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Dojo Grandmaster
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Everything posted by TheFclass97

  1. Yeah. Becuase of the players that did that, I can never really fall for any counter, even if you use it rarely. I just have this reaction to it, so I thank them for that (even though they shouldn't anyways :P).
  2. Something more experimental... Might change layouts soon if anything... More to come pretty soon so stick around... http://youtu.be/_Xnb4btuYzk

  3. Something more experimental... Might change layouts soon if anything... More to come pretty soon so stick around...
  4. Yeah, I got ya... Right now, I'm messing around with smooth landers (or atleast trying to). it's really cool tool. Mains (if interested): Mario, Link, Dr.Mario, Little Mac, DK, and G&W Secondaries/Counterpicks: Anyone
  5. I recently dabled with him for a bit.. might be my secondary. Don't know why people try to say he's the worst character. he's got some good options, plus people getting rekt by him makes me even more convinced to make him a secondary (or a "test" character).
  6. Who's jimmies are rustled?

  7. Here it is... more and better content will be schedule quite soon. been doing some things as of late... Duracelleur... if you're watching this, I would consider editing him a little bit more... still a cool char though. And if you're asking, yes I'll fix him myself... ^_~
  8. Agreed... I'm still waiting for a good EEnE character though....
  9. Well damn... I was just gonna upload a mugen review of Green ranger by Ax (at this point, I dont even know if this was a real creation or not...), but due to some backlash i've been hearing and lognair quiting mugen maybe becuase of the feud... I decided to cancel it, since my timing would be probably bad... let me know if it's safe to upload it in the future....

  10. it's there (if you're referring to marvel style wave-dashing). And I didn't quote it before, but lp - mp - mk - hk is still connectable
  11. Awesome character and great mechanics (I love this reference), but you might wanna fix a couple of things: - Multi kick has insane cancel abilities and can create infinite loops. Might wanna give some frames at the end of each multi kick attack and maybe some more pause time on each - Maybe some tweaking and nerfing on his damages of his normals and supers. not too much, but just enough... - I believe this is optional, but if you can give some more end frames on his sniper hyper (lel) it could help since it's possible to juggle the opponent with 2 and get like half health (and even reset the combo with a jab to do it again). Other than this so far, it's a really good conversion. Keep it up ^_~
  12. Or at least a decent collection of his shadow dolls?
  13. New review I guess -

  14. Requested by O Illusionista! Check it out! Note: Sorry about some of the mistakes I made when I was pronouncing something or whatnot, I was pretty tired while recording this (woke up at 4 am for an appointment).
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