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Everything posted by TopKirby8305

  1. The reason for it is because I do a Mugen Series and want to produce some REALLY awesome matches for my viewers to enjoy. :P
  2. Thanks PowerWave! I'll go give this a whirl. O_O
  3. That D4 Kirby looks INCREDIBLE and well animated but unfortunately it's AI is pretty horrid. If someone can make it VERY aggro & give it smart AI I can easily see this being one of the best Mugen Kirbies.
  4. I may very well use this Zero when it's completed! Just make sure the CPU's AI is awesome & aggro! XDDD
  5. Woah! A Chill Penguin Mugen Character!? O_O; Must test this out! *Downloads*
  6. DAMN! I can't believe I didn't catch this stage. *Downloads* Keep those Wrestling Ring stages coming! I can't get enough of them!
  7. Hey Vegaz! Here is one of my Mugen Battles on your Deep In Thailand Stage! This should help showcase it some more. XD
  8. So, RockRage....how goes Rainbow Dash & her fixes? o_O; When she is de-cheapened and more of a competent tough fighter with GOOD moves with no sprite glitches.....I'll have her return to 1v1 for another run OR if you get Twilight Sparkle done too I'll have her return in doubles and have a brony team. XD
  9. I'll share my somewhat massive roster! XD
  10. Hey Vegaz, I plan to debut your stage in my #1795th battle which I'll probably have uploaded next Wednesday. :So be sure to watch! Your stage will be used for probably my match of the year. XD
  11. Damn! This is a pretty sweet level...adding this to my game. I'll debut this stage in the #1800s of my Mugen Fights. XD
  12. Looks cool Aperson! Keep up the great work on them. :)
  13. Needs more Kirby! lol... But I do like what the Wii U has to offer so far.
  14. Oh hell yes! ANOTHER epic wrestling stage! This will be PERFECT for a Giant Match of mine that I'm building up to later on in my Mugen Series. XD
  15. Very nice MMX so far! Can't wait to see it fully complete.
  16. I wish someone would make a REALLY good MetaKnight & Galacta Knight for Mugen. I would so make them a team! XD
  17. Anyone here enjoy this amazing Kirby game for the Wii? I did! Love the NEW Spear and Whip abilities. That and the fact you can play & beat the main game with 3 friends. XD
  18. Cools! I did an LP of Pokemon Emerald on my channel. XD
  19. I may look into trying Candyman sometime. Will see!
  20. I enjoy OoT more then Majora's Mask. While collecting masks is interesting and completing MANY other side quests....I would rather hit more dungeons and do more fighting. XD
  21. Hmmmm, I may look into buying Black & White 2! Seems promising!
  22. Very nice Burstman Chracter! Also liking your Yellow Devil too!
  23. I love Primal Rage! I have an epic Vertigo & Talon that LordSinistro made. They are one of my fav teams on my roster currently. Anyways, good luck with the Sauron!
  24. Yes it was. Anyways, Sentimental Kirby and the Pupupuland Grand Prix Eps are my two favs.
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