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Dojo Grandmaster
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Everything posted by TheFclass97

  1. HERE IT IS! After long waited (by practically no one), the new mugen online project! With new balancing, screenpack, characters and stages. In addition to some tweaking to the netcode. When you download the game, make sure you download it as a zip!!! To do that, you should have a blue download button, and then another menu will appear with the option to download as zip. So you don't have to download any of them individually. NOTE: This is the demo version for people to test with. if you have any suggestions or recommendations, feel free to post it. Hope you enjoy! ^_~ - Full game (has everything but the patches below, so go download them too): https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2up163q7487lvy/Official%20NETMugen%20TE%20Revival%20(ver.%201.0.4).zip?dl=0 - Ver. Patch: https://mega.nz/#!FNh2GLzb!LNZJNd9NortW18rGBMzEsaN1_hGdHW0LnFzKE11Ak2U - Ver. Patches: (Part 1) - https://mega.nz/#!oAQiHTYI!fkat7L_9LTbA3L4xCdzMk0NEZaVEEPyNcGhztcdvKgQ (Part 2) - http://puu.sh/m48kb/2b90e3ed50.zip - Ver. Patch: https://mega.nz/#!dAY1GCjS!LJVobj9lyLgqkhv1X9F8y5g6tl_vqU9OXIOQkWNunfs - ver. patch: https://mega.nz/#!5EAQkCqZ!va-BniBliHgEskmKC86xpKmjz5JtBqsprn6HucEEleo Second trailer (including link): What's New? - WAY better balancing - Roster changes - Mostly even system mechanics to prevent mechanic clashing while also keeping the classic Mugen touch - Multiple edits and changes to the ikemen engine to improve look, feel and netplay. - MUCH more careful testing - Better competitive play What's to be expected in future installments? - Better upgrades, DLC and patches with the use of Dropbox - New challengers and stages - And most importantly... a more dedicated community If you got any questions, feel free to post them! Hope to see you in the servers!
  2. This is probably the best thing ever... https://youtu.be/-LVI7h9cutc

  3. Becuase some of ya'll don't believe me...

  4. Guys... a new Kids Next Door show will come out... but not without your help. Please click the link to sign in the petition so that the show can happen! Plz..? :D Link for the petition below here: https://www.change.org/p/cartoon-network-greenlight-galactic-kids-next-door-series

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      but i'll sign it even though i doubt Kids next door will return.

    3. Doomguy


      Lol what.

      CN is run by greedy, corrupt Canadians.

    4. Demitri


      They'll tarnish the KnD name if it even gets made anyway...

  5. Surprisingly, this was my hardest rusty learning curve since playing Mortal Kombat after I was 12, 5 years later. Still a good game tho... https://youtu.be/HzGyxtqfYpg

  6. The second trailer to NETMugen TE Revival... get hype! Revival is getting closer to completion... about 92%. Gonna make a second trailer/update video of it for probably next week. the release is still undecided, but a possible 2 weeks... more or less... I'm a bit hype... :D
  7. The second trailer to NETMugen TE Revival... get hype! https://youtu.be/C2bcoqNGsEA

    1. Ryon


      what is the online engine called? Is it like Ikemen?

    2. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      eh.. it is ikemen.

  8. Most likely the character you downloaded doesn't have any hurt boxes. You might need to give the character hurt boxes. TO do that, you would have to get Fighter Maker, open the character and edit the hurt boxes on his animation settings. If you want, I could find a in depth tutorial on it or just tell you myself. Also, when you mean invincible, you mean when you try to punch him or whatever, it goes through right?
  9. Thanks R@ce...thanks... http://youtu.be/diH6udPFD_Q



      That was too funny dude! Good video man! lol

    2. TheFclass97


      Glad you liked it ^_~



      Dude you had me laughing like crazy lol

  10. Digging through some of the older replays and found this gem (I think)... Making me think of doing a new series where I post Old netmugen te replays of the past versions of nmte... calling it "NETMugen TE Vault,"... seems appropriate. Cain't wait for NETMugen TE Revivals demo release...
  11. Damn my bad, i read that wrong. Well then, he's gotta find the location of the system.sff file and just check it with his sysem.def. Thanks on noting me on that.
  12. Just messing around with ssf2 after like what... 2 years since I touched the game? lets see what I can discover... http://youtu.be/bNDwzXGv8Jo

  13. Got any screenshots or something to show the issue?
  14. it could mean that the system.sff file is not in the data folder or is located in a different folder. Check where you're system.sff file is. if it's neccesarry, you can change the location of it by editing your system.def file. open it with notepad if needed. Edit: thanks for the noting Neo :/
  15. I need to know... why out of all sites, Trinitymugen takes so long to load? It still doesn't load completely for me, ands my internet is not even bad.

  16. That's why I edit characters and try to balance them out. One of the main points of the project... Also, some of these characters are CvS sytled (whihc I love), but due to many debates and because of the majority picks, I'm sticking with MVC ish styled characters. I do like your taste though...
  17. *IMPORTANT* *MUST READ ALL OF THE DESCRIPTION FOR DOWNLOADS AND MORE* After a lot of time thinking, planning and forgetting, the NETMugen TE project has been a bit slow for the past 2 months. Not a lot has happened unfortunately, and with the things I've been doing (like preparing for college and my future goals), I didn't know if I wanted to continue the project. It was great at the time, but I was very unsure about it, mostly because I wasn't having fun with it anymore. However, I've been taking a lot of notes and found many solutions... I've been teasing all about a update of some kind, but sort of forgot to mention much about it, and felt like I was neglecting people... well not anymore. NETMugen TE is getting a makeover... it's getting more support... it's getting a revival... that's right! NETMugen TE Revival is a W.I.P of reviving NETMugen TE with a more stable and even playing field. What are the future improvements? - WAY better balancing - Roster changes - Mostly even system mechanics to prevent mechanic clashing while also keeping the classic Mugen touch - Multiple edits and changes to the ikemen engine to improve look, feel and netplay. - Better upgrades, DLC and patches with the use of Dropbox - New challengers and stages - Better competitive play - MUCH more careful testing - And most importantly... a more dedicated community We have had much fun with the original NETMugen TE project, but a lot has come and it's time to give this project more of what it deserves... but I cannot do this alone... I need help... I am asking for some people that are dedicated and educated enough to help this project... What could I ask for? - Some testers - Suggestions on gameplay changes - Even though the roster is finalized, a lot could still be changeable... so maybe some character and stage suggestions - Maybe 2 extra admins/mods - A lot of sharing This project has survived because of you guys sharing and dedicating yourselves to this project, which I thank you all for... Download links and more are in the description of the video.
  18. A weird thing that came out of nowhere... kinda like my puberty. Any who, this is a W.I.P thing that hopefully might catch on... Got lots of content to show, but not enough time or a consistent schedule to show them... Should I make one? Lets see... Enjoy & SUBSCRIBE!
  19. A new thing I might start... will I be consistent with it? hope so
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