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Dojo Grandmaster
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Everything posted by TheFclass97

  1. http://strawpoll.me/4459848 - For Character breakdown/Tutorial
  2. Swagga_king is live right now! Cacth em' - http://www.twitch.tv/swagga_kings

  3. I'm have no experience in the field of screenapcks, but I wanted to try. And since no one really is trying to move with Ikemen, AND since I want to push revival with it's looks, I'll might as well show what I have... All is W.I.P... Check it out!
  4. Still a huge W.I.P - http://puu.sh/hR6cB/4cf2145901.png But what do you think?

    1. Galvatron


      It looks awesome! :-D

    2. SnipingRaptor


      Looks pretty good man! :)

  5. 3rd match... looks like things are heating up in the competition!
  6. 3rd match... looks like things are heating up in the competition! https://youtu.be/Eo66bXBfHJs

  7. Match # 2 of the tourney... and yes, I'm going to upload them in a better pace since I have time to do that now.
  8. Match # 2 of the tourney... and yes, I'm going to upload them in a better pace since I have time to do that now. https://youtu.be/mAplLsVH2MA

  9. And in the blink of an eye... i'm done with highschool and heading to college... ^_~

    1. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Congratulations, man. If things go as planned for me, I'll be going the same way this year. What are you planning to study?

    2. dashdogfizz


      Congrats bro

    3. Cook4251
  10. DLC/TAG Patch for Revival is now Live -

  11. IMPORTANT: Sorry for the inconvenience, but it seems that the previous patch had some issues, so i request that you re-download the patch with this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bzl2zbuzubqxd1o/Revival%20ver.%201.0.1%20Patch.zip?dl=0 TAG/DLC ver.1.0.1 IS UP! GET IT WHILE IT"S HOT!!! For those who haven't downloaded the game yet, the dropbox link already has the update in it in case... https://www.dropbox.com/…/xkmspx…/AACW7l5YXsdneTZF6SzFAJcQa…
  12. That's right... A new update video for NETMugen TE Revival... New tournament videos will be posted soon 9finishing high school)...
  13. Can someone help me on this..?

  14. it's a great update! However, I have a issue with some characters when they try to use assists. Like Freeza Z2 and Captain America by Buckus. For some reason, they can't call out strikers (the start button move), and I can't fix that. i tried changing the inputs, but that doesn't work. They CAN use their strikers, but they can't get the partner to do so. Can someone help me with this? Ex: SvK Style Iori can summon his strikers/assist with the start button no issue. Even use Captain's and Freeza's. But Freeza nor captain can summon their strikers/assists. that's the issue I have (just to clarify).
  15. Match #1 of the Day 1 NETMugen TE Revival Online Tournament!
  16. 1st of the many videos from the tourney of the new Revival Demo. https://youtu.be/oj2Khu1NKBs

  17. Never knew that I needed this, but glad I got it anyways...
  18. If you guys missed the live stream of the NETMugen TE Revival stream, here's the link to it! http://www.twitch.tv/thefclass97/c/6569571

  19. test stream and then live Mugen online tournament - http://www.twitch.tv/TheFclass97 We're back and black!

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