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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. ???: "Well, the tape ain't gonna hold. Sorry, but the glue has to be put on the back of your head for the communicator to stay!"
  2. Meanwhile, outside of the castle, another air ship had shown up above the castle, and it was hidden well beneath the clouds, making it hard to spot....... ???: "Hold still, you creep!" ???: "Yeah, don't make us use the glue for the communicator!"
  3. The water gem was understandably confused about the characters in front of her, as she had never seen a robot or hedgehog before, or for that matter, even knew about them...... "Ummm.......Alice? What are they supposed to be? They don't look normal......" "Those are some of our allies, Lapis. There are more inside the rest of the castle as far as I know. Along with everyone else, I told you about Dusk, Malin, and the Unlimited Force remember?" "Malin, I can understand would be human like you. But Dusk and those machines? I don't know what to make of them. How does that one machine know about me and my abilities, though?" "Dusk and the other hedgehog are pretty strange looking, but they've been helpful. As for YokuMan, he's like a walking encyclopedia: he knows bounds of information." "Hmmm.......I'll remember that, Alice. Now I'd like ask......where are the others?
  4. Deadpool's act of noticing the strange eye caught the attention of both Yamazaki and Mary, who had not been assigned by Maln to look for Alice after her meltdown. Needless to say, even they were weirded out by Deadpool's actions....... "What the hell is Deadpool up to? I mean, sure there's a random eyeball staring at us through that window, but doesn't he have better things to do?" "It's freakin' Deadpool! What would you expect a guy like him to do? Besides, that eyeball wasn't there earlier.......something's not right here......." Certain members of each group were tasked with finding Alice after her meltdown against Fuyuhiko, who had to be restrained and taken back to his room where Peko and Elias had to have a talk with him over his anger at such a trivial matter.........at least, that's what the Ultimate Yakuza initially thought........ "I don't understand, Fuyuhiko.......you said the mirror situation didn't bother you one bit last night, but then Elias is telling me that you were trying to break it. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" "I'm not sure, to be honest. I guess I wasn't in the right mindset and..........I thought this was all just an act by Alice." "Now you see the consequences of you actions, right, Mr. Kuzuryuu?" "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Don't make your precious Alice angry, or she'll try to blast you with her powers.......speaking of which, what the heck was up with her anyways? Her eyes went completely white!" "It was an act of anger by the Black Dragon." "Black Dragon? What the f**k are you on about?!" "The Black Dragon is a spirit that has plagued Alice ever since the death of her parents. It's been a difficult number of years, to say the least." This was enough for Peko to grab Fuyuhiko from behind and sound out her fears...... Peko: "Wait, so Alice is possessed?! Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" Fuyuhiko: "Peko, you don't have to hold me! You know I don't believe a word this guy says! You don't actually believe him, do you?!" Peko: "Well....it's just......I don't know!" "I'm afraid I'm telling the truth here. You must not let Alice become vulnerable, or the Black Dragon will keep taking over her mind." Meanwhile, in the basement of the castle, Alice had finally snapped out of the possession brought on by the Black Dragon. She remembered what had gone down not too long ago and feared for what may happen next....... "Alice?" ".................What do I do? Fuyuhiko doesn't believe me and I attacked Father...........what can I do?" "Alice, I may not get the chance to ask this again, but........I need you to free me from here." "What? Free you? But......how do I do that?" The mirror then showed a projection of Alice removing the gem from the back of the mirror, practically giving the orphan the proper action needed. "You can do it, Alice.......I trust you......." "Okay......here goes nothing!" Alice then did as the mirror instructed and removed the gem from the mirror........and soon the cracked gem floated out of her hands and in the middle of the air, began to show of a humanoid appearance. The gem remained on the back of the figure, and soon enough, blue clothes and hair appeared on the blue-skinned girl. The figure then gradually fell to the ground.......... Alice couldn't believe the sight she had witnessed.....the gem had given off a humanoid appearance and as she helped the girl that was once trapped in the mirror, she noticed that the humanoid had eyes reminiscent of glass.......... "Thank you, Alice!" "..........uh.........if I may ask.......what's your name?" "Lapis......Lapis Lazuli." "Lapis.......how long were you in that mirror?" "Alice......I was in that mirror for a long time. I don't know how long, but I definitely remember one thing........I need to go back home. As Lapis continued to converse with Alice, Malin overheard two voices outside the basement, belonging to the two females........ "That's odd........why does it sound like Alice found a new friend? Unless....... Malin rushed to the basement door and opened it, only to find a blue-skinned female next to Alice......... "Ummm........am I interrupting something?......."
  5. The group each had rooms tailored to them as Anna stated earlier: Malin's resembled a school dorm room, a portion of Mary's resembled the architecture of Edolas (due to the fact that she and Mirror Knight had to share a room), Yamazaki's resembled an urban apartment, Fuyuhiko and Peko's were a combination of their respective cabin rooms from Jabberwock Island, and Alice and Elias stayed in a room stylized like one found in an orphanage. Alice had spent some time talking to the mirror and conversed with her about every member of the group, including Magio and Argento......though the way Alice described the latter may have been a bit too honest..... "Isn't Argento the one with the strange mask?" "Yes.......unfortunately, he doesn't want anything to do with us. Apparently, he thinks he's better off not helping us out." "Why do you put up with someone like him? It seems off to me." "Magio needs all the help he can get, and dealing with his stepbrother comes second." "Oh.....well, I hope nothing happens to strain this partnership further." "I can only dream......." Everything seemed to be just fine after the long day the groups had...............until the next morning........ "ALICE! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Fuyuhiko's shouting had woken up a number of the house guests, including Alice, who was holding the mirror in her hands, right by Elias........ "I.....I'm right here, Fuyuhiko, what do you need?" "I'll tell you what I need......I need you to hand that mirror to me right the f**k now!" "Mr. Kuzuryuu, I must ask you to stop with this. You are scaring Alice." "You don't understand! That mirror's possessed, and the only way to stop it is to break it into a million pieces!" "NOOOOOO! PLEASE!" "YOU SHUT UP! A mirror's not supposed to want anything! It can't act on it's own! GIMME THAT F**KING MIRROR, ALICE!" Alice had no idea what to do. She was scared of what Fuyuhiko would do, and he was at his boiling point. "If you refuse to stop, Fuyuhiko, you may not like what happens next!" "F**K YOU, OLD MAN!" Fuyuhiko then takes the mirror by force and begins to throw the mirror..........this unfortunately brings out a unspeakable evil......... "LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE!!!!!!!" "Wha......what the f**k?!" Alice attacked Fuyuhiko and even though Elias tried to stop her, he ended up caught in the crossfire. Alice took the mirror and ran off further into the castle......... "Fuyuhiko.........shame on you."
  6. "Sounds good to me." "It's just like old times!" All four Beacon friends then headed off to their rooms.....
  7. Luckily for Mirror Knight, Mary didn't hear Yang's remark. THAT would have been embarrassing for her to find out his secret. Following Yang's long string of intros....... ' "Wow, Yang. That was a mouthful." "That's my sister for ya! It's nice to meet you all!" "Nice to meet you all as well! It's cool that Yang has family and friends wanting to help us out!" *At this point, Malin noticed the staff in Ruby's hands* "Neat looking staff, does it do anything special?" "Does it ever!" *Ruby then extended the staff to reveal the hidden scythe hidden within it* "Say hello to the Crescent Rose! It's got all the unique things you'd expect: A scythe for close-range combat, and........ *Ruby switches her weapon to it's sniper form* "....a sniper for long-range attacks! Pretty neat, huh?" All of this info left Malin in a stunned silence, prompting her to pull out her vast arsenal of weaponry, from her knives and bladed yo-yos to her trusty hammer. What happened next seemed completely unreal....... "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! THOSE WEAPONS ARE AWESOME!" "I know right! Custom-made for combat at any range, from long-to-close range, anything's a possibility!" "Well, here we go again......"
  8. I'm requesting this patch once again so that I may save it in case any links go down
  9. I'm having an issue with Glasses' Shingo edit. It tends to create clones of itself as shown here: Maybe it's MUGEN 1.1 related, but that's just my guess. :/
  10. "Interesting.......Now, you were gonna introduce us to your partners?
  11. Before the introductions...... "Yang! I missed you, too!" "I'm not gonna lie, it was boring without you, Yang. By the way, you never told us why you left the academy."
  12. "Really? I'd be happy to give you guys autographs!" Ruby and Blake gladly autographed the games the robots had in their possessions..... "Say, shouldn't we find Yang already, Ruby?" "That's next on our agenda! Let's go!"
  13. "Oh, trust me, Haruna, you and Malin would definitely get along! Come on, me and Yamazaki will take you to meet the rest of the group."
  14. Yamazaki was completely dumbfounded by this unexpected arrival, and Mary had followed him to see what was up....... "Okay......A few questions: Who the heck is that little girl, how long have you known her, and why is she carrying a chainsaw?" "Also, shouldn't you be resting?! That crazy little girl reopened your wound!"
  15. Two loud screams echoed inside the castle: One belonging to the Ultimate Yakuza, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, and the other to the recently de-brainwashed Dusk. Peko went to check on Fuyuhiko, Yamazaki and Mary both ran to Dusk's aide, and Malin stayed in the main room to introduce everyone else to Anna......... At around the same time, Wizrock's portal closed and the figures all got up, revealing their identities in the process......... "Okay, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to push Weiss first. I still ended up on the very bottom of the pile." "Oh, come on, Blake! It wasn't that bad! Besides, I think we're in the right place! Wait did you hear that?" Ruby Rose was referring to the loud screams emanating throughout the castle, though Blake Belladonna wasn't about to jump right into those issues right away...... "You know what? Let's find Yang first before we think about funding the source of those screams. Weiss, you okay?" Peko then went to find Fuyuhiko, who was looking very hysterical in front of an unfazed Elias and flabbergasted Alice....... "Fuyuhiko, what's going on?!" "It's that mirror Malin found! It's f**king possessed or something! It actually spoke to me!" "Really? The mirror talked to you? Come on, Fuyuhiko. I think you need some rest." "But it's true, Peko! Look!" *Fuyuhiko then pointed the mirror right into Peko's face, while she continue to think he was joking* "Okay. You can stop with the shenanigans! You're acting silly, Master!" "But it's true!" .............................. "Wait......you weren't.......lying?......." "It's okay.......I don't want to hurt you........"
  16. "I warned her. Let's go." "Okay.........harsh." The remaining two then stepped through the portal....
  17. "We're gonna be here all day if you keep up with the skepticism, so go inside the portal already!"
  18. "Hey, we agreed that you'd be the first to go through the portal." "Yeah, it won't be that bad."
  19. "Yeah, it is. Looks like it's time to find her."
  20. Meanwhile, after patching up Yang, Elias and Alice walked to the outside to take a look at their surroundings, where Fuyuhiko also was........ "Alice, look at this place. Is it not breathtaking? Who could have imagined a place like this existed?" "....I agree. Magio's Castle is very nice, Father." "Nice? That has to be the understatement of the century! This place is f***king great!" "Now, now, Mr. Kuzuryuu, no need for that kind of language here." "Hey, that's just how I talk. No need to get all fatherly on me, Elias." Fuyuhiko then notices the mirror in Alice's hands...... "Hey, isn't that the mirror Malin found on the airship when we got here?" "Yes, it is." "I dunno why she even bothered to find it. It's just a mirror, what's so special about it?" "Alice, would you let me see that mirror? I'd like to examine it........" Alice agreed and handed Elias the mirror. He examined it and noticed the cracked gem on the back........ "Interesting. This is nice find by Malin, though the lapis lazuli on the back is a bit damaged. Perhaps it was damaged on the air ship before we even got there." "Lapis lazuli? I thought it was a sapphire of some kind! Oh well, doesn't matter. Like I said, there's probably nothing special about it! Look, I'll even prove it to you!" Fuyuhiko snatched the mirror from Elias' hands and without warning, proceeded to ask it a question........ "Hey mirror. got a bit of time to spare?" "What are you doing, Fuyuhiko?" "Proving a point! This mirror isn't special at all, and I'll be damned if I'm proven wrong! ???: "What are you doing, Fuyuhiko?" "Wait, who said that?" Fuyuhiko looked all round to find the source of the voice, until finally looked down at the mirror in his hand, and without warning, it whirled out of his hands and back into Alice's....... "I did." "Whuh........what......how..............................." Fuyuhiko's loud screams then filled the air.......
  21. "Try something in the hundreds. Take a wild guess, it's up to you, anyways."
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