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Everything posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. In XMEN: COTA you had to fight Juggernaut by a spaceship port to get to Magneto. This makes sense since Magneto's base is in space.


    MSH did the same boss thing as XMEN: COTA. But this time you fight Dr Doom on a submarine. Where's Thanos? Well he's in space... How does a submarine get people to space exactly?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Ah yes...Children of the Atom...the only time that Akuma appeared in a game about X-Men...No I am not kidding...look up at the gameplay videos of Akuma in that game, i'll wait

    3. Flare-Gamer-64


      @The Auditor I've seen Max's Akuma Legacy series so I know about him being a hidden character.

    4. Noside


      I sooo love Psylocke in this game.

  2. Happy born day to you.

  3. This video about EVO is a masterpiece.


  4. Got two songs from MSH. Dr Doom's theme Thanos' theme
  5. I uploaded em to THAT website, the dates were 1-2 days off. Seems as if they are updated.
  6. Got another Street Fighter Alpha Track: EDIT: I also need this:
  7. I'll leave this here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/dpnacmsx2r7j7xo/totem+pokemon.rar
  8. You may want to put Papyrus 64 Chaos edition in Rainbow text since that one is extra special.
  9. Can we delete messages here? I would very much like to remove some.

  10. I caused a storm here, sorry about that. Back to the topic. Shanic and Knupio were found. I hosted em for you. Shanic: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1g6W108YD3sZq0-6jlDqj1whdBfTBnuT- Knupio: https://drive.google.com/open?id=14Yslu3kG4mO7YcPHcxNE19egYEBNcD_J
  11. I somehow ended up listening to Colress' theme for 20 mintues. Help me.

    1. Gaulbetti


      I had to sleep with (the same) Punch Time Explosion music playing through headphones because my nephew was next to my room. Hopefully no one made you...

  12. Status Update.doc

    1. GarfieldfanMUGEN




  13. More Gen 7 Pokemon. If I had to pick one, Mimikyu (A better one).
  14. Any new stages? Or none to be found?
  15. I wish I could sprite what I see in my brain.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xiristatos


      If I, Xiristatos, were to ever be able to do just that, I think most likely this will come out of my rectum:



    3. RMaster007


      That's god-tier work. Beautiful. 11/10

      But seriously, if I was able to sprite what I see in my mind, I'd be just as great as Warner.

    4. Xiristatos


      Honestly, so would I, Xiristatos. We all have this potential in us and we know that just about anything is possible, but getting there is the real part. All I can say is... who knows?

  16. It's dead. Here lies EXShadow's OneDrive:
  17. Lucario edits are getting out of hand. Hi, I'm Karin on Mugen Archive shat this out: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bch9997qLMMpWxhQPYGbILB1WvXBfG0M The author name is 6969 Thicc. inc. I renamed it, but the rename is unnecessarily complex.
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