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Status Replies posted by Winmugen11

  1. mugen is so addictive....

  2. mugen is so addictive....

  3. So I was thinking I'm doing a thing on youtube similar to Death Battle so what are some battles that I should do?

  4. I've got most rarest character ever,SSJ5 goku,so he's pretty bugy but I can update him and send him here,so what are you thinking? also goku has a bad spanish voice do anybody know better sounds?

  5. I wish I could remember my dreams.

  6. Voice 1: What the heck do you think’s inside? Voice 2: I bet it’s Jesus! I’m calling Jesus! You heard it here folks – I said Jesus!

  7. I wish I could remember my dreams.

  8. Working On Nick Fury, Definately something I didnt expect to be doing.

  9. Working On Nick Fury, Definately something I didnt expect to be doing.

  10. Barrel roll anyone?

  11. Red sun over paradise

  12. Just played in Outlast... Never saw creepiest horror games than that.

  13. Why do people make videos of them unboxing things and upload it to zee interwebs?


  15. I had a dream that the mexican cartel was trying to kill me

  16. Working on a new character, HEARTLESS KEN! Whatta ya think?

  17. Just being the new guy in town

  18. Hey guys, I learned than 42 means nothing! It's truly 36.

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