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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. So I did what you said and I still getting errors with this character
  2. Thanks ryon didn't know that
  3. yes i have fix one error but i still getting the rest of them
  4. here the error its self Error message: Invalid format specifier in "%n" Error parsing [state ] Error in [statedef 71581] Error in God Gold Phoenix-H.cns Character mugenversion is older than this version of M.U.G.E.N. Error loading chars/God Gold Phoenix/God Gold Phoenix.def Error loading p1 it doesnt work in mugen 1.0 but it works in winmugen any ideals on how to fix this
  5. there alot of errors on this character i have no clue on how to fix them either if someone can help me that would be awesome http://www.4shared.com/zip/wSGU0JU5ba/God_Gold_Phoenix.html?
  6. Now that's awesome can't wait for that I was looking at this topic on mfg how people was saying that too bad no one else was ever made but there was someone else that was made besides Beavis and butthead but it turn out kind of shitty
  7. There are 4 butthead now in mugen and all of them are just as bad sigh
  8. Not sure what you did with Shredder but it's awesome iam more glad at the fact it doesn't glitch out no more then iam with anything else
  9. Ok u guess that's why I didn't wait until it reset never mind and thanks
  10. It just gave me a error I'll try again tho
  11. have you try it iam assuming you probably did so here my question can you take the characters out of the game and put them in 1.0 or do you have to convert them to make them playable
  12. That shinnoke or however you spell his name looks alot better compare to the other one that was released
  13. not sure what you did to the great sephiroth but you totally mess the character up when i put the rest of the other files besides the snd most of his moves you cant do and it locks up after a while making you not able to do anything but move around
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