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Everything posted by Winmugen11

  1. That's not bad at all, however I'm going to need something different without vocals. Any info you can give me on the Ace?
  2. Okay, thanks lucabel! Any BGM you or anyone else can recommend to me for this stage? Also, who's that Ace? Another Shotoclone with no new moves or anything like that?
  3. Hello folks! I would love to request a stage, if you all do not mind, that is. ^^ First up is this stage, Traing Room Sky, which I would like to have : http://youtu.be/xjNUdZFfsF0 Secondly, perhaps someone can recommend me a good BGM (one that makes you feel free/believe you can fly/like you fight in the sky etc...) for this stage as well? And that's it I guess. Thanks in advance for checking this topic out!
  4. Your video did not show in the first post because you didn't use the BBCode for Media. I'm sure by looking at your 2nd post you've figured out to select BBCode, choose media and then copy and paste the video link in the share tab in between the brackets.
  5. Please add some screenshots/gifs/video(s) to show off your game so we can decide if we want to download it or not.
  6. I curse thee, Brock! I was literally in the middle of posting this guy's release over here and when I came back to check the format for News, I saw you had already beaten me to it! Nevertheless, his sprites look amazing but that doesn't matter if his gameplay is unsatisfying. The screenshots do look promising though. Then again it comes from CrusaderCast so perhaps I shouldn't even bother trying it out.
  7. Thanks for explaining the difference between an Alpha and a Beta. I've always been not so sure about those until now. But if Alpha means missing stuff like the basics, why should one even consider releasing a character at an Alpha state? The way I think it's supposed to be is to release a Beta, get feedback, fix the stuff and gradually come to a solid and finished "product". Regardless, best of luck AxSeeker!
  8. 1) I didn't know you hated me so much that you want to see me jump off a cliff.. 2) ? 3) Granted. You wear pink (which makes everyone hate you with a passion and call you a gay fag) because REAL MEN wear pink. I wish Santa wouldn't be such an obese fatty.
  9. A solid release, as is to be expected from The 100 Mega Shock! This is a little bit off-topic, but will you update your Mewtwo with new moves/harder AI/a Mega Mewtwo mode or form?
  10. Granted. You find out that it has nothing to do with Mugen Wikia and that it is actually a virus which slowly infects and destroys your computer from the inside while keeping your attention by generating pretty snow flakes on certain sites. I wish I wouldn't have so much free time to spend on deconstructing other people's wishes in the Genie Game. =/
  11. Is jojozerox the same guy who made those cheap MM characters, like Magma Dragoon, Jet Stingray, Fenri Lunaedge etc.., with hyper armor and unblockable and unavoidable instant kill moves?
  12. Alrighty then, I see your point. If he will have e.g. 50 strikers and you'd have to add 50 winposes for each of them, then the SFF will go through the roof. After all, what's the point of having a gigantic SFF file? There is none, like a wise man once said!
  13. Thanks for the share, V-Nix! And that almost guarantees a instant download. P.S. Everytime I see those lifebars of yours, I want them more and more...
  14. Indeed the sprites look fangastic. But shouldn't an Alpha have more than just the basic standing attacks? Looks more like a rush to get it out fast than anything else in order to get more feedback. Since it is Ax we're talking about, my expectations are limited to say the least. Like Genesis, I too shall wait for a final version but even then I doubt I'll keep him in my roster unless he surpasses the or has the same amount of fun factor of Balthazar's Goku Z2/SSJ Goku Z2.
  15. Ah, OK. So that is what the official SSJ God looks like. Kind of unimaginative but what works, works. Untill now I was always confused which was the real SSJ God, the pinkish hair one or the SSJ3-like SSJ4. Thanks Genesis and Sham!
  16. Xiangfeng-KFM : http://www.4shared.com/rar/3Ydl06rQ/xianfeng-kfm.html Also the Miffy is nothing more than a KFM-spriteswap so I'm not sure why you'd want that.
  17. I might try this one, but perhaps that's not a good idea since I'm probably spoiled with and used to Choujin/Gladiacloud/Tomo's DBZ stuff. Looking at the screenshot, which depicts the regular Goku with pinkish hair, I must ask something. How is that Goku supposed to resemble this?
  18. Indeed his sprites look WAY better than his previous set. What exactly is the problem with Acey though? I've never had any problems with him as a Mugen creator.
  19. Hi Gladiacloud, Have you got any reason for Mugenizing her of all possible things? Nevertheless she's a solid character and plays alright. For which part did you require Beximus' assistance?
  20. Wrong, he's an INFINITE cvs-styled Andy. Knowing Infinite he's probably a very solid release character. I personally will wait until all the bugs which surface thanks to feedback are reported and fixed before downloading him.
  21. Judging from the screenshot, I must ask, is he a shotoclone?
  22. Hi TAW, Perhaps you can add a super to him in which he crouches while being shy( like in the source game), then when the opponent hits him, he slashes him viciously a few times ending with a slash which not only makes blood spout out of the opponent but also sends him flying? Best comparable to Wesker's counter super in MvC3 in which he's ready to counter the opponent for a brief period of time. If the opponent attacks in that time span, he performs the counter and if not, then it's wasted super meter energy. Just an idea though. Still waiting for the rubber ducky SCP...
  23. Why was I expecting a Mighty No.9 character?
  24. Hello Cippus, May I ask what changes you gave him compared to the original? Other than that, it may be just me but it looks like when Vegeta executes energy attacks or even runs/walks, he closes his eyes. Have you noticed this already?
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