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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. Elias continued to translate Rudra's words..... "Take them to a land where everything is not as it seems... Take them to a land where the great destroyer resides in wait for its trigger..." ........while Yamazaki walked up to Agni, and rightfully told him...... "There will be problems if you don't tell us what Agni is doing!"
  2. As the group was having trouble getting out of the Netherworld, Rudra was beginning to chant an incantation........ "Wait a minute......what do you think you're doing? We were leaving!" "What is Rudra saying? I can't make out a word he's saying!" "Well, my Latin is rusty, but I believe he's saying something along the lines of: Oh light and arcane, take these people away and send them elsewhere..." @A person, your move!
  3. As the water clones were focused on distracting Thanatos, Lapis felt it was her duty to give LightFlare some help after his help protecting her from danger against the Iblis creatures....... "LightFlare, I see an opening! Hit him right the eyes!"
  4. Go to juvie. Would you rather live like a king or die a hero?
  5. Fight 5 SNK bosses at the highest difficulty. Would you rather: Eat a Ghost Pepper or eat a plate of escargots?
  6. Ibuki Mioda strikes back! Felt it was time for a new sig and avatar set in honor of the DR3 Despair Arc announcement. :)

  7. Lapis was growing more frustrated by Thanatos' antics. He was able to absorb the water she used for the offensive, and attempted to fire back. It was thanks to Naruto's assistance that she was able to get most of the resources back. A shockwave caused by the green beast nearly got to the water gem, but flew out in time...... "You are really testing my patience, Thanatos!" To further assist Naruto, Lapis created water clones of the orange-clad ninja to further distract Thanatos....... "Okay, Lapis, you could use some help! I'll be right there!" Erza quickly changed back into her Black Wing armor to fight Thanatos from above..... "I really hate when creeps like this try to kill me....." ".....since they barely stand a chance!" Erza flew towards Thanatos, intending to stab him......
  8. Lapis wasted no time in using the water resources Naruto gave her to aim straight for the green sword....... "You won't get away with this, Thanatos!" The water formed a hand, which curled up into a fist and was sent launching into the swords.......
  9. "You bet, Zero!" "Let's get rid of this thing. The longer we stay here, the closer the risk of Iblis destroying our worlds!" "BRING IT, YOU UGLY F**K!" "Mary's right on the money with those words! You'll have to kill us if you want to make your boss proud!" "Prepare yourself, Thanatos!" The group got into battle stances in case Thanatos attempted to strike back..... @Captain Papyrus, your move!
  10. Jerry Seinfeld (a line from the comedian that's been parodied to death) "YOU'RE FIIIIIIRRRRRRED!"
  11. The group's attempt to get to the Flame Core was interrupted by a monstorous creature known as Thanatos, the god of death....... "A green tub of lard like you thinks that we're easy pickings? Buddy, I'm afraid you picked the wrong people to deal with." *laughs at Thanatos' appearance alongside Fuyuhiko* "You are only ugly monster, that's for sure!" Lapis flew back down, and her first thoughts on Thanatos were...... "What am I looking at right now? This......beast..........he can't really be working for Medusa.....could he?" "Lapis, you okay?" "I don't like the looks of that creature. Something tells me he wants to get to Iblis before we do." @Captain Papyrus, your move!
  12. Monty Python and the Holy Grail.......I believe. "I believe...that whatever doesn't kill you, makes you.......stranger."
  13. *chuckles* "You crack me up, Zero. Don't worry, MK, he's right about my armors. I'll show off some more if the situation calls for it." Even from up in the skies, Lapis was dumbfounded by the Remnant situation..... "Hmmm......I still don't understand how Remnant was able to do that for you, Anna. I guess it must know you from the past if it referred to you as Lady Anna....." @Agni Blackheart, your move!
  14. Meanwhile, back at the Distortion....... As the group got closer to the Flame Core to battle Iblis, a discussion arose over the Remnant armor used by Anna during the battle against the various waves of Iblis' creatures..... "I'm gonna be honest, that armor of yours is unique.......Erza Scarlet levels of unique." "Thanks for the compliment, Mary. You know, Anna, none of my armors had sentience, so the whole thing with Remnant is pretty new to me. What do you think, Zero?" @OxyontheWolf, your move!
  15. Elias looked at Fiona and reassured her...... "It's for the best. Besides, Yamazaki and Tommy need to recover after that battle...."
  16. Yamazaki snapped out of his bloodthirsty rage in the midst of his injuries and looked back at the two creatures he took devastating blows from. If fooling them wouldn't work, he'd have no choice but to follow through with the agreement, pissing him off further........ ".......Whatever. We need to find Magio and tell him of what's happening. Fiona, Iooks like we'll need to face Medusa another time......" @A person, your move! ------------------------------------------ The addition of No. 367 to the team was a great one, though the group's quest to find Medusa may have been put on hold by the border being weakened severely...... "This is bad......we need to get out of here!" "No kidding! We didn't get to Medusa, but at least we got some new allies!"
  17. "We were getting to that. Don't make us change our minds. Besides, shouldn't you two be leaving as well, seeing as the border is about be obliterated?""
  18. Elias simply nodded and the group waited for Tommy and E.T. to catch up...... @NijikakuFan61, your move!
  19. "Try not to strain yourself too much, Fiona. I'll need to tend to your wounds before we do anything drastic......" "Let's go."
  20. "It appears we'll have to find Magio and the others and catch up."
  21. While Yamazaki was slightly disappointed at Agni's reluctance to fight him, he turned to the dragon and said...... "Okay. But in turn......you will leave us alone. If you try anything......I'll be waiting....." Yamazaki turned and walked towards Elias and Fiona as they stared in awe. "Yamazaki.....do you really think they'll honor their words?" "They better........or else....."
  22. "You....don't get it do you?.....I control the Orochi power of Death....Even if I loathe these people with all my being....who's to say they should die?"
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