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Everything posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. I made some for you https://imgur.com/c3GloWm OddishsTUFF's Chara https://imgur.com/KZuvd2I Fourth's Papyrus https://imgur.com/LbbTk96 Pizzasause's Toriel https://imgur.com/3Tzp9Do Mega X Toriel https://imgur.com/bi2ghls Retro Flowey's Sans https://imgur.com/Fu6ZusI Gameandwatch909's Sans (Standard) https://imgur.com/6aXUYmX Xmas Sans https://imgur.com/HvYgRms Glitch Sans https://imgur.com/ieVy3kr Thanksgiving Glitch Sans
  2. Alright mate. Gramsen's website: http://blog.naver.com/PostList.nhn?blogId=sumin2393&skinType=&skinId=&from=menu&userSelectMenu=true All of his Undertale characters can be found here. Toriel by Mega X: http://www.mediafire.com/file/s9ohvve278s28f6/Toriel.rar I will reupload the outdated Toriel when I can. Frisk by Easlfre (edited from Gramsen's version): http://www.mediafire.com/file/q4zxo5qaa6q4b9p/GramParson's+Frisk+by+Easlfre.rar Asgore by Easlfre (again edited from Gramsen's version): http://www.mediafire.com/file/170i3b53gdks5o2/GramParson's+Asgore+by+Easlfre.rar I will edit this post when I get back. I will add The Older version of Glutch Sans. It's in my drive but since Google is fucking with drive and mobile that means I can't link him RN.
  3. Papyrus clones and Sans clones by AngryBirdCoolerV3 (Unfinished): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0FdfmAoPsinaG45WGpWbTBTXzg Papyrus clones UNOFFICAL update by babamugen (It was on Mugen Archive. put it by Pizzasause's edit since it's edited from that Papyrus): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bgfevW7dBGtiglkbQ_G0UOykPPeSp5wS Muffet clones by babamugen (Again, it was on Mugen Archive): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-dSYtGPTYimW7W8zuVw0jbH8ij684ANi Gaster Blaster by babamugen (Yet again, it was on Mugen Archive): https://drive.google.com/open?id=11goRfZjkDEAgJFq2kDvBwxt4pi4Va6ks A few crappy unfinished characters by babamugen: http://www.mediafire.com/file/8nxlvg55qsz5af5/SHITLOAD+OF+F*CK.zip
  4. Sorry I didn't know you had yet to beat the game. Hate to spoil you like that.
  5. Bunch of stuff to kick off the collection. Sans by Gamerduck13/Gameandwatch909: http://www.mediafire.com/file/f4q3s5k43yts3lt/ Xmas Update (current version): http://www.mediafire.com/file/4mj5ytthr5p3jnn/Christmas+Sans.rar Sans by Retro Flowey: https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0B5i2CdH9llm5Y2RFMGc4SlVXZDA 6+ characters by XxMarioLoverBRxX: https://sites.google.com/site/sydneysotmersite/home Flowey Edit by Derpy Sponge: https://gamebanana.com/skins/156534 Battle Frisk by Viorel Weber: https://sites.google.com/site/wwwrolandytbcom/ Undyne, Omega Tiger Flowey Woods and So Sorry by Endercreeper9999: https://sites.google.com/site/endercreepermugen/characters His Sans was taken removed, and only version 1 is avabile, the second version is lost.
  6. Missed opportunity to use the ? emoji
  7. Alerkina4 made Nidoking. From looking at the sprites it must have bad IVs. Hosted link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1R4tFxVfxSal2G9aX4ZUbzcQFyYWs6Uw3
  8. Pokémon USUM came out and it's got some great tracks. First one I would like to request is Ultra Necrozma's theme. Da video:
  9. After my next video I'm likely to go on break for Mugen videos. And it's gonna be an important one. 

  10. Well now I'm scared to see the real deal for myself.
  11. Saw a preview for it. Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's somewhat tame compared to some of RoySquadRocks characters.
  12. Hot damm, The seizure episode as a Mugen stage. I know how I'm going to troll my friends (CDI Bowser Laugh)
  13. Looks like Bartman isn't the only cartoon character who can pull a giant mech outta nowhere. (Even if it's not as well built)
  14. I got good news and bad news for you guys. Good news: I got Itzamna-R from a cheapie exchange. It's a good one cheapie too. Bad news: The guy who gave me Itzamna-R will break my ass if I give it out the public. So, I'm going to wait a few months and then give it out. Sound good?
  15. ?️ Vs ?️

    Which is ?️etter?

    1. Gaulbetti


      Everyone I ask doesn't understand Red B at all.


      Guessing Blue P is the same way.

  16. Here's a demonstration of him. BIG NOTE: He has been updated A LOT so he's far different from the one you see here.
  17. Endercreeper9999 made that NSFW Arbok Safe. And unlike Joey, he got everything vore related out. Link: https://sites.google.com/site/endercreepermugen/edits Speaking of Joey, he made another anti-vore edit for Lickitung by Noahshime. But I'm uncertain if he got everything vore related out of this one. Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bzv4UbA19nJdbGdqbTFxNE0tSHc
  18. Who else wants a CNN punching bag? 

    1. RicePigeon


      Punching bag characters are still a thing in 2017?

    2. Flare-Gamer-64


      Yes, they are still a thing. Surprising I know.

  19. Joey made another Marill, this time he spriteswaped Koiking level 254 and called it a day: https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0Bzv4UbA19nJdbGdqbTFxNE0tSHc File name is Marill level 254.
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