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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. here a thought rather then be a dick like you are already by your last statement that you made why not just ask phantom blood and see if he has him
  2. Idk if it's the link or me but it's refusing to even go to the page it's self
  3. thank you my friend it sucks when you have to use your cell to download things when some websites won't let you have that option. Still looking for those Xbox life bars if someone has them
  4. Iam looking for 2 pairs of life bars Battle arena toshinden the link too it is down And the Xbox life bars
  5. idk maybe hard to know when you can't read the readme
  6. if i was able to i would record a video about your characters althought i do like them i hardly play with them for that reason i use mugen 1.0 and all the time they spam there hypers when they get the chance and there specials all the time even when you put it on easy just to see if it would make any diffrents
  7. Fully balanced how so? the computer spams there hypers way to much as well as there special and the attack damage is way to high at least it feel that way to me
  8. i have the whole show on my hard drive its awesome i grew up on it. and iam not sure but i think this was also on the sega also but i could be wrong
  9. new stage http://www.mediafire.com/download/84beytryerf0ady/MMadnessRuins.zip
  10. Ah yeah thank you I set my up differently and don't remember the move set that mugen has. Wonder what the deal is with that move
  11. I'd like her too along with the stage
  12. I don't mind some as long as I have a chance against them but either way I still collect them
  13. Not sure if that was towards Me or not but I wasn't just talking about ax I was saying to everyone Mario there either overly cheap overly too powerful broken or unfinished
  14. maybe so but i have yet to see any of them well balance
  15. He pretty tough I also notice one of moves make the Ai take over
  16. well u guess that can be confusing lol sorry about that I ment the do doreamon oh that's OK probably well never play with the character I mostly just want it in my collection
  17. well thats to bad and no i was not aware of that but thanks for telling me about it how sad it is :( thanks
  18. i never knew there was any wildcats in mugen until i seen this pic so my question is does anyone have him or know where to get him at
  19. [preview] [download] http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/thanos-updated-030614-157900.0.html its still being worked on so makes ure you give him as much feed back as possible
  20. unless its source accurate there are games that has infinites in it
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