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Status Replies posted by Winmugen11

  1. I wish Steam's new Hidden games feature made games seem more hidden. I don't want people to be notified whenever I start up 3D Custom Girl.

  2. today i walk for almost half of my city twice, non stop. Has been many hours from that and my legs still hurts a lot u.u

  3. If i'm not doing mugen videos, i'm mostly writing poems in my free time. Is it okay if i share some of my poems in the Random Chatter section?

  4. I hate it when I'm working and all of a sudden a robot fox comes and kills me.

  5. They grow up so fast...

  6. Well, apparently, I do have some marginal amount of spriting ability. Yay?

  7. ....................

  8. some thought i was dead :D well i guess i'll disappoint you *Evil Grin*

  9. Done watching Sharknado 2 it's very much a gulity pleasure of mine

  10. I finally beat KMF again, but this time, I tried a new character. It was tough because I couldn't spam, but at least I won.

  11. Finally got a new keyboard! Yay

  12. Hey! Let that Vegeta alone.

  13. THIS is my BOOMSTICK! -unzips pants-

  14. Osu! makes me hate the songs that I originally liked.

  15. Can i make it on time?

  16. snake snake cobra cobra

  17. O.o I've heard too much good music within a week. The wubs are getting to me

  18. Now begins my journey of learning German I suppose.

  19. addiction to cute girls is a serious problem

  20. Mahandled someone at work. Sissy should have left when I told him to.

  21. Ms. Marvel is 16? Thor is a woman. Captain America has no SS serum...................................yeah, I'm done dude.

  22. So my laptop suddenly died and all of my characters and sprites are gone. All the updates and my Luffy are gone too. Well time to code from scratch until I go batshit crazy again.

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