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Everything posted by Winmugen11

  1. Well that was certainly more than I had bargained for, but nevertheless I greatly appreciate the extra effort, Hayonik! 2 questions though : Is it possible you gave a double link for the same Ash? And I'd like the Kyo too because I downloaded 2 Ryo's I think. Only Nameless remains !
  2. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a bunch of characters by MDK, of whom pictures can be found here : http://mugen.weboy.org/author/mdk/ Characters I'm looking for : 1) Nameless & Yashiro 2) Goodman & Chris 5-in-1 3) Shen & Krizalid 4) K' If possible, I'd like the most up-to-date versions of these combatants ^^ The majority of the links available for those characters on that site are down... P.S. I've got K9999, Mr. Karate, Kaede & Iori Yagami by MDK but I was wondering if there are more recent versions available of these characters for the ones I possess are from 2008.
  3. This AshKU is a regular Ash with a Dark Ash mode? I'm interested, and since you are more accustomed to Baidu, can you provide a link?
  4. Is there somewhere a good version of Evil Ash/Dark Ash/ Diabolosis Ash, whatever you want to name him, to be found for Mugen? All the ones I know are either incomplete or not good at all in terms of gameplay/challenge.
  5. Is he? Well, he's free to do so, I mean it's not like we already have a ton of Iori edits to choose from.
  6. All I managed to find was that the stage is called Vacancy 2 (2009 the First Cut) - Gas Station made by linkmyu. Here's the original link : http://www.wretch.cc/blog/linkmyu/23321965 Unfortunately the provided sendspace link is broken.
  7. Looking great so far, Royce. You know what could make it look even more great? Make a rainbow (double or single, your call) appear when the Honedges go from top to bottom! *shot*
  8. Isn't that why there are size restrictions in the first place?
  9. Hey Borewood, How did you get this idea in the first place? Did it just came to your mind all of a sudden? Really tempted to answer the poll and share the answers now, seeing you guys have had the courage to do so...
  10. No problem buddy, I did some research and you might find Master Ryo in the SvP full game. Here it is : => use the links ArtistofLegacy has provided. Now the reasons I think you can find him in that game is because : 1) SVP Infinity Custom Edition, is a collection and excellent modification of an assortment of SNK sprited characters, which includes even a few Capcom favorites. 2) Someone on YT has mentioned he got that Master Ryo you seek from that game. You should be able to DL the game and then put Master Ryo in your Mugen Characters folder ;)
  11. Man, seeing all these answers to these questions, makes me having even more respect for you guys. Ryouchhi, you're a hikikomori too? I never expected that of you. To be honest, today is the day I actually saw you're 17. I thought you were a grown-up adult in the middle of his twenties something. Forgive me for asking, do you still see your father every now and then? Concerning your math, has that given you a disadvantage today? If not, then you're indeed lucky you could graduate without any marks on that subject.
  12. You never did? Well, what not is, can still come
  13. Hey bley43, I want to let you know I really like what I'm seeing here (safe the naked and black naked Boss Saiki palettes, which are creepy) ! Especially your Iori, Mai and K' -XIII palettes are a pure work of art! Whatever you do, keep it going!
  14. Mavrik? Is that his username or did you make a typo and mean Mav3r1ck?
  15. Winmugen11


    It's best to leave this thread and never look back again, GuyZero....
  16. I second this. While not all of your characters are top-notch, I always enjoy battling your Manticore even when I sometimes can't win. But that's okay, Borewood, because if a character is awesome (like your Manticore and SFIV Seth), then I do not care I lose for I've faced off against pure quality ^^ Besides every loss teaches me something, causing me to improve my game. So thank you for your wonderful creations up till now! P.S. Will your Seth have more than 2 palettes (normal and Gold) in the future? Like I said, perhaps you can request palettes (along with suggestions) to some other well-talented palette creators (Like Shirokino & Brock) ?
  17. This doesn't look bad at all. Yet I can't shake of the thought that he looks like a shy, naked Slenderman Will you be doing other SCP's in the future or is that too early to ask? If you do, I want to see SCP-1356.
  18. The base of giving feedback to a creation lies withing providing a download link. Not even in the thread over at MFG a DL link is present for so far as I've checked. Regardless, will he have some palette exlusive specials/supers for his Nightmare Zero palette? Or an Absolute Zero mode or something like that?
  19. Perhaps you can add some sort of effect to the Rock Smash attack, as in when the Honedges come down and hit the ground, make shattered rocks flying away? Or when they hit the opponent with the downwards slash, some sort of bone-breaking sound, which illustrates the fact it really is a rock & bone breaking smash? Just a suggestion, so don't let your artistic creativity be influenced all too much by this ;)
  20. As a supporter of MvC-style, I like that idea but seriously only 1 special? Why's that?
  21. Just like your True K', this looks like another over the top, sheer quality edit of yours. I'm impressed by your work to say the least. Will you do more K' edits or move on to other edits/characters in the future? Curious as I am, I wonder what the current state of affairs is on this little gem of yours.
  22. Thanks BlackThunderZ! You're my BlackThunderSaviour ^^
  23. Now why would you want to do that, if I may inform? I believe a great deal of people won't like that since a signature makes a user more unique. Heck, by looking at a signature you often already know to who it belongs even before you've read that member's name. Feel free to either tell it or not. And if you want to let out why, either here (even if it's off-topic) or in some sort of announcement (via a new thread) will suffice, I think. Also, Kashif has given 5 out of 6 rep points he has to himself.
  24. That's brave of you to share that with us, Syncro. Personally, I'd say it's harsh saying your family is messed up. I don't like my family either but you can't choose who's a part of your family sadly. Emotional issues? I don't know anything about that but then again, it's your decision to elaborate or not. You say you only go out of home for school, yet claim you regularly skip it? That's confusing for it contradicts your statement but whatever, I suppose. Regardless, I salute the both of you for having the guts to answer these hard questions. Even if you don't plan on sharing your answers, thinking about them can be very revealing, either for the good or the bad. Your call.
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