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Everything posted by RicePigeon

  1. Someone brought up the phone verification thing in another discord a few days ago, so I'll sum up what I said then. Dizzy's claim that their discord server is lively is, frankly, bullshit. Unless the MA staff is actively deleting 90%+ messages on a daily basis, the activity that I've witnessed there is very minimal, if not 0, with only a few messages every other day or so. While I can't speak about implementing phone verification on their forums & site as a whole since this is news to me, I can speak from experience that phone verification, at least on Discord, does almost nothing to stop spam attacks. In the aftermath of the DDoS we received in early April, we elevated the security to require phone verification and, while this stopped spam accounts from posting messages in our discord, it did nothing to stop them from saying what they wanted to say by making their user name the message, many of which were targeting the same individual. In the meantime, several legitimate accounts were negatively affected by this and unable to access our discord server either because they were unable or unwilling to disclose a cell phone number for verification purposes, some going far as citing privacy concerns (and rightfully so); this led to us creating a workaround by granting known users a dummy "approved" role so they wouldn't be affected by this change, which we eventually rescinded because of the undue burden it was putting on legitimate users while doing nothing to stop the influx of spam accounts, and I have no doubt in my mind that something similar could happen to MA if they do decide to go through with this. Of course, if Dizzy is adamant on implementing this feature, he is either unable or (most likely) unwilling to take these negative repercussions into account. EDIT; Seeing as this thread seems to be going in the direction of a general MA discussion thread, I'll be allowing the posting of MA links here for the purposes of providing context.
  2. Nomination Totals: Mai Kawasumi by Nep Heart - 2 Suwako Moriya by RicePigeon - 2 Ed by WlanmaniaX - 2 Deadpool by Mr. Giang - 1 Due to the lack of Candidates, nominations have been extended by 1 week and will now close on Tuesday, 07/23/19.
  3. Mai Kawasumi by Nep Heart - 2 Suwako Moriya by RicePigeon - 2 Deadpool by Mr. Giang - 1 Other Nomination Totals: Ed by WlanmaniaX - 1
  4. Candidates Kirby by OHMSBY King Dedede by 70 Sanae Kochiya IZ by RicePigeon Jotaro Kujo by Infinite Due to the number of candidates, there will be no Silver Winner for the month of May. Voting ends July 12th.
  5. Welcome to the June edition of CotM, this time around, we're changing up the rules a bit. The rules are more or less the same, with the following change: You will now be able to nominate characters that you have created yourself, but only if someone else has already nominated that character. Nominations & Voting Rules You may nominate up to 4 characters per month. You may only nominate a character that was released and/or updated during the given month. You can nominate a character that you created yourself, but only if someone else has already nominated that character. You cannot nominate characters that have previously won Gold or Silver in any previous Character of the Month. Be specific as to which character you are nominating; include both the name and the author name and, if applicable, the release thread of the character. To make things easier, we suggest that you append the number of nominations that the character has, including your own, when you make your nominations. Characters that have been nominated by at least 3 different people will become candidates for voting. Candidates for voting cannot be nominated any more (as there is no real purpose to this) Voting begins 15 days after the nomination period began, or once 20 characters have been nominated as candidates. The Nomination period will end on the 16th of every month, while the Voting period will end on the 1st of the following month, with a 1 week extension given in the event of a tie. The winner will be announced at the end of this period. At the end of each month, the top 2 voted characters will be declared the Gold and Silver winners, respectively. In the event of a tie, voting will be extended by 1 week. If the tie is not broken by then, there will be no Silver winners for that month. During this time, you will be permitted to vote for one character for CotM. So please choose wisely You may choose to do a Counter-Nomination. Counter-Nominations can only be done on characters that have obtained at least 3 nominations for CotM. When doing a Counter-Nomination, you MUST list the reason(s) why you believe that the character should not be in the list of candidates. Note that if we, the staff of MFFA, feel that your reason for candidacy rejection is not adequate enough, we have the right to reject your Counter-Nomination. At least three (3) valid Counter-Nominations are required for a character to be removed from the list of candidates. You can only make one Counter-Nomination per month, which does not count towards your 4 nomination limit. No collusion of any kind. If we find out that anyone has conspired with other users to nominate characters for the sole purpose of preventing another character from being nominated as a candidate by flooding the list of candidates until it reaches maximum capacity, those nominations will be null and void and all parties involved will be banned from participating in future CotM. June 2019 Nominations will end on July 16th, 2019. Blacklisted characters: Any character that has already won CotM, a complete list of which can be found here Candidates TBA Nominations TBA
  6. 07/02/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Eirin Yagokoro updated GR Eirin has been updated with several changes. Slight reorganization of file structure. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Minor revision to turning animations. [System] Added missing anim 5150. [System] Updated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (8f->4f). [System] Dash behavior updated to current standards. [System] Repositioned dash effects. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Updated how the Spellcard ring effect is handled. [System] Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when cancelled into. 5z/8z: Corrected bug where charged versions would still only fire 1 arrow. 5z/8z: Damage per arrow now scales inversely to amount of arrows fired. Throw: Now applies standard 90% prorate. Guard Cancel Counter: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. Burst Shot [Air]: No longer preserves trajectory, now recoils Eirin backward. Elixir [All]: Recovery frames are now flagged properly. Elixir -Sulfuric Acid-: Fixed an oversight where the debuff wasn't being applied to opponents hit by the acid splash.
  7. Assuming that your accusations are true, what exactly do you expect us to do about it? From what I gather, this is something that happened off-site, and no reasonable person is going to expect us to ban kater from MFFA purely because of actions that he may or may not have done over on MA, which is way outside of our jurisdiction. Aside from that, you've still failed to provide anything of substance to back up your claims, despite various people, including myself, instructing you to do so multiple times. If you're not going to provide anything of substance, then all it will do in the long run is make you look like you're just rambling on and on and using it to incite drama against other users; which is exactly what you've been doing so far as we have had to give you several warnings as well as an infraction for harassing other users and making threats of violence, respectively. Consider this your last warning. Either provide something of substance or just drop it entirely, or else we will take further action if this continues.
  8. 06/28/19: (Incident Zero) Tenshi updated IZ Tenshi has also been updated with a major bugfix. Beams of Non-Perception: Fixed bug where aerial version dealt no damage.
  9. 06/28/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Mokou updated GR Mokou has been updated with several changes. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Updated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (6f->4f). [System] Corrected forward dash startup time (8f->5f). [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Corrected back hop/air dash landing times (10f->8f). [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. [System] Corrected error where certain Normals would not carry momentum from a dash. 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when cancelled into. j.2z: Fixed angledraw bug that would occur when Mokou lands. Throw: Now applies 90% standard proration. Guard Cancel Counter: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. Self-Harming Fire Talons [3rd hit, all versions]: Mokou now leaves the ground slightly later, y-velocities lowered to compensate. Blazing Bamboo Tube: Recovery frames are now flagged properly.
  10. Regardless of what was or wasn't stolen, this seems like a personal issue between Quiet and Kater that happened offsite, and we really don't have much control over this even if it were true. Policing things that happen outside of MFFA, unless it directly impacts MFFA itself, is neither our jurisdiction nor responsibility. That being said, that is still no excuse to bring up the drama here and/or harass each other through this site, or else we will take action.
  11. 06/27/19: (Incident Zero) Yukari updated IZ Yukari has been updated with a bugfix introduced with the last update. Illusion Manji Parasol: Corrected bug that prevented projectile followup from occurring.
  12. Actually, it isn't. We have no control over off-site activity and unless the website offers some kind of actual threat against MFFA or its users, then that's not reason enough to act. People's main issue with MA is one member of the staff and their questionable administrative actions, not the actual site or its user base.
  13. 06/23/19: (Incident Zero) Aya, Iku, Tenshi, Youmu, Meiling, & Reisen updated IZ Aya, IZ Iku, IZ Tenshi, IZ Youmu, IZ Meiling, and IZ Reisen have been updated with a few system changes. [System] Characters in the Type-C alignment can now cancel Spellcards into other Spellcards, at an additional proration. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Added compatibility with Suwako_THIZ's Blighted Earth effects. [System] Corrected Wallbounce & Groundbounce behaviors. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Spell Trance: Now consumes 100% Spirit, Power requirement reduced (2000->1000). Spell Trance: Last Words no longer require Spirit while Spell Trance is active. Spell Overdrive: Now gives a 50% velocity increase to walk & dashing. Spell Overdrive: Now allows Specials to be cancelled into another Special once per chain. [System] Characters in the Type-C alignment can now cancel Spellcards into other Spellcards, at an additional proration. [System] Fixed inability to use Dash Cancels out of certain attacks in Type-C. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Added compatibility with Suwako_THIZ's Blighted Earth effects. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Corrected Wallbounce & Groundbounce behaviors. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Spell Trance: Now consumes 100% Spirit, Power requirement reduced (2000->1000). Spell Trance: Last Words no longer require Spirit while Spell Trance is active. Spell Overdrive: Now gives a 50% velocity increase to walk & dashing. Spell Overdrive: Now allows Specials to be cancelled into another Special once per chain. "Divine Punishment of the Dragon God": Damage increased (451->504). [System] Characters in the Type-C alignment can now cancel Spellcards into other Spellcards, at an additional proration. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Added compatibility with Suwako_THIZ's Blighted Earth effects. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Corrected Wallbounce & Groundbounce behaviors. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Spell Trance: Now consumes 100% Spirit, Power requirement reduced (2000->1000). Spell Trance: Last Words no longer require Spirit while Spell Trance is active. Spell Overdrive: Now gives a 50% velocity increase to walk & dashing. Spell Overdrive: Now allows Specials to be cancelled into another Special once per chain. [System] Characters in the Type-C alignment can now cancel Spellcards into other Spellcards, at an additional proration. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Added compatibility with Suwako_THIZ's Blighted Earth effects. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Corrected Wallbounce & Groundbounce behaviors. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Spell Trance: Now consumes 100% Spirit, Power requirement reduced (2000->1000). Spell Trance: Last Words no longer require Spirit while Spell Trance is active. Spell Overdrive: Now gives a 50% velocity increase to walk & dashing. Spell Overdrive: Now allows Specials to be cancelled into another Special once per chain. [System] Characters in the Type-C alignment can now cancel Spellcards into other Spellcards, at an additional proration. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Added compatibility with Suwako_THIZ's Blighted Earth effects. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Corrected Wallbounce & Groundbounce behaviors. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Spell Trance: Now consumes 100% Spirit, Power requirement reduced (2000->1000). Spell Trance: Last Words no longer require Spirit while Spell Trance is active. Spell Overdrive: Now gives a 50% velocity increase to walk & dashing. Spell Overdrive: Now allows Specials to be cancelled into another Special once per chain. [System] Characters in the Type-C alignment can now cancel Spellcards into other Spellcards, at an additional proration. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Added compatibility with Suwako_THIZ's Blighted Earth effects. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Corrected Wallbounce & Groundbounce behaviors. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Spell Trance: Now consumes 100% Spirit, Power requirement reduced (2000->1000). Spell Trance: Last Words no longer require Spirit while Spell Trance is active. Spell Overdrive: Now gives a 50% velocity increase to walk & dashing. Spell Overdrive: Now allows Specials to be cancelled into another Special once per chain.
  14. 06/22/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Marisa updated GR Marisa has been updated with a few changes. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Updated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected forward dash startup time (4f->5f). [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Decreased forward air dash startup time (9f->6f). [System] Corrected back hop/air dash landing times (10f->8f). [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. [System] Corrected error where certain Normals would not carry momentum from a dash. [System] A.I. improved. 5y: Now moves Marisa forwards slightly. 6y: No longer loses overhead property when cancelled into. Throw: Now applies standard 90% prorate. Guard Cancel: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. "Master Spark": Fixed scaling bug on the laser effect.
  15. 06/21/19: (Incident Zero) Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, & Yuuka updated IZ Reimu, IZ Marisa, IZ Sakuya, & IZ Yuuka have been updated with a few system changes introduced with the latest release of Suwako. [System] Characters in the Type-C alignment can now cancel Spellcards into other Spellcards, at an additional proration. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Added compatibility with Suwako_THIZ's Blighted Earth effects. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Corrected Wallbounce & Groundbounce behaviors. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Spell Trance: Now consumes 100% Spirit, Power requirement reduced (2000->1000). Spell Trance: Last Words no longer require Spirit while Spell Trance is active. Spell Overdrive: Now gives a 50% velocity increase to walk & dashing. Spell Overdrive: Now allows Specials to be cancelled into another Special once per chain. 3z: Adjusted hitstun. [System] Characters in the Type-C alignment can now cancel Spellcards into other Spellcards, at an additional proration. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Added compatibility with Suwako_THIZ's Blighted Earth effects. [System] Corrected Wallbounce & Groundbounce behaviors. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Spell Trance: Now consumes 100% Spirit, Power requirement reduced (2000->1000). Spell Trance: Last Words no longer require Spirit while Spell Trance is active. Spell Overdrive: Now gives a 50% velocity increase to walk & dashing. Spell Overdrive: Now allows Specials to be cancelled into another Special once per chain. [System] Characters in the Type-C alignment can now cancel Spellcards into other Spellcards, at an additional proration. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Added compatibility with Suwako_THIZ's Blighted Earth effects. [System] Corrected Wallbounce & Groundbounce behaviors. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Spell Trance: Now consumes 100% Spirit, Power requirement reduced (2000->1000). Spell Trance: Last Words no longer require Spirit while Spell Trance is active. Spell Overdrive: Now gives a 50% velocity increase to walk & dashing. Spell Overdrive: Now allows Specials to be cancelled into another Special once per chain. Vanishing Everything: Now has different behavior depending on chosen alignment. [System] Characters in the Type-C alignment can now cancel Spellcards into other Spellcards, at an additional proration. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Added compatibility with Suwako_THIZ's Blighted Earth effects. [System] Corrected Wallbounce & Groundbounce behaviors. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Spell Trance: Now consumes 100% Spirit, Power requirement reduced (2000->1000). Spell Trance: Last Words no longer require Spirit while Spell Trance is active. Spell Overdrive: Now gives a 50% velocity increase to walk & dashing. Spell Overdrive: Now allows Specials to be cancelled into another Special once per chain.
  16. 06/20/19: (Incident Zero) Suwako released, Yukari & Sanae updated The 13th Incident Zero character, the native goddess Suwako Moriya, has been released. In addition, IZ Yukari and IZ Sanae have also been updated with a few changes. Link: http://ricepigeon.neocities.org General Changes: First release. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Corrected Wallbounce & Groundbounce behaviors. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. [System] Added compatibility with Suwako_THIZ's Blighted Earth effects. [System] Characters in the Type-C alignment can now cancel Spellcards into other Spellcards, at an additional proration. Spell Trance: Now consumes 100% Spirit, Power requirement reduced (2000->1000). Spell Trance: Last Words no longer require Spirit while Spell Trance is active. Spell Overdrive: Now gives a 50% velocity increase to walk & dashing. Spell Overdrive: Now allows Specials to be cancelled into another Special once per chain. Boundary "Overflowing Flotsam": Corrected bug that required move to have 2000 Power. [System] Characters in the Type-C alignment can now cancel Spellcards into other Spellcards, at an additional proration. [System] Added compatibility with Suwako_THIZ's Blighted Earth effects. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of forward dash. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Adjustments to Groundbounce & Wallbounce behaviors. [System] Corrected bug that prevented the use of Wind Stock after the 1st round. Spell Trance: Now consumes 100% Spirit, Power requirement reduced (2000->1000). Spell Trance: Last Words no longer require Spirit while Spell Trance is active. Spell Overdrive: Now gives a 50% velocity increase to walk & dashing. Spell Overdrive: Now allows Specials to be cancelled into another Special once per chain. j2y: Now hits overhead. Can no longer chain into itself on block.
  17. 06/19/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Koishi updated GR Koishi has been updated with a few changes. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Updated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings of the forward dash. [System] Backward dash: Can now be cancelled into ground Normals. [System] Backward dash/Air Backward Dash: Startup reduced (8f->6f). [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. 2x: Now carries momentum from dashes. 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when cancelled into. 4z: Recovery frames are now flagged properly. Throw: Now applies 90% standard proration. Guard Cancel Counter: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. Fidgety Snatcher: Recovery frames are now flagged properly. Growing Pain: Recovery frames are now flagged properly. Growing Pain: Now disappears if Koishi is hit. Unanswered Love: No longer erroneously hits overhead. Catch & Rose: Recovery frames are now flagged properly. "Ancestors are Watching You": Recovery frames are now flagged properly.
  18. Candidates Kirby by OHMSBY King Dedede by 70 Sanae Kochiya IZ by RicePigeon Nominations Eddy Gordo by Lessard - 1 Jotaro Kujo by Infinite - 2 Nayuki Minase by Nep Heart - 2 Aya Shameimaru IZ by RicePigeon - 1 Blossoming Nymphaea by MoloMowChow - 1 Diddy Kong by Varia31 - 1 Nominations have been extended by 1 week due to lack of nominations.
  19. Candidates Kirby by OHMSBY - 2 Nominations Sanae Kochiya IZ by RicePigeon - 2 King Dedede by 70 - 1 Eddy Gordo by Lessard - 1 Jotaro Kujo by Infinite - 1 Nayuki Minase by Nep Heart - 1 Aya Shameimaru IZ by RicePigeon - 1 2 days remaining
  20. Tiebreaker vote has ended in a tie itself. With that, there will be no Silver Winners for April 2019.
  21. 06/10/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Yuuka updated GR Yuuka has been updated with a few changes. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Updated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected regular jump start time (6f->5f). [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (4f->5f). [System] Corrected jump cancel timing of forward dash. [System] Corrected Forward dash skid animation time (10f->8f). [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. [System] Fixed issue where certain attacks could not carry momentum from a dash. j.2z: Recovery frames are now flagged at the correct time. Throw/Air Throw: Now apply standard 90% Proration. Fantastic Spring Flowers: Recovery frames are now flagged properly.
  22. 06/05/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Patchouli updated GR Patchouli has been updated with a few changes. Revamped the character's file structure. Realigned certain gethit sprites. [System] Updated common states to the latest Gensokyo Reloaded character standards. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in most states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Updated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected regular jump start time (5f->4f). [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (5f->4f). [System] Forward dash minimum and maximum durations now match those of the latest Gensokyo Reloaded character standards. [System] Corrected forward dash startup time (2f->4f). [System] Corrected time in which the forward dash can be jump cancelled. [System] Corrected Forward dash skid animation time (9f->8f). [System] Corrected back hop/air dash landing times (10f->8f). [System] Repositioned dash effects. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Replaced cornerpush system. [System] Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. [System] Rudimetary A.I. implemented. All Normals and Command Normals: Hurtboxes adjusted slightly. 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when chained into. 5z: Can no longer cancel into 6y. j.5x: Hitbox repositoned, size increased. j.5x: Startup decreased (7f->5f). Throw: Corrected inability to conserve forward dash momentum into the attack. Throw: Now applies 90% normal proration. Guard Cancel: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. Summer Red: Hurtboxes adjusted slightly. Summer Red [Air]: Adjusted effects to reflect projectile trajectory. Sylphae Horn: Corrected visual bug when projectiles fire. Sylphae Horn: Now fires 2 additional projectiles during Philosopher's Stone. Winter Element: Geyser now disappears if Patchouli is hit before it becomes active. Winter Element: Spellcard cancel timing adjusted. Autumn Blade: Hurtboxes adjusted slightly. "St Elmo's Pillar": Hurtboxes adjusted slightly. "St Elmo's Pillar": Recovery frames are now flagged properly. "Royal Flare": Hurtboxes adjusted slightly.
  23. Ancient Geyser, another one of Suwako's Specials that can be used from the underground state. While she can't use it in the air unlike in source, she can now hit OTG with it.
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