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Everything posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. Yey Moar stuff to reupload onto Mugen Archive. Nah I'm not downloading them just because I'm greedy for points on MA. Fun fact: I didn't have Madotsuki until now.
  2. This is the first Christmas where I haven't made a Christmas list. Looking forward to Keen's release. Courage is also looking good. He had better not disappoint me.

    1. bluengineer43


      Im also looking forward to keen's release!

  3. I have a mash-up of Gourmet race and Crash Bandicoot's stormy ascent. Most certain this loops.
  4. (This status update was removed by RicePigeon for the following reasons: Being fake and gay)


    Mods response: Download my characters or I will give you a spanking. Good day sir.

    1. RicePigeon
    2. Masterhand128


      You shouldn´t defend of MA, even Google confirmed adfly is an ad system which uses a lot of Malware.

      Also, "good job"(irony) for insulting a mod who doesn´t deserve it because he is doing his work.

    3. Flare-Gamer-64


      @Masterhand128 Adfly gives me no problems because I got an upgraded account. And besides before I got that account adfly gave me zero viruses. And I didn't register for 3 months. 

  5. Another crappy Riolu: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-IrZPjdlBlgPW6hUg87ZStl7r3SGX-LD
  6. Eventually there will be a whole line just for Marill and Azumarill thanks to Joey. And now YochiThMaster333 made a second Azumarill for his Sonic vs Pokémon fangame. EDIT He commented just before me, lel.
  7. RicePig

    Flare Gam



    Super teletub

    Oliver as Lat

    The 14th doct



    wtf am I doing?

  8. Every time I click the home button I get signed out. WHAT.

    1. bluengineer43


      It happened to me too :/

  9. This version of Sagat sounds cool. I will test him soon.
  10. Thanks to NFKRZ I now know about VidLii and I'm going to join it this week. So if you know any good characters that were made in 2008-2010 please link them. Because VidLii is old YouTube so I would like to bring some Mugen content to it. Also I will be using WINMugen. So no 1.0 characters.

  11. I have a song from Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold. Sakura's theme. Shouldn't cause any problem's cuz Alpha tracks loop by default. You can download the song here: http://www.gamethemesongs.com/Street_Fighter_Alpha_2_Gold_-_Sakura_Theme.html
  12. This Papyrus A.I patch was made before the Mega update. So put this besides the old Papyrus.
  13. Enderloce_Peo64's Sandslash edit https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-F-a-arffxIQg8V8dr1Uobuft2pR-tZS
  14. Joey shat this out. File name is Super Rotom: https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0Bzv4UbA19nJdbGdqbTFxNE0tSHc
  15. I have a song from Sonic Forces. It has lyrics but Sonic songs often loop so I don't think there will be any problems with this one.
  16. All three of them have dead links. And I really wanted these ones.
  17. I have next to no video ideas in The November to January period. It's only until February where I get back into the swing of things. I'm also working on a pretty important video but I'm working at a snails pace on it. After that video goes up I will likely do a bashing video and a video on the 24th and that will be December sorted for me. 

  18. Will we get free stuff? Like a Christmas palette pack?
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