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Everything posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. Litten got updated but nobody knew so... https://malegatomon.tumblr.com/
  2. Actually, Undertale's main cast (Frisk, Chara, Flowey, Toriel, Papyrus, Sans, Alphys, Undyne, Asgore, ect) all have good versions. The only main Undertale character without a good version I think is Mettaton. Could be wrong about that though. However the AU part of that is 100% correct. About 30-20% of them are actually worth having. The rest are mediocre, paletteswaps or even some of the worst Mugen content ever made cough cough Mugaman Papyrus cough cough.
  3. Fine then. But who has the first search on google when you search up "Mugen Jotaro"? Is it Mugen Archive, or Warusaki3's own site? It's Mugen Archive. And say if this is a new person who didn't know authors were, how would they find it otherwise? And what if people wanted a bunch of JoJo Mugen creations? They would go search "Mugen JoJo characters". In which the top listing is guess what, Archive. Case and point, it's quick, simple and effective. And what the hell is that 2007 statement? That can still hold true today.
  4. To be fair they don't make it obvious that it's a community weekend. I suggested they change the banner whenever they hold one so people will instantly know about it. And this is one of the reasons why I suggested that they add a download later option. So the Lurkers who don't wanna participate can get them after the event is over.
  5. Remember this is still a early trend. So more good characters will come around eventually. But the bad characters will outweigh the amount of good ones. Same thing happened with FnaF. Name me a good FnaF creation that isn't Mega X's Foxy or Chica or Fourth's Mangle.
  6. Well said my dude. Plus I suggested that they add a "download later" option for Lurkers. So community weekend can be less of a problem so the Lurkers can download the file after the event is over. And that whole streamlining line was so true. Say if you wanted Jotaro by Warusaki3. What would you want to do? Get it fast and easy via going through a few pages? Or go find a Japanese website that you (likely) won't even be able to read? For most of us we would go with the first. Hell archive even has a thread just for files that need updating where you can give them the updated version and then they put that version over the older one. By the Mr Darkflare, if a creation was posted to Mugen Archive, made available only there and then somebody made a link for a different site, Would that also count a stealing?
  7. This right here is a godly remix. Amazing job Mr Noriyuki Iwadare. You smashed this one outta the park. I'm amped for the full version. 


    1. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      It was right when it hitted 0:20, the music started to kick him. I'm already in love with that music.

  8. Wanna know something about those two though? Despite the sprites, they actually have original coding and aren't spriteswaps. Aka, they're better then anything by Cesar.
  9. Some stuff would be an understate meant. You got like 40+ characters to add. And all of them are mediocre spriteswaps.
  10. Ever heard of YouTube to MP3? It's pretty easy to use. Plus I believe some of the Archive uploaded ones have music files (not all of them do but a majority do.)
  11. You do realise people only care about collection characters if they aren't spam or spriteswaps right?
  12. Why won't it? It's the best DDLC stage for Mugen. It's a must have.
  13. Yep I knew it. Your Cesar. Well then, why don't you try to bull the same stuff here Mr Cesar? I'm pretty sure Matt would loooooooooove those creations.
  14. Just a note, God Natsuki is a spriteswap of Koiking lvl 225 by STG.
  15. Jarquin10 is a god at making sprites. Go check him out. You won't be disappointed.


  16. Alternate link for YKUN's Baldi: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CVFXKX02q6B93kSMTFDIDv4nYtou9nhr
  17. Alright I'm back home from le France at long last. It's been a nice big break. Got to relax while not worrying about work I have to do and the such. I very much needed the rest.


    This is the 6th or so time I have gone to France for a summer holiday. But this time we rented a different house then we normally do. The house we got was great. It was old and rustic. The walls were made of stone, like, bumby stone. And everything else was made out of wood. I liked this house, the owners did a good job on it. 


    I brought my SNES mini and played loads of games on it. In which I beat Mario World for the 5th time of so. And I'm close to finishing both Megaman X and DKC1. I played SF2 Hyper Fighting with my dad one night and it was a blast. Seriously we were laughing our heads off. I have not played with my dad like that in a looooooong time. 


    We also had a pool. It wasn't as good as the previous one from the house we usually go to since it had unsafe edges and some of the tiles came undone. But it worked. The only other thing I had a gripe with was the bathrooms. They were smol. My head could touch the dammed ceiling. And one of the toilets won't work.


    Overall I enjoyed my time there. Now, back to reality. And work. And all the other crap I have to deal with.


    (I could write more but it's 3AM... I need sleep.)

  18. Archive has been spammed with crappy Pokemon creations by a person named Cesarshadow. All of them are poorly made. And he did it purely out of spite since he hated seeing Kyo and Iori edits filling up the recent uploads feed. And the sad part is, even though I could care less about KOF, those creations are better then his own. He's got so many bad characters that he deserves his own mini collection. Honestly it's something you have to see to believe. The comments he's been making are also pretty interesting. Shoutouts to my man Milbury for having a good jab at him.
  19. Well then, looks like I've gotta a lot of stuff to download when I get back from France.
  20. Quiz question: What search engine do Super Mario 64 speedrunners use?

  21. I really, really should of told you guys sooner but I'm going to France for the week. So don't expect much from me till the 1st of July. I'll still be on the internet, but not as much since I want to relax. Alright see yall soon.

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Have A Safe Trip, Have Fun, And Create Some Great Memories, Yo! ^_^

  22. So it's official. JoJo Part 5 anime finally confirmed for October this year.




    1. Noside


      Vento Aureo is my second favorite arc! and I like Giorno a lot.

    2. Xiristatos


      Finally, my waifu King Crimson is about to become Anime-ified!

    3. yuri linda

      yuri linda

      very gay fuchis

  23. IkuTronHD made their own Gardevoir. It has the ability to create it's own playstyle to fit your desires.
  24. It's about time we necro this thread. After all, smesh. And you'd be racking in those downloads if you were to release it before December. So how about we revive this boys?
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