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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. "That doesn't really answer my question........"
  2. "Okay.....that raises another question.........Deadpool, what the heck was going on right there???"
  3. "By all means, Deadpool! Now, there are few things I'd like to talk about with you, so I'll ask: Where do you get info on every member of the team? Try looking up info on me and Deadpool if you've got the time!"
  4. While waiting for Alice to get back from retrieving Lapis like the rest of the group, Malin went to talk to YokuMan....... "Hey, Yoku! Want to chat for a bit? I got nothing to do until Alice finds Lapis." OOC: Captain Papyrus, time to converse. :)
  5. Alice led Magio to the outside of the castle where Lapis had been waiting........ "Magio, we need to discuss Argento's treatment towards everyone here. He hasn't shown us an gratitude or offered to accept our help. I tried to talk to him earlier, but he wouldn't listen. He attacked me before I could do anything about it." ".......What Lapis is trying to say, is that Argento's still doubts us." "Magio.......we need to know......what caused him to be this way?"
  6. Everything seemed like a blur after Argento retaliated against Lapis. She was both in pain and at a shock over what transpired. Once Argento had left, Alice found Lapis unconscious and brought her outside of the castle where no one was watching. Once Lapis had regained consciousness, she revealed what went down in the hallways.......... "Alice........" "Lapis? Thank goodness your okay!.......I don't know what would've happened if I didn't find you sooner...." "You were right!.......Argento doesn't care about anyone! He doesn't want any allies.......he attacked me in the hallway......" "......Why did he attack?" "I provoked him.....I grabbed him by the collar." "What?! Why did you do that?!" Lapis, despite being in pain from the attack earlier, had found the strength to stand up through sheer willpower and anger...... "Because of his treatment towards us, Alice! What was I supposed to do? Stand back while he continued to refuse our help?" "No......not at all...." "Alice......bring Magio over here.......I need to talk to him about Argento....." "Okay, Lapis......." With that, Alice went back into the castle and went to retrieve Magio, even going as far as to ignore the four new arrivals. "Magio?.......Lapis needs to have a word with you......"
  7. It dawned on Lapis that Yang was trying to calm her down, but she didn't listen, so Lapis continue to follow Argento. Once it became apparent that Argento was ignoring her, she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt....... "Are you just going to ignore me?! Don't make me do something I'll regret!" Of course the group had to inform Yang of what was going on........ "I get the feeling Alice must have told Lapis about Argento and his treatment of us so far. I'm honestly not surprised." "Yang.......I'm not quite sure how to say this, but.......Neo found us."
  8. @LightFlare_Da_Realest, we've got some people wanting you to join the RP thread.......care to join us?

    1. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      I've been thinking about it of and on for a while now. But I just haven't found the right motivation yet. Plus I'm much more busy these days. I haven't looked in the RP thread in a while. But last time I looked the story was getting interesting. Particularly bcuz of you and Agni. It will be kinda hard but I'm going to genuinely try. I'll catch up on the story a bit and see how I feel. Thanks for the invite...

    2. TotalDramaXtremist


      Okay, well thanks for the update. The RP thread will always be open, so whenever you get the motivation to join us, come on by. :)

    3. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Cool...oh...and I just finishing catching up. I think when the time is right I may jump in. I wanna see what Shinigami does first...:lifeofstudy:

  9. After the battle had taken place, the rest of the group were informed of the ruckus outside the castle and how the Neo Corporation had gotten past the barrier originally set up by Magio.......... "Wait......so let me get this straight......the robots, Dusk's chainsaw wielding friend, that stupid grey hedgehog, Magio, and Argento fought enemies, and no one bothered to let me know?! What the hell kind of crap is that?!" "Not just that, but now we have to deal with Neo again!..........I hope Yang doesn't catch wind of this, because the last time those two fought against each other, she lost!" "Hey, they have a sentient star with a split personality, a four legged orange Gremlin, and a mercenary that takes things too seriously........what the heck did you expect someone as stupid looking as her to be doing there???" Not too long after her confrontation with Fuyuhiko and after the battle outside, Lapis saw Argento walking back into the hallway, and proceeded to follow him. Once she caught up with him, she grabbed him from behind and said emphatically..... "You've got some nerve to not fully accept these people as your ally! What gives you the right to be this way?"
  10. OOC: You can PM me if you ever need anything............
  11. OOC: No need to fear, TDX is here! (cheesy line is cheesy. :P)
  12. OOC: She must have overheard what was happening..........
  13. "You guys catch on pretty quickly.......alright, boys! Come on out!"
  14. "Please.......I've been around a decade longer than that fourth wall breaking scumbag!" ???: "Now, now, Slade......." Another figure walked up from behind Deathstroke. It was a female with pink, brown, and white colors as part of her outfit. The strangest feature on her was the fact that her eyes were pink and brown. She carried a pink umbrella with her. "No need to get all worked up over nothing. Let's take of these simpletons as swiftly as possible."
  15. ???: "You don't get it do you....... The airship above descended towards the castle, revealing the invaders identities......... "..........You won't survive here!"
  16. "Oh, hey MK! Bring Yang and Weiss over here! I think we've got company!"
  17. ???: "Who we are is of no concern to you, Wade Wilson. All that matters is that you and your allies will fall......"
  18. "Magic eye? What are you one about.......oh, you mean that eye........yeah, that doesn't seem off, now does it?" After another awkward minute of silence, a voice could be heard booming throughout the castle...... ???: "Attention, Deadpool Corps! We have you surrounded! There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide!"
  19. Back in the castle, Lapis was properly introduced to the rest of the group, and once they reached the end of the hallway, things were about to go from great to uneasy...... "I think that covers everyone. I'm shocked that everyone took your sudden appearance well." "Wait, Alice, do you hear something?" Lapis heard two people coming their way, and one of them caused problems for Lapis when she was in the mirror earlier......... "What was the big idea of dragging me out of my room! I was in the middle of something with Peko and that freakish priest guy!" "Hey, you wanna keep complaining? I had to fetch you out anyways. There's something that you need to see." "What could possibly be worth looking at? Listen, I've had a rough morning already, and I just want to forget it ever hap-----" Fuyuhiko hadn't been paying attention, and accidentally pushed Lapis down. It only took a few moments to notice the new arrival..... "YOU!" "Gah! Who the f**k are you?!" "Don't act like you don't know! I was in that mirror you were trying to destroy!" "........That was you in that mirror?......." "Yes, I was! Do you know how long I was in there?! I was isolated from everyone!" "I........I didn't think you actually existed........" "Well now you know.........My name is Lapis Lazuli....and I will not forget your actions so easily....." "Crap........I just want to forget any of this happened......." "You were asking for it, Fuyuhiko...." "Malin, do me a favor........shut up, already." While that was going on, Ruby had walked in on Deadpool staring at the mysterious eye outside of the front castle's window.......... "Deadpool.....what are you doing?"
  20. ???: We don't have normal glue, but Crazy Glue, will that work? ???:.......sure, let's go with that. Sorry about this......
  21. ???: Sure thing...........try not to scream so much.
  22. ???: Maybe if you actually tried to repress it, you wouldn't have such a huge problem controlling your stupid Belieber persona! ???: Yeah, she's got a point, you know."
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