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Everything posted by Winmugen11

  1. You can also mark BlackThunderZ's answer as solved. That way the staff can move this request over to Completed Requests.
  2. Wait, so this Soul Calibur Siegfried is not released by chuchoryu? Didn't chuchoryu already release a Siegfried? Os is this his Siegfried updated/finished by IIIII?
  3. Of course it is worth the darn download, it's something from My Little Pony..for Mugen!
  4. Ryon, will you implement the feature that when MoA summons a striker and he knocks the opponent out cold with it, that MoA and that striker (instead of disappearing/teleporting away) will do their own victory pose?
  5. Granted. In order to achieve this, the mighty Genie gives you a Rock nose and Paper and Scissor hand respectively. People think you are a freak and hunt you down. They bury you and on your tombstone it says : He never lost at Rock, Paper, Scissor but in the end the Bullet put a stop to him. I wish Spongebob's Squarepants would no longer be shaped like a square.
  6. This might help you a great deal or not at all : http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/how-do-i-changeadd-palettes-1-0-characters-149903.0.html
  7. It's not that I despise 4Shared. I have an account there but I'm pointing out that Mediafire is WAY more user friendly.
  8. What happens when you take a blender, toss in Dora the Explorer and a copy of GTAV, and mix it? This : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JejlyiVAOw For all those "time is money" kind of guys, go to 0:06 for the movie to start.
  9. Granted. He then makes a run for it in his Flying Circus, leaving you alone and feeling rejected. I wish each and every Organization XIII member would wear a distinctive and unique uniform instead of them all having a single black- leather hooded coat with zippers and black pants.
  10. Of course he still does. You're free to ask for a character of whom you want the Auto-AI to be removed but that doesn't mean he'll jump on it right away. A combination of other requests which came before yours, real life and staff duties (+laziness? XD ) probably keep him from working on those Ai-removals on a regular basis.
  11. Yes you are. Just copy and paste the Skydrive link in your adress bar and add !110 at the end. Then press Enter and voila! You have access to these two fine pieces of craftsmanship.
  12. Perhaps he should change the topic title to Dark Athena 3rd. Alos this is a minor nitpick but can you provide a Mediafire link too? You need an account to download from 4Shared and even if you have one you still need to wait 20 seconds before the download begins. Add to that that files on 4Shared get deleted after a while unlike on Mediafire(assuming you log in every now and then), you can guess why the latter is the more preferred one of the two.
  13. Granted. You now know what to wish for in exchange for your wish you DUN GOOF'D. I wish Mugen would forever be Free for All.
  14. Look Laharl, I'm asking it since there was no comment given about her whatsoever safe she's a remake. I already know how Striders play so that doesn't mean I want another female clone just because she has Strider in her name. I've also downloaded a great deal of disappointing characters in the past whom looked good but eventually were a waste of testing time, so that's why I, if the character interests me but no comment is given, I ask what's special/good about them. I do not always use my own PC when accessing MFFA so I can't download it on the fly. The only thing I can tell for sure by looking at 1 screenshot is that it's another genderbent character.
  15. Could you please, when giving links for a character, add a screenshot or a video? People like me like to see what they download before doing so.
  16. What is special about this fanmade Strider character?
  17. If he doesn't like that, then how did he obtain the sprites of all those strikers? I'm guessing he did not rip all of them separately from their source games. Ryon, I know this is just a WIP now, but have thou considered yet replacing the default hit sounds of KFM with something more nice to hear? Nevertheless, I really like the way you made those characters disappear along with that accompanying disappearing sound. It's much more fun to watch that after seeing all those other characters with strikers which jump on screen, do their attack, and then run/jump off.
  18. Hey guys, I'm trying to make a render so it can be used for making a signature. Now this image has a plain white BG but the thing is, if I delete the BG to make it transparent, it makes a part of the character, which is equally as white as the BG, transparent too. Now I tried avoiding this in all different manners but alas my attempts have beared no fruition. This is the image I'm speaking of : http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-20/art/aw-deus.jpg Now as you can see, the BG and the white part on the right lower side of his cape flow into each other which is a problem for me I do not know how to resolve. So can anyone from the League of Extraordinary Signature Artists (LESA) donate some words of wisdom to me?
  19. I was actually slightly expecting the Mario Brothers, silly me =P How does this character play exactly? Does it have any super moves? Are all it's attacks team-based? P.S. You like cats?
  20. Judging from his eyes, he must be quite intelligent. XD Is he an original character or are his origins to be traced to a game?
  21. Before I download this warrior, is there anything which makes him stand out from the majority of Gundam characters for Mugen? For example, what do you mean with "more Endless Duel game mechanics"?
  22. Granted. They all act exactly like Syncro. I wish for the financial and economical crisis to come to an end at last.
  23. Interesting to see you've taken up this idea once again. What made you decide to go for a 2.0 version, Ryon? Also possible strikers and their attacks : That's all for now. P.S. Almost forgot, here's an idea for the best striker to have ever graced the Mugen scene :
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