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Everything posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. What's wrong with this one? Edit: Orochi Lucario told me that Gum is featured in the character. Alright then.
  2. These two: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Yq_-_WugcgFNC45JkPqequ-KRpdZBr6C
  3. If Rare Akuma is cheap and Regular Akuma is powerful then does that mean a common Akuma is weak? #JustMugenThings

  4. Kater15 has been making palette packs for various characters on Mugen Archive. He is also taking requests for palette packs. Oliver sent two requests being Dylanius9000's Jigglypuff and the other for Giacloud's Heracross. He is also sharing the palettes on his Deviant Art so I will give you those links Heracross palettes: Jigglypuff palettes:
  5. If RoySquadRocks doesn't make a Cuphead character I will be disappointed to say the least.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoySquadRocks
    3. 至高の妖怪


      roysquadrocks does not have to make a cuphead character, do not encourage them

    4. RoySquadRocks


      Confirmed for Future W.I.P!!!

  6. Joey updated his Slowpoke a few hours after releasing it, updated that GameCreatorTale Marill and made his own edit of YochiThMaster333's Marill. He uploaded his Marill edit to his drive but he hasn't uplaoded the other two yet. (Or at least I don't think he as). Like Project LG said...
  7. JoeyTheMarillFan made another Pokemon character. This time Slowpoke in TFGAF/Joey Faust style. But it's a spriteswap of AngryBirdCooler's TFGAF template. It uses Mystery Dungeon sprites so it's tiny. And for whatever reason JoeyTheMarillFan has stopped putting his characters on his drive and is now only putting them on Mugen Archive which is inconvenient for us here on MFFA. EDIT: Turns out he was putting them on his drive. He jut didn't tell anyone. Here's Slowpoke's link: https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0Bzv4UbA19nJdbGdqbTFxNE0tSHc His poor "GameCreatorTale Marill" is also in the drive. You can change the link to that one if you want.
  8. Your missing some GameBanana add-ons which feature some Mons Oliver's Palette Pack (Contains Charizard, Breloom, Blaziken, Gardevoir, Jigglypuff, Greninja, Latias, Porygon-Z and more): https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/5892 Oliver's Vortex Infinity Portraits (Contains like 40 Mons): https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/5368 Derpy Sponge's MBAA Portraits (Contains Gardevoir, Jigglypuff, Eevee, Lucario and maybe a few more): https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/6079 Oliver's Lifebras_MA Portraits (Contains the Eon Duo, Greninja, Porygon-Z, Charizard, Scizor, Pikachu, Scolipede, Lurantis and more): https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/5831 And finally The 14th Doctor's Vortex Portraits (Contains a few characters): https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/5951
  9. GameBanana opened a Mugen page which has been open up for around a yearbook now. Here's the url: https://gamebanana.com/games/5694
  10. Ultra Space Stage by Endercreeper: https://sites.google.com/site/endercreepermugen/stages 1.1 + Smash Mod Only Endercreeper's palettes for Smeargle by Some Guy: https://sites.google.com/site/endercreepermugen/palettes
  11. Yeah do that when you feel like it. Although I'm interested what those characters are exactly. It would be nice to know. And a stage called "TL Warriors Stage" by tlgod1234 appeared under the Pokémon stages on Mugen Archive. It's from the author's own fanfiction. It looks like shet. It were as if Alerknia4 made it.
  12. Pigeon made out of Soup is better then Pigeon made out of Rice.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RicePigeon


      Its a survival situation, though :p

    3. sonikun


      Are Pigeons edible, though?

    4. RicePigeon


      Anythings edible as long as its BONELESS

  13. I have an idea. For collections that use Mugen Archive links if nothing else has the item, just add something like "Warning: Mugen Archive Link. Go at your own leisure". That's what SuperTeletubbies is doing with his Cuphead collection.
  14. You know, you could add Alerkina4's characters to the Junk section. After all isn't that what's it's there for?
  15. Your right about that. I don't think I would do a good job at making her. I could only see her in Mugen if she were like Tokathiki's May.
  16. Yeah it's unfortunate but what else can we do? I'm not really a true creator and I don't think anyone else is currently planning to make her. Well after I finish Mario Odyssey I'm going to smack the crap out of this abomination.
  17. Alerkina4 made another poorly drawn Pokémon character. This time it was Lillie. Here's a link (Mugen Archive is the only place I know where it's available): <Mod edit: Removed blacklisted url>
  18. I believe he already has a few moves from it. Then again I haven't played the games. Only watched like three videos on it.
  19. It's not my fault that not many people post in the sprites department?
  20. If only you actually worked on it...
  21. Viorel Weber's website so you can give the Pokemon Champion Blue stage the "official" link: https://sites.google.com/site/wwwrolandytbcom/stages
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