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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. OOC: My mistake. I will fix that post. :p Before they could go deeper into the Distortion, the group was suddenly surrounded by Iblis Takers, Worms, and Biters........ "Sh*t! He found us!" "Are you kidding me? Iblis found us already?!" "Goddamn it! We had him! How the hell did he figure out that we were coming for him?!" "I don't know, Fuyuhiko, but we need to take the reinforcements out of the picture if we want to get anywhere near Iblis!" While the group put their focus on dealing with the Iblis minions, Erza seemed a lot more cooler headed about the battle, mainly because of what she was about to do......... "Nothing that Zero and I can't handle! Requip: The Knight!" Suddenly, Erza switched armors in front of the group at lightning speed, switching from her Heart Kreuz armor to her dragon-like Black Wing Armor and its respective weaponry. "Watch carefully guys......I'm about to show you what my Black Wing Armor is capable of!" The wings on Erza's newest set of armor flung open and within seconds, was flying towards the Iblis Worms...... "Moon Flash!" As if it looked like the worms staggered, Erza flew past the creatures, but not before slashing them repeatedly in a cross-like pattern, causing them to fall apart. The group was impressed by this feat, and within seconds, Lapis instructed...... Zero, go help Erza with the Worms! Peko and Fuyuhiko, you've got the Biters! Mary and I will deal with the Takers!" @OxyontheWolf, your move!
  2. With the confirmation that everything was all set to go, the group stepped through the portal....... "That took a bit longer than expected, but I don't mind. As long as we take care of Medusa, we'll be good!" "Those demons.........they were unholy........" "Indeed they were, my child, but they meant no harm.......which was oddly strange, if you think about it." "But Father, why would those three help us, though? Aren't demons supposed to be killed on sight?" "Hey, it's like Elias said, they were more friendly demons than anything." Still bloodthirsty for another fight, Yamazaki was fed up with the chitter-chatter........ "Enough talk! Let us take care of Medusa and then we can chatter all we want!" As the group got to their destination, they noticed two figures launching an attack......... .......on a statue of the creature known as Medusa. "Hey, numbnuts! Unless you thought that was the real deal, I think you need better vision!" "........Okay, that was just lame, Yamazaki." =================================== With cooler heads prevailing at the behest of LightFlare, the group moved towards the portal towards possibly their toughest fight yet....... "Okay, this is no time for joking. We need to put our full efforts against Iblis when we find him, and we can't waste any more time dealing with Argento's attitude!" "I'm 100% onboard with this. If Argento suddenly wants our help..........." ".......then I say screw him and his ideals!!!!!" "What are we doing standing around here then? Let's go..........." With that, Peko, Mary, Lapis, and Fuyuhiko stepped further down the Distortion awaiting LightFlare, Deadpool, and Mirror Knight.......... @OxyontheWolf and @LightFlare_Da_Realest, your moves!
  3. Once Argento made it clear that he would never trust anyone, even Victoria or Anna, everyone tried not to straight up punch or for that matter, attempt to kill him....... "Low-life scum............you should be imprisoned for your actions!" "I don't even know why we even bothered to try and help this guy..........oh right, Magio." "Who cares about what Magio said?! Screw Argento!" "Peko's right! Who needs him?! Seriously??? All this bastard's done is piss off each and every one of us!" "If there water around here, being left alone would be the least of your worries!" Erza needed to step in before things got out of hand.......... "Guys! Stop! LightFlare's right. We shouldn't have to help this scumbag any further if he won't help any of us! If we want to get rid of Iblis, we need to work together!" "........You know, Erza? You're right.......We need to focus on getting rid of Iblis........even if Argento refuses our help." Once Lapis caught wind of Silver's wild assumption, she needed to knock some sense into him....... *PUNCH* "What are you talking about?! Who's Mephiles???" "Ok, Silver......you had that coming. Honestly, do you really think Argento's trying to release Iblis? He may be a grade-A jackoff, but even I don't think he's that villainous......."
  4. "How convenient.........I LOATHE CONVENIENCES!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!" "Hey, Ryuji, you can snap out of it now! We're not dealing with Medusa unless Magio thinks we should go on ahead without Necrox and Giovanni!" "What do you suggest, Magio? Should we wait for the remaining two to come, or should we focus on dealing with Medusa?" @Agni Blackheart, your move!
  5. Meanwhile, in the Underworld...... The second group was ordered by Necrox to retreat while he and Giovanni dealt with Jebediah. Malin and Elias had regained consciousness before being told to retreat along with Magio and the others. "Magio......what do we do now?" "Shouldn't we be going after Medusa?" @Agni Blackheart, your move!
  6. Following the castle tour....... "Guys, is it just me, or does it feel like that we're being watched?"
  7. Lapis had very little trouble catching up with the chariot, as she had glided to catch up with the group. As soon as Argento was in sight, she flew towards him and she landed right in front of him........and to say she was angry at him for his actions would be putting it lightly....... "Argento, you have a lot of explaining ahead of you!" As the chariot descended towards the ground, a few of the others got some words in before Argento could explain his reasons......... "Lapis is right, what the hell were you thinking trying to leave us behind? You know we'll follow you no matter what!" "You know, I didn't think you were that bad Argento, but lately you've done nothing but make us want to strangle you! Or worse than that!" "We're waiting, Argento! Don't make us pick a fight with you!" @Agni Blackheart, your move!
  8. "You bet, Zero!" "Okay, are you two in love? Because I can understand completely." "Yeah, SO?!" "Just checkin'...........Anways, YokuMan, are you ready to move on?" @Captain Papyrus and @OxyontheWolf, you guys are up!
  9. I've finally gotten around to playing Saints Row 2 these past couple of weeks, and let me tell you, it's much more enjoyable than the third game. Only SRIV has gotten the same investment of my time.

    1. Cook4251


      Saints Row The Third was quite the enjoyment to me. But i've never played Saints Row 2 once. I've yet to play IV soon whenever i get it for my ps3.

  10. Lapis realized that LightFlare was right. There really was no point in arguing with Mephilia if Argento was getting closer to Iblis. Plus, she had no point in getting Tokio worked up again....... "Okay, LightFlare. If you say so, we might as well. Mephilia, I'll deal with you later." Lapis was just about to walk past Mephilia, and deeper into the Distortion to locate Argento..........when the chariot arrived. "Ahhh! What are you guys doing?!" "Hey, we couldn't let you find Argento on your own! Besides, we're a team! We have to stick together!" "You sure have a funny way of showing your support........." "Hey, you ran off on us, and we only got here so fast thanks to the Unlimited Force!" "Okay, enough talking. Lapis, are you getting on the chariot or not?" This confused the water gem a bit, and her response was clearly indicative of her decision........ "..............I have wings, remember?"
  11. (Thinking) "Oh, great. I might just regret doing this........"
  12. "I was wondering if you'd like a tour of the castle?"
  13. Blake went over to see what was going on........ "Who are these guys? Why is there a talking paper clip with bug eyes?"
  14. We'll wait for @Agni Blackheart and @DuckMannnn to respond.
  15. "What's the matter?! Too afraid to be beaten to death?! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!"
  16. "You guys are a resourceful crew.....and I respect that!" The rest of the group got the chariot and then Mary turned to Mirror Knight and co. "So? You coming, MK?" @OxyontheWolf, you're up!
  17. Alice dodged out of the way, just in time to see what Jebediah was capable of........ "Is that all you've got in your bag of tricks?! I've fought wiser opponents than you!" "Let me have at him.......I know what I need to do......." Yamazaki got close to the creature and went ballistic once more........ @A person, you're up!
  18. Lapis deep down was okay with the others getting the message and would soon arrive, but there was something off about what Mephilia said........ "What do you mean "Iblis' sentence"? Are you with him?!" Lapis heard LightFlare but had no time to respond as she awaited Mephilia's response............she could only think about what he told her....... (Thinking) "He's right, but I need to know Argento's plans.........it's for everyone's sake........." @Agni Blackheart, you're up! Meanwhile, back with the rest of the group........ Argento has already deployed to the next part of the Distortion. The group recognized Mephilia's voice and the message was clear: they needed to hurry if they were going to catch up to Argento........ "Ah, crap! We better hurry! We can't let that punk get away!" "Geez, didn't realize you guys hated this Argento guy so much." "Erza.......you don't even know the half of it." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yamazaki and Alice were fortunate enough to avoid Jebediah's Sleep Dust, though Malin ended up not getting out of the way in time, and Elias was accidently pushed into the incoming dust attack........ "Okay, Alice........you know what comes next, right?" "...........We fight this creature?" "Exactly! I think now would be the perfect time to tell you.........that Elias will die by my hands if you don't help me!" Almost by force, Yamazaki managed to get Alice to unleash the Black Dragon spirit that laid dormant in her soul, and subsequently possess the orphan..........all by means of threatning the life of her caretaker, Elias.......... "I WILL NOT ALLOW FATHER TO BE KILLED!!!!!" The possessed orphan then shot a beam of energy towards Jebediah........... @A person, you're up!
  19. "No need for that kind of language, G.T. Anyways, allow me to introduce myself.....I'm Ruby Rose."
  20. Ruby went to see what was going on, and what she saw was something out of a fanfic....... "Who.....who are these people?"
  21. "As far as I know, there might be more gems, but we'll have to talk to YokuMan about it. He has plenty of knowledge on that subject."
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