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Everything posted by RicePigeon

  1. 05/05/19: (Incident Zero) Aya Shameimaru and Sanae Kochiya released The 11th and 12th Incident Zero-styled characters, the tengu news reporter Aya Shameimaru, and the Moriya Shrine maiden Sanae Kochiya, has been released. Get them in the Incident Zero section of the Characters page. Link: http://ricepigeon.neocities.org First release. First release.
  2. 05/03/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Sanae Kochiya updated GR Sanae has been updated with several major changes. Sprites realigned. Fixed numerous sprite errors. [System] Minor adjustments to Sanae's regular hurtbox in most states. [System] Minor adjustments to some common state animations. [System] Updated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Fixed timing issues with groundbounce angledraw and offset. [System] Corrected forward dash startup time (4f->5f). [System] Corrected time in which the forward dash can be jump cancelled. [System] Corrected back hop/air dash landing times (9f->8f). [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Air dashes now have a heigt restriction when ascending. Added a crouch turning animation. Fixed angledraw issues with the goddess helpers. Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the Dash/Guard Cancel Counter/Spellcard effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. 5x: Hit velocity slightly increased. 5y: Damage decreased (50->45). 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when chained into. 6y: Hurtboxes adjusted. 6z: Proration decreased (80%->85%). Pillar Toss: Projectile now disappears if Sanae is hit. Pillar Toss: Now flags recovery frames once the projectile's active frames have ended. Pillar Toss: Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the Onbashira effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. Iron Ring: Aerial version now has a separate animation that uses the regular aerial hurtbox. Iron Ring: Suwako now disappears if Sanae is hit. Iron Ring: Damage decreased (35x3->34x3) Iron Ring: Proration increased (95%x3->93%x3). Iron Ring: Suwako gauge now only starts recharging once Suwako has completely disappeared. 2x: Corrected inability to conserve forward dash momentum into the attack. 2x: Secondary hurtbox and hitbox moved down slightly. 2x: Hitbox size decreased. 2y: Can now be blocked high, horizontal range slightly increased. j.5x: Damage decreased (40->35). j.5x: Proration increased (92%->90%). j.5y: Damage decreased (60->55). j.2y: No longer hits overhead, hitstun decreased by 5f. j.2y: Can no longer guard or airdash until landing. j.5z: Damage decreased (80->75). Throw: Now applies 90% normal proration. Throw: Corrected inability to conserve forward dash momentum into the attack. Wind Call: Projectile now disappears if Sanae is hit. Wind Call: Proration increased (96%x3 -> 94.7%x3). Omijuki Bomb: Projectile is now destroyed if Sanae is hit. Omijuki Bomb (Good Luck): Damage decreased (80->75), block damage increased (8->15). Omijuki Bomb (Great Luck): Damage decreased (150->130), block damage decreased (30->26). Omijuki Bomb (Bad Luck): Homing projectile is now destroyed if Sanae is hit. Omijuki Bomb (Bad Luck): Fixed various debug errors. Omijuki Bomb (Poor Luck): Damage decreased (20x10->17x10), block damage decreased (4x10->3x10) Omijuki Bomb (Poor Luck): Fixed bug where proration would continue to be applied every frame after the attack had hit 10 times. Wind Goddess ~ Thrust: Aerial versions now have separate animations that use the regular aerial hurtbox. Wind Goddess ~ Thrust: Damage decreased (120/130/140->110/120/130). Wind Goddess ~ Thrust: Proration increased (85%->80%). Wind Goddess ~ Thrust: Kanako gauge now only starts recharging once Kanako has completely disappeared. Wind Goddess ~ Pillar: Aerial versions now have separate animations that use the regular aerial hurtbox. Wind Goddess ~ Pillar: Projectiles are now destroyed if Sanae is hit before they become visible. Wind Goddess ~ Pillar: Recovery frames are now flagged 1 frame after the pillars spawn. Wind Goddess ~ Pillar: Kanako now disappears 6 frames earlier, but the Kanako gauge takes 6 frames longer to fully charge. Wind Goddess ~ Pillar: Moved Kanako down so that she now appears mostly on screen from a grounded camera y-position. Earth Goddess ~ Snare: Suwako now disappears if Sanae is hit, but only if she's not leaping out of the ground. Earth Goddess ~ Snare: Damage decreased (48x3->42x3). Earth Goddess ~ Snare: Proration slightly increased (95%x3->94.7%x3). Earth Goddess ~ Snare: Suwako gauge now only starts recharging once Suwako has completely disappeared. Earth Goddess ~ Shield: Suwako gauge now only starts recharging once Suwako has completely disappeared. Cobalt Spread: Projectile is now destroyed if Sanae is hit. "Charm of Good Commerce": Damage increased (11x23->12x23), block damage increased (1x23->2x23). "Charm of Good Commerce": Proration increased (99%x23->98%x23). "Forgotten Ritual": Now flags recovery frames once the active frames have ended. "Night of the Supernova Storm": Now flags recovery frames once the active frames have ended. "Moses's Miracle": Now applies 45% proration. Filled out missing readme move entries.
  3. Also be sure to provide URLs for the releases/threads so we can check that the character actually was released/updated during April.
  4. May 20th something big is going to happen...

  5. Nominations & Voting Rules You may nominate up to 4 characters per month. You may only nominate a character that was released and/or updated during the given month. You cannot nominate a character that you created yourself. You are, however, allowed to vote for them should they pass the nomination stage. You cannot nominate characters that have previously won Gold or Silver in any previous Character of the Month. Be specific as to which character you are nominating; include both the name and the author name and, if applicable, the release thread of the character. To make things easier, we suggest that you append the number of nominations that the character has, including your own, when you make your nominations. Characters that have been nominated by at least 3 different people will become candidates for voting. Candidates for voting cannot be nominated any more (as there is no real purpose to this) Voting begins 15 days after the nomination period began, or once 20 characters have been nominated as candidates. The Nomination period will end on the 16th of every month, while the Voting period will end on the 1st of the following month, with a 1 week extension given in the event of a tie. The winner will be announced at the end of this period. At the end of each month, the top 2 voted characters will be declared the Gold and Silver winners, respectively. In the event of a tie, voting will be extended by 1 week. If the tie is not broken by then, there will be no Silver winners for that month. During this time, you will be permitted to vote for one character for CotM. So please choose wisely You may choose to do a Counter-Nomination. Counter-Nominations can only be done on characters that have obtained at least 3 nominations for CotM. When doing a Counter-Nomination, you MUST list the reason(s) why you believe that the character should not be in the list of candidates. Note that if we, the staff of MFFA, feel that your reason for candidacy rejection is not adequate enough, we have the right to reject your Counter-Nomination. At least three (3) valid Counter-Nominations are required for a character to be removed from the list of candidates. You can only make one Counter-Nomination per month, which does not count towards your 4 nomination limit. No collusion of any kind. If we find out that anyone has conspired with other users to nominate characters for the sole purpose of preventing another character from being nominated as a candidate by flooding the list of candidates until it reaches maximum capacity, those nominations will be null and void and all parties involved will be banned from participating in future CotM. As an additional rule due to the nature of the month's time frame, any character releases on April 1st, 2019 that were not subsequently updated on a later date are not eligible for nomination. April 2019 Nominations will end on May 15th, 2019. Blacklisted characters: Any character that has already won CotM, a complete list of which can be found here Candidates TBA Nominations TBA
  6. Nim Woo by DrKelexo Sanic by GUMHOY Candy Vegetto by Z2 Team Shin Akuma by GK Due to the low number of nominees, there will be no Silver Winner for this month. Voting ends May 15th, 2019.
  7. Nominees: Nim Woo by DrKelexo Sanic by GUMHOY Candy Vegetto by Z2 Team Candidates: Dot Warner by Acm240 - 2 Shin Akuma by GK - 2 EG Applejack by Shimmering Brony - 2 Enker by Rage & O Ilusionista - 2 Takane Hibiki by Arpa - 1 Captain Marvel by Ultraroboninja & ZVitor, edited by Mr. Giang - 1 Dio by Mr. Giang - 1  Due to the lack of nominations, I'm extending this for another week
  8. Cond Recursive Redirection Exploit Compatibility: WinMUGEN Mugen 1.0 Mugen 1.1b IKEMEN Note: This is based on a discovery by intrebuchet, David11, & Tendou, so credits to them. You can find out more information about this discovery here. So the Cond() trigger, which was first introduced in Mugen 1.0, has a peculiar behavior when executed using any kind of trigger redirection (ie; root,var(x), etc) in that the cond statement will run as if executed by the entity it is redirected to, rather than the actual entity calling it. What can we possibility do with this? Recursive redirection. For those who don't know, recursive redirection (ie: root,helper(xxx),stateno) is not currently supported by any version of Mugen. This exploit completely bypasses this:. root,cond(1,(helper(xxx),stateno),0) Using this syntax, we can now execute the functional equivalent of root,helper(xxx),stateno if such a trigger were possible. Of course, this exploit can also accept nested cond triggers to support more than 2 redirects. However, this same exploit can also be used in tandem with the assignment operator (":=") to produce some rather peculiar effects: root,cond(1,var(10):=12,0) When executed from a helper, this is set the root (player)'s var(10) to a value of 12, regardless of what the helper's parent is; If done from a helper that is spawned directly by the root, this line of code is functionally equivalent to using the ParentVarSet controller, but if the helper calling this statement is not directly spawned by the root (ie: by another helper), then this line of code would be equivalent to the nonexistent RootVarSet state controller, if such a state controller were to exist. The only other option would have to involve using ParentVarSet controllers in both the child and parent helpers which, given how state processing order is executed in Mugen, would produce a 1 tick delay, which increases linearly with each nested helper. This method, on he other hand, provides no such delay. But perhaps the most dangerous application of this exploit is that this works with any form of trigger redirection, including enemy trigger redirects: enemy,cond(1,var(10):=20,0) This trigger will set the opponent's var(10) to a value of 20, without the player ever making any kind of physical contact with the opponent. While this may have practical applications in a fullgame environment, you can imagine how disastrous this can be if the opponent relies on their variables for something system related (ie: damage proration) only to have their opponent overwrite their variables without warning. LIMITATIONS: If using this exploit with a helper redirect, the exploit can only return the first helper found (or, in the case of helperid(xxx), the first helper found with an ID of xxx): In this example, the exploit was used by Sanae to spontaneously change the angle (and therefore, the trajectory) of Cirno's helper-based projectiles; but because of the aforementioned limitation, only the first helper found was affected by this. As an additional note for IKEMEN users, IKEMEN uses additional sysvars not found in MUGEN in order to handle certain constants (ie: such as life, maxlife, power, etc), which are not affected by this exploit, most likely due to the fact that these variables are used as a cache for loading this constants.
  9. Nominees: Nim Woo by DrKelexo Sanic by GUMHOY Candidates: Dot Warner by Acm240 - 2 Shin Akuma by GK - 2 Candy Vegetto by Z2 Team - 2 EG Applejack by Shimmering Brony - 2 Enker by Rage & O Ilusionista - 1 Takane Hibiki by Arpa - 1 Captain Marvel by Ultraroboninja & ZVitor, edited by Mr. Giang - 1 Dio by Mr. Giang - 1 3 days left for nominations
  10. Sanae's new 6z command normal, based on her heavy bullet from Soku, replacing her old 6z command normal from GR. It has similar functionality as a zoning tool, and unlike its source counterpart is affected by wind, giving her another wind option. Sanae's new 4z command normal. Its main use is as an anti-air, but since the mechanics of the IZ system cause her back throw to come out if this move is used up close, it creates an option select where the opponent either stays grounded and gets grabbed, or jumps and gets hit by the anti-air command normal instead.
  11. 04/15/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Chen updated GR Chen has been updated with several system fixes. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Updated outdated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated outdated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (5f -> 4f). [System] Corrected forward dash startup time (4f -> 5f). [System] Corrected time in which the forward dash can be jump cancelled. [System] Corrected back hop/air dash landing times (10f -> 8f). [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. [System] Air dashes now have a height restriction. Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the Dash/Guard Cancel Counter/Spellcard effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. 2x: Corrected inability to conserve forward dash momentum into the attack. 6y: No longer loses overhead properties when chained into. Guard Cancel Counter: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. Immortal Sage's Rumbling (Recoil): Added a landing sound effect. All Spellcards: Corrected issue with charge buffer that would allow for the moves' activations without releasing back. Cait Sith of Mayohiga: Corrected recovery frame flag time. Soaring Bishamonten: Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the final hit's effect helper would incorrectly generate a shadow.
  12. Candidates: Dot Warner by Acm240 - 2 Nim Woo by DrKelexo - 1 Enker by Rage & O Ilusionista - 1 7 days left for nominations
  13. 04/10/19: (Gensokyo Reloaded) Reisen U. Inaba updated GR Reisen has been updated with several system fixes. [System] Minor adjustments to hurtboxes in some gethit states. [System] Updated outdated Recovery frame flags to current standards. [System] Updated outdated Hitdef triggers to current standards. [System] Groundbounces & Wallbounces no longer allow opponents to quick getup upon landing. [System] Corrected regular jump landing time (5f -> 4f). [System] Corrected forward dash startup time (7f -> 5f). [System] Corrected time in which the forward dash can be jump cancelled. [System] Corrected back hop/air dash landing times (12f -> 8f). [System] Adjusted how the character handles landing sounds in certain basic states. Fixed visual issue where the tech recovery explod was being affected by palfx. Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the Dash/Guard Cancel Counter/Spellcard effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow. 6y: Corrected juggle flag. 2x: Corrected inability to conserve forward dash momentum into the attack. Guard Cancel Counter: No longer gains counterhit bonuses. Lunacy Ray: Fixed IKEMEN exclusive visual issue where the laser effect helpers would incorrectly generate a shadow.
  14. When you're not motivated enough for this shit

  15. When you're not motivated enough for this shit

  16. "I've got the power of gods and anime on my side!" Okay, maybe not the former, but Sanae is next. As you can see here, her game plan is a bit simplified now and may require a bit of an explanation: Going into making the Incident Zero characters, by initial plan was to correlate influence with the newer Touhou fighters (HM, ULiL, and AoCF), which can obviously be seen with Yukari and Reisen, who largely take inspiration from their AoCF counterparts, rather than Soku. Even characters who didn't gain as drastic of a change in moveset, such as Reimu and Marisa, also take inspiration from the newer games as well. Back when I was doing IZ Sakuya, I thought about this and wanted to take it in a direction of "since Sakuya wasn't in any of the new fighters, if she were to reappear as a playable character in AoCF, what changes would she have gotten?". As a result of that, Sakuya's moveset was changed, but not too drastically to the point where she would no longer be Sakuya. This same train of thought is also present in IZ Sanae: As you can see from the HUD, she no longer utilizes Kanako or Suwako in any of her moves. She still has a wind mechanic, which is now her Unique Skill and is now indicated by tornado stocks instead of a gauge. Now I'm going to go off on a tangent here and go a bit into some development backstory. Back when I was collaborating with Midori Margatroid on a Sanae in 2014, we analyzed Sanae in Hisoutensoku, and pretty much came to the conclusion that her wind mechanic in that game was lackluster and not well thought out. What we couldn't agree on, however, was how to approach it: Midori wanted to try to stay as close to the source as possible while simultaneously fixing the flaws we saw with the system, while I wanted to completely revamp the system to make it more akin to Rachel's version of the mechanic in the BlazBlue games; we ended up using the former idea, which culminated in some of the changes present (ie: the ability to cancel into the Wind Summoning at the expense of power, the ability to use it on the ground, etc). In the end, we still felt like more could be done. When I eventually made the Gensokyo Reloaded version of Sanae, I decided to explore the original route I wanted to go and ended up using that system. In the end, I felt like it was a natural progression. So stemming from that, IZ Sanae will progress the system a bit further, by giving her additional options to utilize her wind, which will serve as the focus of her gameplay this time around, in lieu of her Kanako & Suwako assists.
  17. I'm not sure where you're getting these numbers from, as there haven't been any nominations other than yours. Candidates: Nim Woo by DrKelexo - 1 Dot Warner by Acm240 - 1 Enker by Rage & O Ilusionista - 1
  18. Nominations & Voting Rules You may nominate up to 4 characters per month. You may only nominate a character that was released and/or updated during the given month. You cannot nominate a character that you created yourself. You are, however, allowed to vote for them should they pass the nomination stage. You cannot nominate characters that have previously won Gold or Silver in any previous Character of the Month. Be specific as to which character you are nominating; include both the name and the author name and, if applicable, the release thread of the character. To make things easier, we suggest that you append the number of nominations that the character has, including your own, when you make your nominations. Characters that have been nominated by at least 3 different people will become candidates for voting. Candidates for voting cannot be nominated any more (as there is no real purpose to this) Voting begins 15 days after the nomination period began, or once 20 characters have been nominated as candidates. The Nomination period will end on the 16th of every month, while the Voting period will end on the 1st of the following month, with a 1 week extension given in the event of a tie. The winner will be announced at the end of this period. At the end of each month, the top 2 voted characters will be declared the Gold and Silver winners, respectively. In the event of a tie, voting will be extended by 1 week. If the tie is not broken by then, there will be no Silver winners for that month. During this time, you will be permitted to vote for one character for CotM. So please choose wisely You may choose to do a Counter-Nomination. Counter-Nominations can only be done on characters that have obtained at least 3 nominations for CotM. When doing a Counter-Nomination, you MUST list the reason(s) why you believe that the character should not be in the list of candidates. Note that if we, the staff of MFFA, feel that your reason for candidacy rejection is not adequate enough, we have the right to reject your Counter-Nomination. At least three (3) valid Counter-Nominations are required for a character to be removed from the list of candidates. You can only make one Counter-Nomination per month, which does not count towards your 4 nomination limit. No collusion of any kind. If we find out that anyone has conspired with other users to nominate characters for the sole purpose of preventing another character from being nominated as a candidate by flooding the list of candidates until it reaches maximum capacity, those nominations will be null and void and all parties involved will be banned from participating in future CotM. Due to the recent downtime, March 2019 Nominations will end on April 22nd, 2019. Blacklisted characters: Any character that has already won CotM, a complete list of which can be found here Candidates TBA Nominations TBA
  19. Sorry the announcement was delayed due to the downtime, but we have our winners. Gold Winner: Real Police Dude by Brergrsart Silver Winner: Blue Suede Goo by Basara-kun
  20. Finally got to Aya's color separation. P2 Aya from Phantasmagoria of Flower View Sort-of-like-Aya, but instead of using a camera she uses Google image search Spirit photography
  21. Aya's Last Word: Illusionary Dominance. I usually take creative liberties when it comes to adapting moves from source and Aya's Last Word was no exception: rather than having the move have you adjust Aya's height with directional inputs and thus result in some inconsistent behavior that risks having p2 drop out of the move, Illusionary Dominance now automatically tracks p2's position. The final stomp of the move wasn't originally present in source and was something I added for an extra "Oomph" at the end, as well as making yet another reference to M.Bison.
  22. We hope you enjoyed this year's April Fools

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