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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. iam sure this well play just like the rest of his characters like shit
  2. thank you very much i didnt know restoring your computer could affect your external hard drive so i lost a little bit of files i had and that so happen to be one of them thank you very much
  3. iam not sure if it was ever finished but i do know i did post the beta for it on here it just so happen the link is dead and i no longer have him
  4. do you have him or know where to find him the only links i seem to find are the ones that no longer works
  5. all the links to these are dead any help please and thank you
  6. talk about old school wow i remember when i use to play this in school
  7. Darklight


    any link for the other character
  8. finding anything mugen related on esnips does not exist any more so good luck at that
  9. i always said how cool would it be if they made a lego game where they had the ghostbusters in it well after what i seen they are going to make it not sure when its coming out but it seem its going to be on all of the consoles including ps2

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darklight


      yeah i was surprise to see that since i thought the ps2 had die long time ago

    3. Sinnamon


      I don't think they would make anything for a dead non selling console..Were did you hear this from exactly

    4. Darklight


      google it i forgot where i seen it at

  10. any word yet of finding this character
  11. That looks awesome probably doesn't play that great
  12. wouldnt mind getting them as well so if you could send them my way also thank you
  13. [Preview] [download] http://www.mediafire.com/download/c7yi3sjcwtrk8lc/MVC2Training.zip by Shwa
  14. new pokemon stage http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/pokemon-mugen-edition-style-stages-156543.0.html
  15. [preview] [download] www.kaine.mugenimperiolatino.com
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