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Everything posted by TopKirby8305

  1. The link I try to download from I keep getting a Trend Micro warning about the page being unsafe. If a new link to the stages or character can be provided it would be most appreciative!
  2. Ah El Stinger, I'm currently using him on my roster for 1v1s and he's doing DAMN well!
  3. Yeah, Michael Jordan really doesn't do much. He kinda just jumps around and doesn't attack much at all. ;-; He needs more aggro fighting style and better AI.
  4. Oh and you MUST attempt Galacta Knight too! That way I could have an MK/Galacta team!!! O_O; Make them aggro & tough too! lol....
  5. Yikes....guess I'll find out how cheap is first hand when I try him. O_O
  6. OMG, I have a new team I'm using now!!! Shaq & Jordan!!! XDDDD Umm...I tried downloading Jordan and I got some message with "This file hasn't been downloaded much and could be dangerous". Don't know about the rest of you guys...
  7. I'll give this stage a try. Looks DAMN impressive!
  8. Yeah, VERY cool looking stage! I may actually use it for my Mugen Series. Infact, I shall! *Downloads*
  9. Ah I have seen this numerous times! AWESOME movie! PPGs pwn all other super heroes. XD
  10. Pretty cool Bass! He is fairly aggro & has solid melee ability but I notice he doesn't shoot any energy blasts (Only in his specials). He needs long range attacks BADLY too! If you could have him shoot beams while he's far away, then this would be virtually perfect. XD
  11. A new Bass!?!? OMGzors, I must test it out. Hope he's uber aggro! XD
  12. Why does Mowgli sound like Ness!??! XDDD But he does fight pretty good.
  13. It's really cool looking and I like her a lot! I just want her to kick more ass and be super tough. XD
  14. Ummm, her AI needs to be better....half the time she doesn't attack and gets brutalized. Probably cause over half my roster is super aggro characters. PLEEEAAASSSSEE someone make her even tougher! I want to push her on my Series. XD BUT that Mai....damn! She is pretty tough. I plan to keep her and use her. MAKE KUNG FU GIRL Mai's intensity damnit!! lol....
  15. I'm gonna have my friend Neo download these guys and use them as job fodder on his Mugen Fights. Should be great for a laugh! XD
  16. Ooooo.....another Kirby huh? I'am intrigued! >=) Hope you could make an EPIC MetaKnight too someday. XD
  17. I love Seiken Densetsu 3. I have Hawkeye & Duran going on my Mugen Series right now and they are dominant. XD Note: I do apologize if I grave dug this topic. I went back to get Lise and Carlie and forgot this thread was OLD as dirt. X_X
  18. I have no issues with you Laharl. I know you can be blunt and harsh at times, but I shrug it off. :P I never try to "act" like a character on a forum. If I did that, I'd be telling everybody to feed me all the time and I'd be going POYO, POYO (Because Kirby is my fav character.) XD But that's besides the point....anyways, don't worry about it. Your making an effort to change so it's a step in the right direction!
  19. Ok, here is Yoko Ritona!! http://www.2shared.com/file/jnnakKoc/cvsyoko.html
  20. Ummm.....hmmmm.... This is a toughie.....I guess you could throw Yoko Ritona/Littner (from the Anime) up there all by herself! She's in the Hall Of Fame for Singles. XD
  21. Ummm, Dante & Vergil aren't one of the teams I wanted in my Shrine Stage. (At least NOT till next year!) Could you remove them? All the others are PERFECT. Thanks!
  22. Very nice Hell Stage here Excahm! I'm gonna give this a dload right now! PS: How goes that Shrine Stage!? XD
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