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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. "Nobody's perfect......give me a f***ing break! Even robots should own up to mistakes that have disastrous consequences!" It became apparent that Fuyuhiko would not let go of what transpired. Even though he was grateful that Peko had saved his life, he still felt angry at YokuMan for not snapping out of his predicament soon enough. As soon as he turned around, he spotted something unusual on the ground where he saw some claw marks on the floor....... "What the?.......That's strange....those weren't here earlier......"
  2. "Better make that three. Elias got hurt pretty bad by those explosives protecting Alice. Someone get Lapis some help, too! I think that battle zapped her energy."
  3. The timing of the explosives going couldn't have come at a worse time for the heroes. Just as they were celebrating no less...... The first of the explosives blow up a wall near Fuyuhiko and Peko, causing debris to fall. And just when Fuyuhiko was about to be bombarded by concrete...... "What the hell?!" "Fuyuhiko! Look out!" Peko made the choice to push Fuyuhiko out of the way and take the full brunt of the debris....... "PEKO!" Fuyuhiko, through pure adrenaline, managed to move the rubble off of Peko, but it became clear once he cradled her in his arms that she was busted open everywhere, bleeding profusely from the concrete that fell on her...... "Fuyuhiko.........I......I had to do it........Your life was in danger........" Elias didn't fare much better either against the explosives. He took the full force of the blast, knocking him out and burning him significantly, protecting Alice in the process. Lapis also had to stop any more debris from falling onto the remainder of the group by creating a big barrier of water over the group. That and the battle from earlier, contributed to her collapsing once the debris stopped falling...... "That was too much for me to handle.......I need time to.......to regenerate my energy....." One more explosive went off near a pillar from inside the castle and nearly fell on Mary, but she was pushed out of the way by Mirror Knight at the last second, preventing her from taking full damage. Fuyuhiko carried the injured Peko and set her near the castle, which was now poison-free, and with all his anger, he went after YokuMan, who was responsible for removing the plasma explosives in the first place..... "YOU BASTARD! YOU COULDN'T HAVE SPARED ONE EXTRA F**KING MINUTE TO STOP THOSE EXPLOSIVES FROM GOING OFF?!" @OxyontheWolf and @Captain Papyrus, you guys are up!
  4. With ZTAR out of the way, Lapis could finally target the airship. The water clones dissolved and went back towards Lapis, who with her hydrokinesis, formed the H2O into a giant hand of water..... "You people try to come here and kill my friends! You will all pay the consequences for your actions!" The hand then shot up towards the airship, balling itself into a fist in mid-air. As the Neo Corporation witnessed what possibly could be the death of them, Deathstroke could only mutter...... "I knew I should have bought that warranty....." The front of the airship was completely destroyed by the water fist, sending the Neo Corporation flying back. The group could do nothing, but stare in shock over Lapis' power.
  5. Lapis found it easy to command the clones against the Neo Corporation. Each clone matched perfectly to their regular counterparts. Her plan to flush them outside again had succeeded. Now she needed to find an opening to damage the airship........ "It's looking good.....but I need more time to destroy the airship..." Then, she noticed that ZTAR made a monstrous miscalculation by attempting to kill E.T. In fact, he missed him entirely and attacked a stunt double by mistake. "Well......ZTAR's doomed."
  6. The water clones created by Lapis attacked the rest of the Neo Corporation and soon Tokio joined in on the fight. Deathstroke and Neo had their hands full, but they could manage..... "I gotta hand it to that chick, she knows how to replicate my moveset!" "To think things were boring earlier! Hey Mantenna, how you holding up?"
  7. As everyone began to recover from the poison, thanks to Anna's healing song, , they witnessed the epic battle between ZTAR and E.T. with RainbowMan. Almost everyone was shocked at the robot's newfound strength after absorbing the EMP, and Lapis was about to join in to help...... "They look like they might need some more help to get things done faster. Alice, stay with the others, since no one's targeted the airship, now seems like the best option....." "Be careful, Lapis........please....." Lapis acknowledged Alice's concerns and assured her that she'd be okay before going to the aide of the heroes....... "Okay, ZTAR's losing his power, and the rest of his group are nowhere to be seen. I think it's time to flush the rest of them out." Lapis then manipulated the water around the castle, creating water clones of the Neo Corporation.... "Flush out the rest of the Neo Corporation! We need to get rid of everyone!" The water clones then made their way up the airship by jumping over the falling debris llike platforms. Once the Neo Corporation saw what Lapis was planning, things were about to turn ugly...... "What the hell are those?!" "I don't believe it........that girl made clones of us using nothing but water......what do we do?!" "We fight back, that's what!" Now two battles were taking place: ZTAR vs. E.T. & The Unlimited Force, and the battle of the Neo Corporation vs. Lapis Lazuli. Only one alignment will emerge victorious.........
  8. Lapis and Alice saw what was happening to the Unlimited Force, and decided to help them, all while dodging the EMP sent out by ZTAR. The sight of RainbowMan's changed behaviour caught her attention...... "Something's up with RainbowMan. He looks.........more aggressive than usual." "He wasn't affected by the EMP. That can only mean............oh my god!"
  9. The uninjured watched as the battle between E.T. and ZTAR culminated in a battle of blasters and magic...... "With all that's happening, I need to at least help....." "Are you sure, Lapis? It looks dangerous enough as it is." "I think I can damage the airship once ZTAR gets distracted by E.T.'s attacks."
  10. "Yeah, those robots got rid of the ones we set up, so if ZTAR loses, we throw what's left. Got it, Mantenna?"
  11. From inside of the airship, the remaining members of the Neo Corporation watch the battle between ZTAR and the good guys...... *sigh* "If only ZTAR would let me get more involved....." "Cheer up, Neo. Besides, it looks like the fight's almost over.....and if we lose, there's always the backup plasmas....."
  12. It then dawned on Mary that a few people were missing..... "Wait a minute......where are Anna and Victoria? They should've gotten out of the castle with us by now." "The same could be said for Magio and Argento. It's possible the gas only knocked them out." "You know Mary, you have a point. Anna and Victoria aren't like that to just stay behind and be lazy. The best we can assume is that they're both trying to get the rest of the people out of the castle." OOC: @Agni Blackheart, you're up. :)
  13. "Use him as bait along with Wizrock.......that's really all I got."
  14. "What? Are you suggesting that we.........oh. I get it, now."
  15. "Okay......so we can assume he's poison to the world." "Hmm......I understand how dangerous it is then." "Is any of that bulls**t important right now?! NO! We need a plan and we need one fast!"
  16. "Okay, there was no need to describe ZTOAD like that! You made him sound twice as annoying, and I haven't even met him yet!" "........Really? What's this cocaine that you speak of? Or for that matter, Justin Bieber?"
  17. Once the rest of the team had exited, there was a check to see who had been affected by the gas. As it turned out, Magio, Argento, Maribel, Renko, Yamazaki, Ruby, Blake, and Malin had been affected and had to be either carried out by shoulder or by being lifted. Since Lapis and Alice had covered their mouths and noses to get away from the noxious gas, they were among the ones unaffected alongside Deadpool, Yang, Trap-Jaw, Mirror Knight, Wizrock, the 3 Thomas clones, Dusk, Peko, Fuyuhiko, Mary, and Elias....... "Who did this?! What's going on?! "I don't know, Lapis......Someone's trying to kill us.....and I have a feeling I know who it might be....." "You're damn right with who it might be! It was that damn star from earlier!" "Please stop, Fuyuhiko. We need a plan and with Magio out of action, we need to think of something..........or else....." "What do you think, Elias?" "We need to fight this evil once again. With half of the group out of the action, we'll need to persevere. I'll look after the ones that have been taken out of commission. I have a feeling that once this fight is over, we will need Anna's help in healing them." "Look after them! Do whatever you must to help these people!" Peko then noticed the 3 clones relaxing, not giving a care in the world about the situation...... "Hey, you three! Quit being lazy and contribute!" OOC: Your move, NijikakuFan61
  18. Most if not all of the people inside the castle listened to Deadpool's warning, even if some of them though he was being his wacky self. OOC: No need for dialogue. This speaks for itself.
  19. Lapis was unsure how to process this info. She was still mad at Argento for his retaliation against her, but at the same time, she felt remorseful for him because Magio let him down........ "I......I understand. I've also felt that way before. Being imprisoned inside the mirror didn't help matters in the slightest, and I didn't speak to anyone both because of the isolation and the fact that I had a hard time gaining other gems' trust. Alice changed all that though. She was the first person in a long time that I could reveal my identity to and trust completely." "Thank you, Lapis........" Before the three could continue to converse, they all smelled something coming from the castle...... *sniff* "Lapis......do you smell something?" Meanwhile, in the castle........ *sniff, sniff* "Hey, wait a minute.......Deadpool, go get the others! I think someone's let some gas in here, and not the kind from a person, the poisonous type!"
  20. "Hmmm. Makes perfect sense. Another question: what do you think of Argento? I'm a bit iffy about the guy, but he still needs our help."
  21. Quick question: how do I save pictures from Pixiv?

    1. Zzyzzyxx


      By clicking the medium version of the pic so that a larger version shows up. Then save it as usual.

    2. TotalDramaXtremist
  22. OOC: Hard to believe both Fael and LightFlare are joining up. This will be interesting :) "So, Yoku, as I was asking earlier, where do you get all the info to help us? I'm pretty sure you don't know me that well!"
  23. A fairly observant one......... Panic! At The Disco - Miss Jackson Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark
  24. "I'm pretty sure we're supposed to wait for Magio to get back."
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