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Everything posted by Winmugen11

  1. Clearly, the developers have thought about everything.
  2. I took the liberty, if Ryoucchi doesn't mind, to send it to you, Alice. Enjoy!
  3. Reliable sources, dear Noside, reliable sources...
  4. That's not the only thing which is huge..
  5. It might be, I mean there are so many flashy Iori edits that it's hard to separate them from one another. Hence why I asked which ones they were in the first place. Any idea about the Iori in the gif? And if it's from KOFS, can you extract it to your normal Mugen or is it a moleboxed game?
  6. Bonjour everybody, Recently I've been thinking about creating my own "products" for Mugen. Now I know which programs are best to use and where to find great tutorials (like Ryon's for Characters and Cybaster's for Stages). However everywhere I go, people say to use Fighter Factory, or depending on the project at hand, multiple Fighter Factories. As far as I remember, when using FF, you can use the Classic FF, FF3 or FFU. Now my real question is when to stick to 1 FF and when to use multiple versions. Are there some things which are easier to do in certain versions of FF than others? If so which things? Perhaps some sort of summary that lists the differences and advantages between all these Fighter Factories would help me out the most. Alternatively, are there any other similar programs you can use as an alternative for FF? P.S. This is a bit off-topic but what can you use Adobe Photoshop for in regards to Mugen content creation? What's the best version? Can you use GIMP as a free alternative or does it have it's limitations in comparison to Photoshop? Finally, can you guys recommend me any spriting tutorials to follow?
  7. Hello everyone, I have a question concerning Dark Chunli by XCB, whom I presume everybody knows. Now the thing is, I have her for my Mugen and enjoy playing as her. She has 2 distinct modes, a Rage Mode and a Chaos Mode. What I would like to know is what exactly is the difference between these 2 modes? XCB never told anyone and in her files, it doesn't mention anything about these gameplay modes (at least I didn't find anything last time I checked). The only difference I noticed is that the Chaos Mode is more able to perform combos and supers than the Rage Mode.
  8. I thank you both, Toaster & V-Nix, for the information! Does anyone know anything about this Iori portrayed in the video below? http://youtu.be/toal9bYVIi4 And the one in this gif :
  9. Here you go Luca : http://www.mediafire.com/download/brgqn0j048fdycm/JP3RODSU.rar
  10. I totally agree with you. This new Voice Over for Doom is awesome and hilarious. Plus I believe I've found a new channel to follow!
  11. Just saw this yesterday and it was pretty good. It's nice to see how this flows from episode 6 to 7 but I wish that when Scrooge challenges Vegeta for a rematch, it would've actually happened. Then again, if they did that the whole idea of rescueing the money bin would be pointless... The only real complaint I've got with this is that to my taste the music overlaps the voices too much, as in the music is so loud you can barely hear what the characters are saying.
  12. With a fixed version, you mean Fortuna with the Auto-Ai removed by Laharl who works in Mugen 1.0? Can you or Laharl send it to me too please?
  13. I certainly hope that I did not offend anyone in one way or another for that was not my intention. Regardless, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors Mharven! ^^
  14. Does anyone know if this Saiki is fake or real and if it's the latter, who made him?
  15. For Vibrant or anyone else interested, here's the NWG Train - Last Sunset stage : http://www.ninjawarriors.net/media/nwg_train.zip
  16. Hey there justin, I may not be of a direct help here but if you want this issue of yours to have a much bigger chance of being resolved, I suggest you move this over to the Mugen Help section. ^^
  17. Hi mharven, That's very nice to hear you're so excited to make characters for Mugen. ^^ However, when posting in the Requests section we're not allowed to ask for something to be made (e.g. request to make a dictionary for difficult codes in fighter factory). In the future you should post similar questions in the Mugen Help section. But let me provide you with something that might help you out or at least get started : http://www.infinitymugenteam.com/infinity.wiki/mediawiki/index.php?title=Character_Creation_Tutorial Also, which version of FF do you use? Depending on that, you might need different tutorials.
  18. Is this Orochi Iori any different from what we've seen so far as far as Orochi Iori's go? Or is it just a SA-port?
  19. Hi Penelo, First of all I'd like to say that you did an outstanding job on those palettes! However, I noticed we can't download your 3-part palettes for Morrigan by POTS, which are some of your best palettes in my opinion. Will we ever be able to enjoy them in our own mugen (aka provide a DL link) or are they for showcase only?
  20. Already sent it to you, check your PM.
  21. How dare you derail MY thread? For such insolence, Ryoucchi, I shall give thee the punishment you deserve ! http://www.mediafire.com/?fqzjnmngtxj Let this be a lesson to all who oppose me ! ^^
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