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Everything posted by TopKirby8305

  1. Very nice Supa! This Xena is coming along great! I can't wait to see her in action. O_O;
  2. Me too! This is the character I have been waiting for....FOR A LONG TIME! O_O;
  3. Cool Kirby stage! Are the characters animated!? That would be pro. (Didn't dload it yet so I don't know if they were animated)
  4. Gabby is looking pretty good! Just a few fixes....her belly should be showing under the green shirt and she should lose the black shorts under the brown garment and more skin should be there instead and maybe fix that hair fringe that's sticking out like a knife. Lastly, the white string looking thing on her boots should go. XD Other then that, she's spot on!
  5. Very nice Klarissa character! I'll give her a try sometime when she is more complete!
  6. Doing great on this Kirby Super Nicholas. Keep at it!
  7. Hey Supaman! Good to see you coming down here to promote your Xena Character! FINISH HER SOON!!!!! I WANT NAAAOOO! XD
  8. I have to second that with Gopal! Where is that stage!? O_O;
  9. Very cool Broli there Ryon!
  10. Lyndis isn't working for my friend Neo. He said the def file is there but his Mugen isn't reading it. Any idea why? o_O;
  11. I tested both Squalls against one another. Noctis' Squall is solid all-around but Sean's Squall OWNED him bad though. XDD
  12. That Mewtwo in the one image....is it an awesome fighter!? If so where can I find it!? It looks incredible! O_O As for the Stadium, that's pretty damn sweet too!
  13. I tried him. He's definitely better then the other Taker. I just wished he attacked a bit more. Oh and his Chokeslam does WELL over half and can kill at times. May want to lower that damage down for the special. >_<;
  14. An upgraded Squall perhaps? If it's AI is better then Sean's I may use this one from now on. Must try it! O_O
  15. I like the sound of that! I look forward to seeing what you cook up.
  16. OHHHHH! A better Undertaker!? I gotta get this. XDD
  17. A very awesome stage here! There needs to be more of these and the wrestling ring stages! XD
  18. I'm going to give this Onix a try! XD
  19. Don't get me wrong, it's the best looking Mugen Kirby I've seen. Just it's AI is kinda strange. I wish it was more aggro & smarter. XD
  20. Actually the new D4 Kirby's AI isn't as good. The one version before it combo whored and was much deadlier! XD This new one just kinda does random stuff. o_O;
  21. Abobo's Big Adventure? I may have to LP this later down the road for the LOLs. XD
  22. That D4 Kirby received more updates and got more attacks now! Unfortunately, he lags the game even more then usual now because he's so heavily animated and detailed. >_<; If they could speed him up and make him a bit more aggro that would be amazing. I would message the creator of this Kirby that but he speaks japanese I think. O_O;
  23. Now only if there was a MetaKnight who fought THIS well. XD
  24. My Fav Characters: Nero Kirby Vertigo Kung Lao Shadowman Sailor Venus Strider Hien Yoko Ritona Supreme Vegito
  25. So RockRage, how goes RD and Twilight Sparkle?
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