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Everything posted by TopKirby8305

  1. Skullomania is pretty interesting but he needs better AI. ;-;
  2. GAAAH, can a direct link be provided if possible?! Edit: Nvm, finally found him. X_X;
  3. I'd love to see what you would add to that stage Vegaz! Go for it! :3
  4. Ah the Smackdown stage too...yeah I have that one already. xD But yes...now I have both RAW and Smackdown. Thanks a million Fem! :)
  5. Kenshi is pretty damn good! When she amps it up with the electricity and the sword...look out. >_<;
  6. That Luigi is looking pretty awesome. :3
  7. OOOHHH YESSS, I want this stage too! What he said above....anyone who finds this....please let us know! :3
  8. Pretty sweet Ryu so far man! Whenever he gets done I'll be sure to use him on my Mugen Series. IF it's still going by the time he's done. xD
  9. I suck at coding. But I may have someone else give him an AI. :P
  10. That Link is ok at best. He looks pretty solid but lacks a awesome AI. ;-;
  11. Ooooo, another Link!? I gotta try this one! xD
  12. These are different incarnations of Suija and Enja aren't they? I thought they looked familiar. o_O;
  13. Oooh very interesting Miku! I may have to look into this one. :3
  14. Oh man....my friend NeoMegaMan will be off the wall excited if this Robert is better then the one he already has. xD *Downloads*
  15. I haven't used or seen Dudley before till now and couldn't find his portrait. >_<;
  16. Alright I can't find Dudley....where is he on the character page?! >_<;
  17. Shredder and Krang are BAD ASS! They exceeded my expectations. Very deadly doubles team here! Expect them on my Mugen Series VERY soon. :3
  18. LOL! I love these two patches. :3 My Mixed-Up Mugen Mayhem series is awesome. It features many 3v3s and 4v4s.....they are INSANE FUN!
  19. Hurray, can't wait to see the next Kirby update. :3
  20. Nice! I may transition over to this one later in the 2000s on my Mugen Series. :3
  21. Tis a shame, I really wanted to use this Gotenks in my Mugen Series. Maybe I can have RockRage construct AI for him if that is alright with you?
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