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Everything posted by Winmugen11

  1. Here is one more for good measure : http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/630920 Be warned though that due to some of the content in the video, you might either be 1) disturbed 2) disgusted 3) lose faith in humanity 4) delighted 5) lol or all of the above. Viewer discretion is advised. You have been warned.
  2. Granted, now we have to start all over again. I wish GarchompMatt hadn't dropped the soap.
  3. Losing faith in human competence and mankind level of worse. Don't make me elaborate. *shudders at the memories*
  4. I've seen worse personally. Perhaps we can all sign a petition in which we request for an INFINITE FREDDY MERCURY?
  5. It's made by Hekutta. Here is his site : http://hekutta.webs.com/ It's filled with Mountainside Temple stage edits so plenty of choice for what to keep and what not to keep.
  6. I actually was thinking you made this topic in a fit of drunken randomness what with the topic title and giving the false expectation of seeing a real elephant. But a stage is good too I guess. Thanks for the share, Lightflare!
  7. http://mugenforall.ru/index/mkp/0-56 => the place to be for MKP characters, however all the links are megaupload ones. If you really desire some good MK characters, I recommend both OmegaPsycho's and Binho's stuff. Binho : http://mugenbinho.scruffydragon.com/ OmegaPsycho : http://omegapsycho.webs.com/
  8. Please tell me that is your mighty mustache, Kanbei!
  9. I would like one with drugged up colors, which makes you feel like you're trippin'. Perhaps thou can name it Training Room Drugsagon?
  10. Then again, saying you credit authors because their names are in the definition folders is a false statement. Of course an author's name is mentioned in the def file, it tells you who made the character, but that does not mean you credited them. Anyway, I'm not going to jump on the hate train here so perhaps it's better to delete this compilation and share your screenpack and first stage (which you claim you made yourself) here instead.
  11. Just kidding. Welcome to MFFA, Darkflare! I know you mostly from your Youtube videos and Darkflare fails at Mugen serie. May I ask you how long you've been in Mugen, how you got to know it, and why you have registered here (I'm guessing you're coming from MFG)?
  12. Well-met Juaniquillos! I checked your 3 boss fight videos so far and they were all entertaning to watch, especially the ones in which you got your ass handed to you on a silver platter. Also from all the Mugen videos I've seen from other people, your choice of BGM has caught my attention the most. Mind telling me what BGM you used in your 2nd video? Regarding that Akuma and Megaman, I think I know who made them but mind telling me who their authors are? Lastly, why boss fights? Will this be a recurring theme for all your future videos? Nevertheless, I enjoy your video thread for now and am curious to see what you'll come up with next! P.S. Projectile spam for the win! Here's a challenge I've cooked up just for you. You're free to accept it or not. Challenge : Defeat at least 2 bosses without utilising any form of projectile in (one of) your next video(s)!
  13. -1 for Erro for beating up on Freakin' Freddy Fuckin' Mercury!
  14. I wonder if there are any Snakes in that box. *Shot*
  15. That's some freakin' glorious magic thou possess in thine fingers, Ryoucchi! You're very obliging! ^^ In that case, it won't hurt anybody to put out what I had in mind as a signature : I've got 1 more idea but I'll keep it until I see what you guys make of it.
  16. I can not for you make no sense! Go make your mother proud!
  17. Giant Apes Make Excrement. RYON (Theme : Comics)
  18. Also known as the how to be a total slouch/clock-watcher or sluggard game. How to play : 1) 1 person starts by commanding something to be done. 2) The next person then gives an excuse which makes him incapable of doing said task. After doing so, he gives another command. 3) Repeat step 2. Example given : Rules : 1) When giving a command, let it be something you yourself don't like to do for maximum effect! 2) Be creative! 3) Have fun! As always, I shall let this ball get on the roll. You must watch Pewdiepie!
  19. We all know what KotH is, right? Well now let's adjust it to a forum format! How to play : 1) I start by claiming the hill. 2) Then the next poster has to come up with a way of reclaiming the hill. After he has done so, he has to say "the hill is mine!". 3) Repeat step 2. Example given : Rules : 1) Be creative and 2) have fun! I'll get this party started : I claim this hill as mine!
  20. This looks more like a compilation than anything else as far as I am concerned. Have you credited the various authors for the individual characters and stages?
  21. Good day everybody, While browsing the Random Discussion section of the site, I noticed there are only a few forum games being played here. So that's why I searched for fun ideas and I came upon The Acronym Game. How to play : 1) 1 person thinks of a random combination of letters. He/She can specify a theme. 2) Then the next person has to make an acronym out of those letters, which matches the theme given by the previous poster if one is given. If there is no theme, he makes up an acronym. He then then gives another combination of letters (with or without a theme). 3) Repeat step 2 For example : Rules : 1) Do not make your acronyms longer than 8 letters. 2) Get creative and 3) Have fun! I'll start then : DBZA
  22. We meet again, Cippus! I did not have the time yet (what with the holidays and such) to test him out but if I may give you a small piece of advice : When posting media (like the demonstration video), make sure to select BBCode (3rd icon from the top left when posting), select media and add the video URL (found in the share tab on Youtube) between the two brackets. That way we do not have to go to Youtube and watch your demonstration video here! Are there any other characters you will modify in the future?
  23. Alrighty then, will do. Thanks! ^^ This already is MUCH more to my liking, lucabel. I'll give this baby a test-drive on the stage!
  24. Hi Toaster, Could you give me a good recommandation for a BGM for this stage? Video : http://youtu.be/xjNUdZFfsF0 Type of music I'm looking for : one that makes you feel free/believe you can fly/like you fight in the sky etc... More than 1 BGM suggestion is welcome!
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