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Everything posted by TopKirby8305

  1. Oooo, a possible Ragna upgrade? I like this! :3
  2. This Super Gotenks looks cool but he doesn't do much in terms of AI. (At least for me anyway) He kinda charges a lot and doesn't really fight back. If he can be made more aggro with attacks, I'd be all over this!
  3. Your Blaziken must be BEAST to do that. :P The one I used in the past wasn't that great.....I may be intrigued to pick up yours though. :3
  4. Oh well, maybe the next Link that comes out will be much better. o_O;
  5. Hey that is fine! I want Kirby to spam helpers and projectiles at a distance. XDD It's gonna be MANDATORY and helpful against those teams that Kirby really can't get close to. K&K will now be able to space and fight from a distance in addition to up close. w00t!! Oh and one thing if you can Nick, could you have a WHITE colored Kirby palette be selectable if it's not any trouble? I want to match his color with Kratos. XD
  6. It's all good man. If you have come this far, I'm sure you'll figure it out at some point. But VERY beastly Kirby man. Once you get the balance down with the summons and the melee fighting....it's gonna be as epic as...YARN! xD
  7. Damn! This Kirby is about as good as DoomGuy's Kirby now. o_O; I may consider switching over to this one. You think you could make your Kirby more aggro up close? I mean his Specials are awesome and projectiles are perfect too. He just needs to be more aggro with his close up fighting now! Once you get that down I think I'll make the leap to your Kirby. The reason I ask if you could make your Kirby more aggro in close situations is because I want to retain the awesome chemistry he has with Kratos on my Mugen Series. Kratos usually uses the Blades of Chaos to lock in opponents so Kirby can get in close and rip their crap apart. XD I love the fact that this Kirby can do Long Range too (DG's couldn't cause his Kirby only has the final cutter.) cause against certain teams on my roster spacing will be essential to beat them. xD
  8. Epic looking Link! I hope he gets finished so I can eventually use him. :3
  9. Ok...where the hell do I find the download to this character!? I can't find it. All I see are blog posts. X_X;
  10. YES!! Hopefully this Scharlachrot's AI is awesome and fights well! O_O
  11. I hope they get rid of Directional Influence when you are knocked off the stage. It really is a bitch to kill people in Brawl thanks to it. It's very deflating to have an U-Smash land and you launch the opponent off the top of the screen only to see they DI'd to save themselves when they should really be dead. I lost matches cause people were able to do that and comeback and smash me to my death. GAAAAAAAAAH!!! >_>; I like it better in the original and in Melee that you need your Up-B to always save you or other moves.
  12. This is major awesome here. Upgrading Supreme Goku now and kicking Majin Vegeta off for Bebi Vegeta. w00t! My S-Tier just got more epic. XD
  13. Does this Kid Goku actually fight? The last one I dloaded the AI just sat there and charged, did absolutely nothing. X_X;
  14. HELLS YEAH! Sho-Nuff is BEAST. He's VERY fun to watch. He'll be appearing in my Mugen Fights VERY soon.
  15. Damn! That is a wicked awesome patch! I would use it if it didn't cause any issues. Man the possibilities......Kirby & Kratos teamed with their rivals Kaede and Moriya to face the PPGs and Vertigo & Talon. O_O;
  16. Yeah that ice cavern is very....COOL!!! XD It gives me the CHILLS just looking at it. Ok I promise I will stop with the bad puns. >_<;
  17. Pretty cool space stage Ryon!
  18. Looking forward to seeing this gal completed!
  19. Hey Nicholas, where would I find this MK and Galacta Knight characters? Can ya link me? Also, can't wait to see more of your Kirby too!
  20. It's looking better by the minute Supa! I honestly can't wait till she's completed!!!! I want to get her Mugen career started on my roster ASAP. When all her sprite work is done, make sure she has AMAZING AI so she can keep up with other tough characters! I'd like Xena to keep that "Wonder Woman" intensity level. XD
  21. Call her Super Female Pokemon Trainer! XD
  22. Can't wait to see your next Xena update Supa! w00t!
  23. She looks like a Pokemon Trainer girl! XD But a damn tough fighter one. lol...
  24. I have to agree with Blue Monkey. Looking at it closer, I can see what he means. May want to tighten that up and fix that. Looks like Xena will pop like a champagne cork. lol...
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