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Dojo Grandmaster
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Everything posted by TheFclass97

  1. A Beta for my first screenpack has been up if ya want it. Try it today! NETMugen TE Screenpack MvC2...ish MOD Beta http://tinyurl.com/lj6olt2
  2. New NMTE Live mtach video -

  3. New Patch! get it today! Small patch 4 - http://tinyurl.com/my9pcwl And as for people who haven't had the game yet... Full game as of 8-18-2014 http://tinyurl.com/lbufkeb DLC Pack #3 http://tinyurl.com/l5ma5rx Also, come and Join our official Skype group by adding me! It helps keep you connected with many players around the globe, aswell as getting the latest updates a day earlier!
  4. See Blue_gunner face off against LHS| EaZy in this best to 5 NETMugen TE set!
  5. LATE NEWS BUT NEWS NON THE LESS! Update/DLC's will be released in the upcoming weeks. Enjoy NETMugen TE ^_~ ...and sorry for being late with a lot, many things are backing up in my mind.
  6. best way to fix this is to first get Fighter factory 3 and use the palette tool. It allows you to re-save the image to a bmp, pcx or png file. Open the original image on both sides of the tool and re-save it as one of those images (recommend pcx for clarity, and png for making your transparent parts not terrible). This is what I'm assuming the issue is... if not, I'll try again ^_~
  7. Even with no blood fx in, huh? Jezz... that's a bit harsh. Great stuff going on though, loving the project ^_~.
  8. Last minute votes! Anyone may vote :3 Votes for the next DLC character for NETMugen TE!!! http://strawpoll.me/2821292

  9. Live I guess - http://www.twitch.tv/thefclass97 Just gonna stream whatever

  10. Don't forget to vote! Here http://strawpoll.me/2821292
  11. New poll has just been announced! Click here to see who to vote for! http://strawpoll.me/2821292 Also, some MAJOR updates will be announced very soon... both game changing and interesting... hope to see you online!
  12. Last minute sign ups ladies and gentleman! Everything starts at 11:00 am ET http://challonge.com/NMTETourney

  13. Tomorrow is the big day! Haven't signed up yet? Then damn it, do it! http://challonge.com/NMTETourney

    1. Darkflare


      I would join but

      1. I don't have much faith in Online Mugen

      2. It would be too easy for me

      3. I don't have a reliable PC for this.

    2. TheFclass97


      I wouldn't say those words Darkflare... Especially to a communtiy you know nothing about ^_^

  14. What are you waiting for?! The first ever official Mugen Online Tournament for NMTE is going to happen tomorrow! 11:00 am/ 12:00 pm ET. http://challonge.com/NMTETourney Sign up today! Download links, rules, how to, etc. are in the description below the brakcets. Sign up now!
  15. 2 days left! What are ye waiting for? http://challonge.com/NMTETourney

  16. http://challonge.com/NMTETourney Last four days! Sign up for the NETMugen TE Tourney!
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