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Dojo Grandmaster
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Everything posted by TheFclass97

  1. REMINDER! There is going to be a NMTE toruney next weekend! Sign up and remind yourself!! - http://challonge.com/NMTETourney
  2. mugen Online tourney has been annoucned with a date! http://challonge.com/NMTETourney Sign up. Download links are on the site!

    1. Kamau


      The dropbox link is down. Please message me when it is back up.

    2. TheFclass97


      Link is fixed. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. here is DLC Pack 3!!! http://tinyurl.com/l5ma5rx and for those who don't have the game yet! https://www.dropbox.com/s/ij89ibmo4nluyvg/Net%20Mugen%20Online%20TE%208-18-14.rar have fun!
  4. Finally bringing NMTE back into relevance now.. yay...

  5. Time to dust off this old thing... New Trailer for a DLC character for NETMugen TE! Hope ya like IT!
  6. For anyone who is/was interested in the NETMugen TE Project, there will be some important announcements of it. might upload the skype call. But if you are in, get on.

  7. I just wanted some stages for the game. The stage isn't bad though (although I'm not a real fan of TH)
  8. Damn. So if a character has this issue when the character hits some on a certain animation... I can't fix that? :(
  9. Ok, so i was able to get some chars to work, but sometimes when I hit the opponent, the opponent freezes and some of the fx of the char stays stcuk. How do I fix that?
  10. I think messing around with the mugen config and the video resoultion inside it.
  11. Friend is streaming! Support by following: http://www.twitch.tv/cannon478

  12. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2429w5rlyvcjuas/8-18-14%20patch.rar?dl=0 NEW PATCH!!! and for people who want the game without having to deal with all the updating and downloading, here is the full version with all updates/dlc as of today! https://www.dropbox.com/s/ij89ibmo4nluyvg/Net%20Mugen%20Online%20TE%208-18-14.rar?dl=0 Poll is still up! VOTE FOR THE NEXT GUEST CHAR!
  13. Welp, now you can!!! Also, theres more info around, if you need it.
  14. Just some random matches I uploaded from the NETMugen TE game. Hope you enjoy it! WAY more to come.
  15. Some real quick news for this game: Alot has passed, so I'll just spill the beans. NEW CHALLENGER Trailer - A tournament is now open! join here - http://challonge.com/NMTETourney And just a random matches to show you guys whats happening - These videos aren't mine, but a friends/testers who uploads matches too - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCgsLgllJdw Hope you enjoy some of the content! More to come! Hope to see you online! POLL IS STILL UP!!! VOOOOTE!!!!!
  16. Interesting update: Special thanks to Timmy Buffet for make a downloadable version that contains all updates/DLC to save time and create less confusion downloading separate patches. https://www.dropbox.com/s/36qtgcjdi2b785w/Mugen%20Online%20%28Ikemen%29%20v.2%20BETA.rar Also, poll is still up for the next guest character. VOTE NOW!
  17. Lol I love your taste. Im actually messing around with his stuff as we speak ^_~ Only problem was some of his frames and his AI always getting in the way, but that got fixed Only time will tell...
  18. just put a poll ish thing for the next DLC guest char for mugen online!

  19. POLL IS UP!!! Vote for who should be the guest star for the next DLC pack! Btw, not sure if there is a poll option here but whatever, here are the choices and for now you can reply here with your vote! Choices: -Storm by Kong -Super Mario by ShinRyoga & NeOaNkH -Evil Ken by Reu -Geese by P.O.T.S. -Superman 52 by Hannibal/Kal-Elvis and Friends
  20. NEW GIGANTIC PATCH! Lel, anyways here is a pretty big patch with something... new on it http://tinyurl.com/mgolc83
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