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Everything posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. Turns out HCL's Jigglypuff/Purin isn't quite lost. Someone has her, although I pray this person will give her to us: https://youtu.be/Ta7q1y2yS3I EDIT: Green Anumarill by Joey The Marill Fan: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bzv4UbA19nJdbGdqbTFxNE0tSHc
  2. Turns out HCL's Jigglypuff/Purin isn't quite lost. Someone has her, although I pray this person will give her to us: https://youtu.be/Ta7q1y2yS3I
  3. Anyon16658 made Groundon and Kyorge. Both of them are crap since they are spriteswaps of Pizzasause's Undertale template. Link to his drive with both of them: https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0B8IAFTYvPMBdOTdqRVY1YWZqckk
  4. Lucario JUS by Planetune: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9e3zjm0venhavhc/Lucario.zip
  5. I see MFFA has updated the icons on the home menu. Very nice stuff there.

  6. How about Spooky Bones by Endercreeper for the heavy crouch kick? In the original character the heavy crouch kick knocks down the enemy so maybe you could add that to Ditto.
  7. Your missing these characters: Wolf Link by aMAXProductions: http://www.mediafire.com/file/grvv74xmdeszsam/ Ganondorf by Sumin2393 (Now known as Gramsen): https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=sumin2393&logNo=220841268963&proxyReferer=http%3A%2F%2Fm.blog.naver.com%2FPostList.nhn%3FblogId%3Dsumin2393%26categoryNo%3D23 And The King by Thebootlegs170 AKA Team-Allstarmegamix-games (There's a whole story about these two but I won't explain it): https://allstarmegamix.weebly.com/character.html
  8. Warner returned to making Mugen content and updated most of his old characters and made his own version of Marge Simpson.
  9. Nice collection you got here. Does Helder's edit of Churchoryu's version contain the stage?
  10. I don't hear anything from Infinity Team Mugen anymore. Could some give me the scoop on that?
  11. Just added some information about me. That's all :).

  12. Good ?. Thanks for separating them. EDIT: Worth mentioning, Oliver As Latias has made Custom Portraits for various Pokemon, but they are only available through an album on Mugen Archive. But Downloading album images doesn't redirect you to an ad so I think it's safe to link. Here you go: <Mod edit: Blacklisted link removed>
  13. I need to tell you something. The HCL Pikachu you got here is technically an edit by YochiThMaster333. The unedited one from Yochi's edit might be lost since apparently XspongeX55 found him but he is like SanoTohno2nd in that he only gives characters as an exchange for another character. So you might want to label that one to say it's by YochiThMaster333. And SSBK65 Found an older version of HCL's Pikachu as a part of this pack: https://yadi.sk/d/lm948oqW3K8jkD
  14. Oh thanks for telling me. I'm new so I didn't know that was a common thing here.
  15. Strange IPad Glitch For some reason when I make a comment on this site, it doubles itself for some reason. I don't know why this is happening. I seems to only be a problem on my IPad as when I make a comment my computer it's totally fine and doesn't double itself.
  16. Strange IPad Glitch For some reason when I make a comment on this site, it doubles itself for some reason. I don't know why this is happening. I seems to only be a problem on my IPad as when I make a comment my computer it's totally fine and doesn't double itself.
  17. TheBuddyAdrian made a small (or should I say Smol) edit to Nozomi: https://sites.google.com/site/tbamugen/chars/edits it's a minor edit, only adding a different portrait and a select icon but should be added anyways.
  18. TheBuddyAdrian made a small (or should I say Smol) edit to Nozomi: https://www.mediafire.com/?29tlmv2flr54cv2 it's a minor edit but should be added anyways.
  19. Thanks everyone :) Which video was it? I'm just curious.
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