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Everything posted by RicePigeon

  1. Nominations & Voting Rules You may nominate up to 4 characters per month. You may only nominate a character that was released and/or updated during the given month. You cannot nominate a character that you created yourself. You are, however, allowed to vote for them should they pass the nomination stage. You cannot nominate characters that have previously won Gold or Silver in any previous Character of the Month. Be specific as to which character you are nominating; include both the name and the author name and, if applicable, the release thread of the character. To make things easier, we suggest that you append the number of nominations that the character has, including your own, when you make your nominations. Characters that have been nominated by at least 3 different people will become candidates for voting. Candidates for voting cannot be nominated any more (as there is no real purpose to this) Voting begins 15 days after the nomination period began, or once 20 characters have been nominated as candidates. The Nomination period will end on the 16th of every month, while the Voting period will end on the 1st of the following month, with a 1 week extension given in the event of a tie. The winner will be announced at the end of this period. At the end of each month, the top 2 voted characters will be declared the Gold and Silver winners, respectively. In the event of a tie, voting will be extended by 1 week. If the tie is not broken by then, there will be no Silver winners for that month. During this time, you will be permitted to vote for one character for CotM. So please choose wisely You may choose to do a Counter-Nomination. Counter-Nominations can only be done on characters that have obtained at least 3 nominations for CotM. When doing a Counter-Nomination, you MUST list the reason(s) why you believe that the character should not be in the list of candidates. Note that if we, the staff of MFFA, feel that your reason for candidacy rejection is not adequate enough, we have the right to reject your Counter-Nomination. At least three (3) valid Counter-Nominations are required for a character to be removed from the list of candidates. You can only make one Counter-Nomination per month, which does not count towards your 4 nomination limit. No collusion of any kind. If we find out that anyone has conspired with other users to nominate characters for the sole purpose of preventing another character from being nominated as a candidate by flooding the list of candidates until it reaches maximum capacity, those nominations will be null and void and all parties involved will be banned from participating in future CotM. May 2019 Nominations will end on June 16th, 2019. Blacklisted characters: Any character that has already won CotM, a complete list of which can be found here Candidates TBA Nominations TBA
  2. Ice by Basara-Kun Thanos by The_None & Mr. Giang Gold Winners for the month of April. are Ice by Basara-kun and Thanos by Mr. Giang. Since the voting has resulted in a tie, a tiebreaker vote will be open for the next week. Tiebreaker voting ends on Tuesday, June 11th.
  3. Winners are Ice by Basara-kun and Thanos by Mr. Giang. Since the #1 slot has resulted in a tie, a tiebreaker vote will be open for the next week.
  4. To those who have never played Suwako in Hisoutensoku, she has certain attacks and movements that place her in an underground state, from which she's able to use certain Specials. The system she uses in that game is rather jank, as she can't use certain grounded Specials like you would think she could, and is only able to use them while airborne, in her lilypad (crouching), or underground states, but not standing. There was also no way to manually go underground except as part of certain moves or her forward dash. Here, her underground mechanic has been revamped as her Unique Skill, which given its nameless nature, I've decided to dub... Toad in the Hole... Naughty smirks and giggles aside, this can be manually activated at any time, during which she's freely able to move. Like in the source game, she can also use certain grounded Specials while in this state, just as she can in her normal grounded state. I must note that she possesses no invulnerability in this state, and is unable to block, but her hitbox is so small that she'll be able to pass under most attacks that aren't sweeps, grabs, or grounded projectiles. She's also time limited, and will automatically pop up after a certain amount of time.
  5. 06/01/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Kanako & Remilia updated GR Kanako & GR Remilia have been updated with a few changes. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Updated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected regular jump start time (4f->5f). [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (6f->5f). [System] Corrected forward dash startup time (6f->4f). [System] Corrected jump cancel timings for grounded forward dash. [System] Corrected Forward dash skid animation time (10f->8f). [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. [System] Minor corrections to hurtboxes. 2x: Now carries horizontal momentum from a dash. 6z/j.6z: Recovery frames are now flagged properly. 3z: No longer loses overhead properties when cancelled into. Throw: Now applies standard 90% proration. Guard Cancel: Now longer gains counterhit bonuses. Sky God: Wind Summon: Recovery frames are now flagged at the proper times. Sky God: Onbashira: Recovery frames are now flagged at the proper times. God Sign "Beautiful Spring-like Suiga": Recovery frames are now flagged at the proper times. [System] Adjustments to common state animations and hurtboxes. [System] Updated outdated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated outdated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (5f->4f). [System] Corrected back hop/air dash landing times (11f->8f). [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Fixed numerous debug errors that would occur if P2 was somehow missing. Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the Dash/Guard Cancel Counter/Spellcard effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Ground Backward Dash: Cancel window reverted. 2y: Can now be blocked high. 6z: No longer loses overhead properties when chained into. j.5z: Groundbounce counterhit proration multiplier decreased (85%->90%). Throw: Now applies 90% normal proration. Guard Cancel: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. Chain Gang [X & Y]: Now disappears if Remilia is hit.
  6. 05/30/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Reimu updated GR Reimu has been updated with a few changes. Revamped the character's file structure. [System] Updated common states to the latest Gensokyo Reloaded character standards. [System] Minor adjustments to Reimu's regular hurtbox in most states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (6f->4f). [System] Forward dash minimum and maximum durations now match those of the latest Gensokyo Reloaded character standards. [System] Forward air dash velocity multiplier decreased (x0.75->x0.9). [System] Backward air dash velocity multiplier decreased (x0.75->x0.85). [System] Repositioned dash effects. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the Dash/Guard Cancel Counter/Spellcard effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. [System] Rudimetary state tree based A.I. implemented. 5x: Revised hurtbox placements. 5y: Revised hurtbox placements. 5z: Revised hurtbox placements. 6x: Fixed a bug introduced in a previous update where the move wasn't causing wallbounce on counterhit. 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when chained into. 3z: Fixed issue where opponent could recover prematurely. j.5x: Revised hurtbox placements. j.5y: Second and third hits no longer have block restrictions. j.5z: Revised hurtbox placements. Throw: Corrected inability to conserve forward dash momentum into the attack. Guard Cancel Counter: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. Ascension Kick: Can no longer carry momentum over from a forward dash. Dimensional Rift: Can no longer carry momentum over from a forward dash. Rain Dance: Aerial versions now have separate animations that use the regular aerial hurtbox. Rain Dance: Can no longer carry momentum over from a forward dash. "Fantasy Seal": Aerial version now has a separate animation that uses the regular aerial hurtbox. "Fantasy Seal": Fixed debug flood that would occur if P2 was somehow missing.
  7. 05/26/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Mamizou updated GR Mamizou has been updated with a few changes. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Updated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Forward dash startup increased by 2f. [System] Corrected jump cancel timings on forward dash. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Corrected certain debug errors if p2 is not present. [System] Added missing hit ground from fall sounds. [System] Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. 2x: Now carries momentum from a dash. 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when cancelled into. Animal Lute Priest: Recovery time increased by 2f. Now disappears if Mamizou is hit. Animal Lute Priest: Projectile hitbox size decreased. Youkai Karakasa Transformation: Fixed a scaling error that would occur upon colliding with another projectile. Youkai Tsurube Transformation: Damage decreased (100->90), recovery time on all versions increased by 4f. Youkai Tsurube Transformation: Projectile hitbox size decreased, projectile hurtbox size increased. Utsusemi Jizo Transformation: Landing recovery increased by 3f, landing damage increased (80->90).
  8. 05/24/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Suika updated GR Suika has been updated with a few changes. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Corrected time in which the forward dash can be jump cancelled. [System] Corrected regular jump landing time. [System] Corrected forward dash startup time. [System] Corrected Forward dash skid animation time. [System] Corrected back hop/air dash landing times. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. [System] Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. Guard Cancel: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. 2x: now carries momentum over from a dash. 6y: No longer loses overhead property on chaining.
  9. 05/23/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Ichirin updated GR Ichirin has been updated with a few changes. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Updated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected forward dash startup time (4f->5f). [System] Corrected time in which the forward dash can be jump cancelled. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Dash skid times are now consistent regardless of Unzan is active or inactive. Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the Dash/Guard Cancel Counter/Spellcard effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. 6z: No longer loses overhead properties when chained into. 2x: Corrected inability to conserve forward dash momentum into the attack. Throw: Now applies 90% normal proration. Guard Cancel Counter: No longer applies counterhit bonuses. Raging Running Fist (Unzan Inactive): Recovery frames are now flagged properly. Hanging Cloud's Iron Hammer: Recovery frames are now flagged properly. Handful of Floating Cloud: Recovery frames are now flagged properly. "Deadly Wind of Penitence": Recovery frames are now flagged properly. "King Kraken Strike": Recovery frames are now flagged at the correct time.
  10. Stone Frog God and Ancient Metal Ring, both of which are Suwako's QCF specials on the ground and air, respectively. I've noticed that alot of Suwako's moves in source tend to hit multiple times so the same is true here. Stone Frog God also has the additional property of hitting OTG, so she can use that after a knockdown. Working on some character-specific system stuff with Suwako, which I'll probably show off next, which will also include her Unique Skill. Try taking a guess as to what that might involve.
  11. 05/21/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Youmu updated GR Youmu has been updated with a few changes. 5y: Changed attacking sound clip. 5z: Can now only chain into 6y starting from a spirit level of 2. Insightful Sword (counterattack): Fixed a bug where the move could cancel into Spellcards before the counterattack had hit. "Secret of Life and Death" Spellcard now plays the level 1 activation sound if Power is lower than 2000.
  12. 05/19/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Byakuren updated GR Byakuren has been updated with a few changes. Regular hurtbox sized decreased. [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (6f->4f). [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Fixed numerous debug errors that would occur if P2 was somehow missing. Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the Dash/Guard Cancel Counter/Spellcard effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when chained into. 2y: Changed voice clip. Dance of Hanuman (1st and 2nd hits): Changed to soft knockdowns to mirror the third hit. Durga's Soul (counterattack): Changed to a hard knockdown to mirror its non-counterattack counterpart. "Brilliance of Mahavairocana": Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where certain effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow.
  13. DopeFish by The None Ice by Basara-Kun Tapper by FourthRhyme Thanos by The_None & Mr. Giang The Mask by Mammalman Vera Trappz by MrPr1993 Voting ends June 1st, 2019.
  14. 05/15/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Mima updated GR Mima has been updated with a few changes. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state hurtboxes and animations. [System] Updated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (5f -> 4f). [System] Corrected forward dash startup time (4f -> 5f). [System] Corrected time in which the forward dash can be jump cancelled. [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the Dash/Guard Cancel Counter/Spellcard effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. 5x: Damage increased (20->25). 5y: Damage decreased (49->45). 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when chained into. 2x: Corrected inability to conserve forward dash momentum into the attack. j.5z: Damage increased (65->70). Throw: Now applies 90% normal proration. Guard Cancel Counter: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. Green Spread: Fixed Hitdef trigger issue which prevented the move hitting an opponent if its hitbox also overlapped with a projectile. Meteor Strike: Adjusted hitboxes of X and Y versions, Z version is now a projectile counter. Meteor Strike (counterattack): Fixed a bug where the move could cancel into Spellcards before the counterattack had hit. Meteor Strike (counterattack): Horizontal range increased. Meteor Strike (counterattack): Startup slightly reduced (12F->11F). "Orreries Sun" (Rings): Hitbox is no longer active while Mima is in hitstun.
  15. 05/14/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Komachi updated GR Komachi has been updated with a few changes. [System] Small adjustments to hurtboxes in numerous states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected regular jump startup time (4f->5f). [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (6f->5f). [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Fixed numerous debug errors that would occur if P2 was somehow missing. Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the Dash/Guard Cancel Counter/Spellcard effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. 5y: Damage increased (65->70). 6y: Damage increased (75->80). 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when chained into. 2x: Hitbox moved down slightly. 2z: Corrected an oversight where Komachi was returning to the wrong animation once the attack had finished. j.5y: Hit & block velocities decreased. Wind on the Last Journey (x version): Move now has 12 frames of startup invulnerability.
  16. Candidates DopeFish by The None Ice by Basara-Kun Tapper by FourthRhyme Thanos by The_None & Mr. Giang The Mask by Mammalman Vera Trappz by MrPr1993 Nominations Bowser Jr. by DS12 - 2 Sash Lilac by Synck - 1 Totoro by Valgallah & BrainJem - 1 Goku by Vyn - 1 Gunvolt by k6666orochi & OHMSBY - 1
  17. 05/12/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Reisen & Cirno updated GR Reisen and GR Cirno have been updated with a few changes. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected forward dash startup time (4f->5f). [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when chained into. Ice Charge: Can now be used out of the ground dashes. "Icicle Fall": Can now be used out of the ground dashes. "Perfect Freeze": Can now be used out of the ground dashes. Filled out missing readme move entries.
  18. 05/09/19: (Incident Zero) All Incident Zero characters updated Over the past few days, every IZ character has been updated with a few shared system changes. All [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction. [System] Corrected shadow bugs on certain helpers.
  19. 05/08/19: (Incident Zero) Youmu Konpaku updated IZ Youmu has been updated with some balance and system changes. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction. [System] Corrected shadow bugs on certain helpers.
  20. 05/08/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Youmu Konpaku updated GR Youmu has been updated with some balance and system changes. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Updated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (5f->4f). [System] Corrected forward dash startup time (3f->5f). [System] Corrected time in which the forward dash can be jump cancelled. [System] Forward dash skid animation time increased (6f->8f). [System] Corrected back hop/air dash landing times (10f->8f). [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Fixed numerous debug errors that would occur if P2 was somehow missing. Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the Dash/Guard Cancel Counter/Spellcard effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when chained into. 2x: Corrected inability to conserve forward dash momentum into the attack. j.2z: Groundbounce proration increased (75%->72%). Throw: Now applies 90% normal proration. Guard Cancel Counter: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. Slash of Life & Death [3rd hit]: Fixed a bug where spirit was being deducted even if the move had made contact. Insightful Sword: Move is no longer tied to the spirit mechanic, now uses old level 3 hitbox duration and old max level damage. Insightful Sword: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. Netherworld Reflection Slash: Move is no longer tied to the spirit mechanic, now uses old level 3 hitbox duration. Crescent Moon Slash [all versions]: Move is now a hard knockdown. Crescent Moon Slash [y and z versions]: Fixed a bug where proration was being applied incorrectly. Crescent Moon Slash [y and z versions]: Spirit is now applied on each successful hit. Lotus Stance Cut: Fixed a bug where the final hit of the projectile was not adding spirit. Lotus Stance Cut: All versions now move a fixed distance. "6-Root Cleansing": Now functions as a command grab instead of a full-body counter. Now has startup invincibilty.
  21. 05/07/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Yuyuko Saigyouji updated Yuyuko has been updated with some balance and system changes. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Updated outdated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated outdated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (6f->4f). [System] Corrected time in which the forward dash can be jump cancelled. [System] Corrected back hop/air dash landing times (6f->8f). [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction when ascending. [System] Fixed numerous debug errors that would occur if P2 was somehow missing. Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the Dash/Guard Cancel Counter/Spellcard effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Forward Dash Skid: Changed animation, animation time reduced (12f->8f). Forward Air Dash: Startup reduced by 3 frames, distance travelled slightly reduced. Backward Air Dash: Removed negative x-velocity multiplier. 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when chained into. j.2z: Startup reduced (17f->13f). j.2z: No longer has block restrictions. Throw: Corrected inability to conserve forward dash momentum into the attack. Throw: Now applies 90% normal proration. Guard Cancel Counter: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. Butterfly Dream Dance: Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the butterfly effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Ghastly Dream: Corrected recovery frame flag time.
  22. So next up is Suwako... Years ago, I originally started a Suwako character purely as an april fool's joke character, as it was just her hat given sentience (mixed with a bit of Devil May Cry influence). I always jokingly said I would get back to it, and now that I've made Sanae and Kanako several times, now was the opportunity to do so. Anyone who's ever played Hisoutensoku would know just how gimmicky Suwako is, and is often regarded as the bottom tier character in that game because of this. My aim here, of course, is to remain as faithful to the source material as possible, while still ironing out the flaws that they had; Suwako's walk, for example, now keeps her in a grounded state. Although you're still committed to the hop, it no longer forces you to use your aerials nor does it force you to be unable to block. Her dashes have received similar treatment, in that they are now uniform with the rest of the cast, and just having better mobility overall as compared to source. Staying true to the way she functions in Soku, her crouching state puts her in a "standing" state with her lilypad, and vice-versa with her true standing state. As a result of this, many of her standing Normals are now lows, while many of her crouching Normals now hit mid. Of course, some creative liberties had to be taken due to the limited number of actual ground Normals she had in the source game, but overall her only lows are s.LP, s.MP, and c.HP. Alot of these moves had a ton of range in the source game, so that remains true here, giving her somewhat slower yet far reaching pokes. Her Lily 6A from source was implemented her as her DF+HP command Normal, which acts as her grounded overhead, with the biggest difference being that it no longer forces her into a sliding underground state like it did in source.
  23. Candidates TBA Nominations Ice by Basara-Kun - 2 Thanos by The_None & Mr. Giang - 2 Sash Lilac by Synck - 1 DopeFish by The None - 1 Tapper by FourthRhyme - 1 Totoro by Valgallah & BrainJem - 1 Goku by Vyn - 1 The Mask by Mammalman - 1 Bowser Jr. by DS12 - 1 Vera Trappz by MrPr1993 - 1
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