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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. [preview] [download] http://ww.brazilmugenteam.com/
  2. the website was down on my end at the time when i posted it but now it works just fine
  3. just flew into new york lastnight

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MugoUrth



      *idunno sound*

    3. Darklight


      iam close to buffalo

    4. DarkWolf13


      Gah... I'm near the city... NOWHERE near the upstate area.

  4. The link seem to be down or is that the joke?
  5. Is that other character here
  6. Looks like iam moving too new york on April 7 can't wait when one door closes another one opens

    1. Winmugen11


      Unless you forgot the new house keys in which case I can assure you the door will remain firmly shut. XD

      All kidding aside, congratulations DL! Is it for a new job you got you move out?

  7. Hope it come along good we need a decent super man rather then the broken ones we got now
  8. How sad I thought someone finally converted a character from the game but this is ok too it would be better if you knew how to make a proper Stage
  9. Here Not her stage http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/lunatics-stages-sonic-battle-option-menu-158381.0.html
  10. Well he'll guess it's my loss don't like 1.1 mostly because I can't seem to get it too fit my monitor Right
  11. By any chance does it work in mugen 1.0 also
  12. Why not make one of the robot masters that has yet to be converted by anyone such as most of the characters from mega man v on Game Boy or http://www.spriters-resource.com/game_boy/ghostbusters2/sheet/45084/
  13. It's too bad these characters well never get a update
  14. thank you so much my friend by any chance do you have the bounty hunter from sliver hawks apparently the guy took the link too it off completely
  15. well i dont know my self i didnt even try it out i just collect it like most of the crap i download besides right off i already know i wont like it mostly becuse there is no floor so your just fighting in the background iam sure its not even animated either
  16. if he hasnt reply back its probly the fact he is busy he always reply back to me you need to be more patient
  17. its not pixelated but it could use a real floor rather then using the background as a floor
  18. iam still looking for those xbox lifebars i know those are old probly why there so hard to find and iam also looking for 2 sliver hawk characters the link to them are down so if anyone has them please send them my way ty here the link to the website where those 2 are http://mugensilverhawks.webnode.es/
  19. thank you belive it or not i never knew that it was like that when the character was first released i just kept forgetting to ask ill give it a try and if not ill use this same post to tell you other wise thanks again
  20. I have this character from do that doesn't work even when it first came out iam not sure why if someone could fix this I would appreciate it http://www.sendspace.com/file/nep2cv
  21. the only thing i dont like about him is he has the same pattern and he uses his throw then stab you alot more then he does anything else but other then that he awesome
  22. man this guy is a nightmare to fight against
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