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Status Replies posted by Winmugen11

  1. Age +1

    1. Winmugen11


      More importantly, year +1.

    1. Winmugen11


      Good work TDX. I like how you've done some real effort to wish us the best in a creative way. Who are the two other chars besides Tsubaki?

  2. WTF? Firefox stupid ad has infected MFFA, I cannot post any comment or update status...shit...using Chrome now...

  3. Well I made another year in my life. Even though I'm still single but I'll keep on going. Need to still catch up on mugen but over-all i'm going to enjoy 28yr with some drinks. :-)

    1. Winmugen11


      Look at it from the bright side : as long as you're still single, you can mingle without any feelings of guilt. :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. As I will not have any internet for a month or so I guess I'll do some mugen-ing in the mean time

  5. [Looks at Ryon's profile] Even the boss has a Wife/girfriend. {sigh..} when will I find my soul-mate? What a loner I am. :-(

    1. Winmugen11


      Patient young one, you will find your Arcee with whom you can ride over the path of life sooner or later. That, you have to keep on believing.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Finally!! Thank God, it's November 28th...

    1. Winmugen11


      Happy 18th birthday my friend! Now since you hit the legal age, you can get all the girls! :3

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Happy ThanksGiving MFFA! Make sure all of you enjoy eating turkey with your families because you know i'm. LOL!

  8. Oh yeah, i almost forgot to ask, is Five Night at Freddy's a thing now? Cause i saw like four Lplayers posting videos about it recently.

    1. Winmugen11


      Five Nights at Freddy's has been a thing ever since the first game hit the steam store and got LP'ed by various famous Youtubers. It's safe to say it's the horror hit game of 2014.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. When i saw ShinZankuro credited my video on MFG, i was like. : 0 ^.^ : ' )

  10. You know how often I make chemistry jokes? Periodically

    1. Winmugen11


      I'm down to earth when it comes to talking geography.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. I'm back from work, but I don't feel tire at all. I should had work a couple more hours of overtime. :-P

    1. Winmugen11


      Are you not tired because you are in fact...a Transformer?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. My cat died last night. I'm not sure how to feel. :|

    1. Winmugen11


      We all mourn our beloved ones, be they human or animal, in different ways.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. coding a new guy.

    1. Winmugen11


      Which gameplay style will you give him? SFA or SFIV?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. pretty cold this mouth.

    1. Winmugen11


      That's what HE said.

  15. What you preffer? Brostep or Techno?

    1. Winmugen11


      Techno every day of the week.

  16. "You mean to tell me that Shield Breaker BREAKS shields?!"

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