back I missed this place hehe

  15. bruh I'm glad I stuck around for Nintendo's e3 conference we got a new Yoshi and Kirby game AND METROID PRIME 4.....also the trailers for Yakuza Kiwami and 6 were awesome haha

  16. I haven't seen Arcsystem do dlc in forever lol its just adding characters into later versions of the game like Baiken and Answer in GG REV 2 and I hope to god they don't do that here which they probably wont....I just want Hit, Black and maybe Zamasu too also as for the movie/special characters I'm calling Broly and Bardock lol don't know about the others but Janemba would be lit to play as
  17. I just don't see them putting GT characters in its more likely they will put Super characters in because its still going, popular and relevant atm even if they do put GT characters in its probably just gonna be ssj4 goku and vegeta maybe Gogeta
  18. GT is dead lol Super has a good chance since Golden frieza was in the trailer and all I just wanna play as Goku Black
  19. THE E3 TRAILER IS HERE AND HOLY SHIT it reminds me so much of Guilty Gear rev2 which isn't bad that game was fucking glorious
  20. lol I'm gonna do the "me and my 2 dads team" with Gohan, Goku and Piccolo it'll probably play like Guilty Gear rev 2 if that's the case.....chain combos for days
  21. Baiken is the best Guilty Gear waifu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xiristatos


      But not me. Ramlethal all the way.

    3. Infinite Kyo

      Infinite Kyo

      yeah Ramlethal is pretty cool dark skin chicks are always awesome.....but I like Baiken more tho

    4. Scrombo


      As much as I like Baiken, I say Jam is my favorite GG grill.

  22. Bang Shishigami's Astral Finisher in BBCF is fucking amazing!!

    1. Sinjik
    2. Darkflare
    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      It has been the same thing since Calamity Trigger.

  23. added Cody, Maki and Geese also going to edit and touch up existing ones will update them....eventually
  24. thanks dude! also added R Mika and Sakura and I'm gonna add more soon
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