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Status Replies posted by Winmugen11

  1. Who are you running from?

  2. Oh snap, its Jesse Pinkman at work again. Please piss me off... That damn girl is weird. She's with this shit, yet I catch her looking at me alot. WTF?

  3. Possibly one of the slowest days ever... and nothing to do but watch movies.

  4. Lkie my Diarrhea, that was pretty... (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Explosive.

  5. My mind has a habit of producing some very clear mental images. I couldn't freaking sleep because I kept seeing that damn Golden Freddy image :s

  6. His name was Shit Sherlock, first name No.

  7. Freddy is ready, but are you ready for Freddy?

  8. I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit

  9. Color Separation sucks... fuckin' Sasuke...

  10. I think since I got to England I eated more food on the past 3 days then I eat last week...

  11. Reading up on the role play paradise(I love roleplaying in my free time also)

  12. My sister found a stray puppy yesterday while it was storming. She gave him a bath and now he doesn't want to leave us lol.

  13. My sister found a stray puppy yesterday while it was storming. She gave him a bath and now he doesn't want to leave us lol.

  14. My Anaconda don't want none, Unless you got buns HUN!

  15. what the hell is this ALS Ice Bucket challange! ?

  16. I'm surprised nobody talked about this: http://ahruon.tumblr.com/

  17. If my kids end up preffering a mobile phone over a gaming system for gaming purposes, then I will consider myself a failure as a parent.

  18. just finished my first tourny i went with my friend but in the end i lost ^_^

  19. Lightflare's Role Playing chat is kind of a good read to me. =D Not gonna lie tho.

  20. Thank god my hang over recovery was quick....that was one long fun night out

  21. I find it so fuckin Ironic that the striptease club level is the best one for grinding in Persona 4

  22. Objective: Grow my beard out until winter.

  23. Вот и новый день!

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