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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. That's why it's better to use dropbox it never gets deleted
  2. Finally got around to trying it out it was horrible I was hoping it would be better
  3. the first fable is going to be on xbox360 wonder what achievements there going to have

    1. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      Obviously one for pulling out the sword in that one stone.

    2. MugoUrth


      Download or do I have to go out and buy it. Hopefully the later cause I still don't have internet on my Xbox360.

    3. Darklight


      i forgot about that i thought you do that in the second fable have not played it for ages since i finished it. it was said in feb it well be released and it look way better then it did on the original xbox

  4. no frost does exiest but its horried as far as i know there only one lina
  5. It's too bad it doesn't have the same voice as in the YouTube video I seen
  6. there also a really shitty edit character of Flynn Taggart
  7. Finally he made one thing I'll say about this team at least they make original characters rather then the same thing. Now if only they took the time to fix more on the game play that be awesome
  8. no disrespect when i say this but your not very creative when it come to making stages most of what you have released so far has already been made and some have been made countless times if you really want to get your name out there make something diffrent that has yet to be done
  9. that sucks wonder if he well make a playable version
  10. cant you just take his ai off so others can play as him rather then just fight him?
  11. are those characters here as well
  12. that was one of the very old mugen sties i ever found when i first got into it
  13. the latest of any and all of her characters are posted on her website you can still get there
  14. people can argue as much as they like the fact of the matter is i don't see no one else on here taking the time to try and rip sprites like these. so alot of you arguing about there game play is silly if you think you could do a better job then why dont you put your money where your mouth is and prove us wrong.
  15. i hope you keep the leaf even tho it really doesnt fit link he did have it in one of the zelda games
  16. [preview] [download] http://www.trinitymugen.net/forum/index.php
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