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Infinite Kyo

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Everything posted by Infinite Kyo

  1. Kiryu getting startled by Kirimuri suddenly getting up spins around and looks at him -seems like you too two had fun...you're in pretty rough shape though.....want some water As Kiryu offers the drink to Kirimuri he stares at the nun on the ground still unconscious -so whats up with her you wanna tell me why she wanted to kill you? @DuckMannnn
  2. Meanwhile outside the Church Kiryu was dealing with a street thug who was being ignorant and wouldn't move from the front door of the church the Church,,,,, http://imgur.com/ceKJTu0-how Kiryu resolved the situation -That'll teach ya I said not to go near this place you fool! He then wonders what those giant white bright lights were coming from the Church and how they suddenly stopped -....id better check I wonder if Kirimuri won As Kiryu barges the old doors open he sees both Kirimuri and Emilia laying on the floor. Kiryu then runs over and looks at Kirimuri's wounds -(holy crap those are serious just what in the hell did she do to him) Kiryu then looked at the nun and thought about the obvious murderous intent that was pouring out of her when he first saw her he then ties her up with some rope he found lying around the church it was old but it should hold -(so what am I supposed to do here exactly? I cant really carry them both through the streets that would look weird as hell....guess the only thing to do is to wait to see if one of them wakes us or someone comes to find up either way I'm not too thrilled about watching over an injured man and a psychotic nun in an abandoned church....but oh well He then opens up a bottle of water he got from a vending machine outside takes a sip, sits cross legged and waits @DuckMannnn
  3. Kiryu stares at the women and then turns back to Kirimuri -yeah sure fighting Yakuza is one thing but a murderous psycho nun is a bit out of my comfort zone....just don't get killed man as Kiryu goes to leave he then says -just try not to kill her alright he opens the door and goes out on to the street keeping an eye out for pedestrians wandering too close he then lights a cigarette and waits @DuckMannnn
  4. Kiryu contemplates what to do...but then it dawns on him he would probably be out of place in an audience with Royalty. he then turns to Kirimuri who seems to be ready to head out -you going somewhere Kirimuri? mind if I tag along? there are a little too many people going to the slums as it is -......also have you seen Morrigan? I cant find her she just disappeared on me haha @DuckMannnn
  5. Kiryu stood at the back of the room listening to the group talk. he seemed very intrigued by the info that Nemesis spoke of -(hmm I knew this place was different but I never imagined I would be on another planet that just makes my head spin thinking about it) He then started thinking about how the portals bought everyone here -(now I can understand everyone else to an extent.....but why me? I don't even think I know why I'm here and besides.....those slums do intrigue me to an extent....I wonder if its anything like Kamurocho)
  6. Kiryu stood with his back against the wall and started thinking -well this place sure does seem nice.....there a lot of people I don't know He then looks around for Morrigan but she doesn't seem to be here. he then takes out his packet of cigarettes -well she aint here kinda weird but eh....also wheres Kirimuri? I thought he would have came with everyone else......and am I even aloud to smoke in here?....id better not He puts the packet of smokes back in his pocket then proceeds to find somewhere to get something to eat
  7. As Kiryu walks through the city in awe of how huge it is he then makes his way towards the sounds of a fight happening -(damn this place is huge I'm not used to places like this Kamurocho sure as hell didn't have anything like thi- Kiryu's train of thought was cut off when he saw the fight occurring between Lightflare and Ren -(woah this is getting a bit too intense.....id better stay back)
  8. MEANWHILE: As Kiryu gets a soda out of a vending machine he thinks for a second -(was it really right to take money from those guys I beat up? well they did try and roll me its not like I had any money on me in the first place and it doesn't look like they needed it hah) Kiryu headed towards the warriors hangout having asked people for directions before hand he hopes he just finds it -(hmm apparently I have to register to get into this place it must be an awesome place.....although I cant help but wonder where Morrigan went she could of at least told me where she was going oh well its not like she cant handle herself she is a demon afterall) Kiryu continues walking while drinking his soda then notices a unique looking building In the distance -that must be it Kiryu walks up to the building and throws his empty soda can in a trash bin outside the front door then he proceeds to walk through the door
  9. The men glared at Kiryu one pulled out a knife and the other cracked his knuckles Kiryu judging their body language lets out a sigh -well this isn't gonna end well....for them Yakuza #1-hehe give us all your damn money asshole Yakuza #2-you don't look that tough huh just give us it and we'll let you leave with all your teeth - heh so it is a shakedown and its two on one huh? COME ON THEN!! the first man lunges at Kiryu with a knife with his left but throws a punch with his right Kiryu grabs his left arm and then grabs the kife out of his hand he then proceeds to stab him in the ribs and use his knee to drive the knife into his stomach http://imgur.com/aWUbKnN-gif of what happens Yakuza-#1-ARGH SON OF A BITCH! Yakuza #2-you bastard the 2nd Yakuza rushes Kiryu getting ready to throw a punch but Kiryu then grabs him and smothers his face in the Urinal and then SMASHES HIS FACE INTO THE URINAL http://imgur.com/JVIrO2V-what happened -heh that'll teach ya you wont die from those wounds....at least i dont think Kiryu then walks out of the public bathroom but then Morrigan was nowhere to be seen -jeez where did that woman go now? dammit Morrigan...well guess id better head to that place....the warriors hangout or something maybe she went ahead of me Kiryu then walks off in search of the supposed meeting place everyone was
  10. As Morrigan and Kiryu continue walking they are suddenly are stopped by a group of about 10 young people who then asked if they could get some pictures taken with Morrigan it seemed they had mistaken her for a cosplayer and seem really insistent on It -they seem to think you are a cosplayer haha -my word.....well I shouldn't disappoint them then (its not like I can tell them I am a real succubus that would just cause a commotion) Kiryu then spots a public bathroom -well you do that i'll be back in a second -alright then I'll still be here when you get back Morrigan starts posing for the group and nudges in the middle for some group photos -sheesh she seems waay to into that A couple of minutes later after Kiryu goes to wash his hands two men dressed in cheap suits one in black and one in grey and with very pissed off looks on their faces walk into the public bathroom Kiryu glances at them through the mirror -(hmm they seem like Yakuza.....but could they be? why would they be here......it seems like a shakedown they might be aiming for me geez figures knowing my luck lets see if I can get out of this without knocking their teeth out
  11. on a bench next to a 24 hour convenience store Kiryu sits and smokes one of his cigarettes and Morrigan walks up to him after wandering around -my you are still here aren't you curious as to what this city holds? -well I'm not really that interested....we could go to that "warriors hangout" place although this city is like a maze I don't really wanna get lost -but getting lost Is half the fun you really need to stop being so stiff get into a fight or something -eh that wouldn't be a good idea.....also are you feeling better or something? -YES actually thanks for asking as soon as I entered the city my head wasn't spinning haha weird huh -that is weird......I guess we aren't gonna get anything done sitting here lets move Kiryu got up from the bench and him and Morrigan started walking down the street as they did the passed some street thugs making a loud commotion -(heh I didn't know the gutter trash were in this part of town I better not get involved) {they continued on as they were passing them and unknowingly walking toward the slums}
  12. As Morrigan and Kiryu enter Candor city Kiryu cant help but feel overwhelmed -this city is freaking huge it makes Kamurocho look tiny in comparison -so what was this kamurocho place like? it sounds interesting {Kiryu folds his arms and tries to explain} - -well interesting is one way to put it Yakuza families are fighting for power and there are thugs and criminals everywhere.....but they do have nice food and it may be corrupt as hell but its where the Dojima family is located so I don't have much of a choice -haha that sounds fun maybe I should visit one day and you could show me around also you said you were part of a family too? so your a yakuza hmm interesting do you have any proof though? {Kiryu starts to take off his jacket and suit} -is this enough proof? -my that is solid proof I love the design by the way {Kiryu puts his shirt and jacked back on} -lets have a look around town although I don't have any money its still a huge city there could be something interesting going on although lets take the mecha maids advice and not stray too much all right {they continue to walk through the street they were currently on observing the shops and buildings}
  13. As the batte rages on Morrigan watches from the side but something seems to be bothering her -why do I feel all dizzy all of a sudden? damn it am I really in that much of a weakened state? as she says that though Kiryu comes back to see if she was alright -whats wrong? you don't look so good - just feel a little dizzy is a all nothing to be concerned about how is everyone doing? -well the majority of the enemies are gonna but I think there are still some left but by the rate everyone's going it should be over soon -I see I'm going to go sit down my head is spinning too fast for me to concentrate -hmm I hope she's okay she didn't look so good
  14. Kiryu sees the creature hugging tommy trying to set him ablaze -shit that's bad I gotta do something Kiryu jumps over the flames as if they were hurdles and sprints over to Tommy he then lines the creatures head up and furiously kicks It in the side of its head making it fly off tommy and roll across the ground. he then takes his shoe off and starts slamming it on the ground to put out the flames -well this is worrying I better get out of here before I get toasted
  15. Kiryu and Morrigan watch the chaotic fight from the side -well this is pure chaos there is fire everywhere and we are getting attacked by little green creatures? good grief -don't you think we should help out somehow you seem to be able to handle yourself in a fight kiryu -well I can fight quite well but regardless of that we cant just jump in any reckless actions could have dire consequences and besides unlike you I'm a human I burn easily and I know better than to just jump into a LITERAL burning ring of fire
  16. -I think we should get moving to Candor first instead of worrying about back massages -I have to agree I'm getting rather sick of this forest to be honest
  17. {Morrigan started to float in the air and looked down at Tommy and Kirimuri} -oh my that must be terrible you sure are have a unique personality and personally I find it intriguing -well he certainly is unique although I have met similar people.....although they weren't aliens
  18. @Darkflare @NijikakuFan61 {Morrigan stares at Tommy with a curious grin} -oh my it seems you have it seems there was another one.....and he is kinda cute -well......that was certainly unexpected and this really isn't the time for that Morrigan -what I was only saying that he was cute -so I take it he's one of your friends? {Kiryu asks Hisui with a curious look on his face}
  19. {Kiryu looks at the mecha maid with a confused face} -huh where the hell did you come from.....and what do you mean by offer assistance? {Morrigan laughs under her breath at Kiryu in shock} -my word that was quite an entrance I suppose she wants to help us out she doesn't seem hostile {Kiryu tries to grasp the situation. although he was still quite cautious of the mecha maid} -well we kinda need help right now if she can get us out of this forest then I'm more than glad to accept her assistance if it gets me the hell outta this place
  20. @DuckMannnn -well I guess that is true there is no such thing as too prepared I suppose -that was a....intriguing story to say the least haha
  21. @DuckMannnn {Morrigan takes three big sips out of the canteen.} -ah that hit the spot I feel so refreshed!! {Kiryu looks at all the things Kirimuri scattered across the grass floor} -you sure seem well equipped wherever you were before must have been rough to have all of these things on you at once
  22. {Kiryu picks up the sandwhich and takes a bite then a surprised look grew on his face as he took another bite} -this aint bad actually I haven't eaten anything at all since i got here {Morrigan decides to pass on the offer though} -I think i'll be alright I'm not particually hungry at the moment although do you have anything to drink? I'm thirsty after Kiryu made me fly up onto the tree tops {as Kiryu swallows the sandwich he looks at her with a angry look} -you make it sound as though I made you do it but all I did was ask........anyway we should get moving soon {Kiryu takes out another cigarette lights it and sits cross legged and blows smoke up into the air as he thinks to himself} -[I wonder who the asshole was that teleported me here anyway this day just keeps getting stranger I mean I befriended a goddamn succubus for crying out loud] @DuckMannnn
  23. when you spend all damn day in photoshop editing images for your Mugen portraits......bruh I feel dead lol

  24. -hmm it sounds like a solid idea this forest must have plenty of trees that are tall enough to reach over all the others...... {Kiryu stares at Morrigan} -you are gonna make me do it aren't you? {Kiryu folds his arms and tries to convince her} -you are the only one who can fly just fly high enough to get a clear view over the trees and see if you can see some sort of village or something {Morrigan lets out a rather depressing sigh} -well I guess I could do it but if I get exhausted and fall mid ascent you have to promise me you will catch me Mr Kiryu -yeah I will and could you stop calling me Mr Kiryu? that just sounds weird to me and I know you are doing it to mess with me so please don't {Morrigan lets out a slight chuckle} -oh alright just Kiryu then I thought you would have liked being called mr but well whatever anyway here I go {Morrigan starts flying up towards the sky at a steady pace once she hits the top of the trees she goes towards a tree that was larger than the others and sat on a branch} -now lets see what is out there......oh what is that? {she sees what seems to be a city although she isn't close enough to see it clearly but it looked like one nonetheless she jumps off the branch and flies back down landing next to Kiryu and Kirimuri} -well I saw what seems to be a city to the......whats that direction where its not really north or east again? anyway I couldn't really see anything other than a couple of buildings from this distance -.....you mean Northeast? -yeah that's it haha I forget things like that {Kiryu looks at her confusingly} -good grief....well at least we know there is at least something out here in this maze of a goddamn forest.....lets get moving hopefully we'll find something there we should get moving @DuckMannnn
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