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Status Updates posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. Whoa, it's raining & thundering like crazy out there, how;'s the weather in your area. I'm in the middle of a massive thunderstorm, it's extreme.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cook4251


      Just hot here.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      I had a storm last night. Otherwise, the weather's good down here.

    4. Galvatron


      partly cloudy were im at.

  2. Isn't it ironic that Mediafire keeps crashing on Google Chrome & Torch, but works perfectly fine on IE? Mediafire is just acting so slow for me today.

    1. Doomguy


      I always use IE because fuck opinions.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      I'm not an IE hater either, it's a browser that gets the job done when the others can't.

  3. I've had this question ever since I saw this site. Who is that blonde haired woman on the far left side of the banner, I'd love to add her to the roster, she seems pretty important, having the biggest closeup out of anybody on there.

    1. Kazagami


      She's Angel from Shock Troopers 2nd Squad, but there are no conversion of her in mugen because the source game is a run and gun arcade game.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      Oh, okay thank you for telling me.

  4. Just found my old 358/2 Days Game Card in my drawer, I'm in tears, that is one of my all time favorites for the DS, believe it or not I got all 255 Challenge Sigils, they are not simple to get. There was one challenge where you had to kill the Scorching Sphere in under 30 seconds, I can't believe I did that. Days was awesome. you could play as everyone in Org13, & Riku, Mickey, Donald & Goofy alone in Mission Mode! That was pretty sweet.

    1. SSBKing65✯


      All the memories are coming back, LV87, I did everything but reach LV99 on my Standard file, but still, even on that difficulty, those challenges are no joke.

  5. School's out, and it's summertime.I got 5 A's 2 B's and a D, what did you get?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dan


      i got a 7 in Spanish and Math

    3. Dan


      by the way here in mexico we use 5 to 10 for califications

    4. SSBKing65✯


      Oh, that's interesting, pretty good.

  6. Okay,now all of the Nijikaku chars are there, I put them a categories and they should work for 1.0 & 1.1:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/906drptwpj8zc1i/AACoJgF9906QohUM7LDujW9oa?dl=0

  7. Who's the weirdest character in your roster, I got so many weird characters, but one is Tara-Gyouza, he's pretty strange.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      Yep, that one is more of a creepyasta IMO but it's weird.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      Evil Sydney.

    4. Shinzaki


      Not sure, I would say Kawashima-san due to the fact that she's a cosplay character, but idk.

  8. If you're a fan of Nijikaku and have a Google+ account, I'm inviting people to join my community. I explain everything about it there. But still, I feel so alone and it's not a community if you've got nobody to share it with.https://plus.google.com/communities/101901955256304271265

    1. Gaulbetti


      I dunno, what's the community do? Plus, there's only a few things I really liked about that fullgame. I don't have a Google +, though.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      Well, you'd post pictures, videos, links to things relating to the topic, favorite characters, stages, polls, events, contests, favorite moments, all that. After deleting all the NSFW garbage, I liked almost everything from that fullgame, that's why it's my favorite, really creative characters & great music.

  9. If you're a fan of Nijikaku and have a Google+ account, I'm inviting people to join my community. I explain everything about it there. But still, I feel so alone and it's not a community if you've got nobody to share it with.

  10. This is the 1st thing I would've done when I came here. I'm going to create and moderate a Nijikaku collection, for everything except for the NSFW content, the only help I need is making portraits, and knowing everything about it, I can do everything else myself, what do you all think about it? Now I'm making links for the chars in Dropbox.

    1. SSBKing65✯


      You know what, I'm just gonna have the individual sprites for the chars instead of portraits, so I'm doin it myself.

  11. http://www.mediafire.com/view/ympj3a8rk73cp92/papermarioamiibo_610.jpg I don't know about you, but this is just plain creative, they're even compatible with the originals, if Nintendo sold them, they'd get more sales for sure. I would love to see them as a DLC skin, maybe? Oh and I updated my profile page and talked about some of my favorite chars and my 2 favorite stages, I've seen some pretty cool creations.
  12. You know, I feel bad for people voting for Shrek and other 4th party chars on the ballot, so many Smash fans don't know about Mugen. Still I voted for Rabbit's Wu-Ling, but even being obscure, she's still an actual fighter though.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gaulbetti


      I don't know, there's still no AiAi, really, aside from that one in that Smash based fullgame... Or a Amigo, on the same note, or a Mrs. Pac-Man, or a Frank West. (Although, we're getting there.) Or even a good Viewtful Joe... I'm happy it gave me Mario vs. Goku with Mario winning, though, so I can't complain.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      People probably vote Shrek as a joke.

    4. Gaulbetti


      Yeah, those Smash guys should do more ogre lovin'

  13. Once playing Mario Party 5, my favorite in the series, after I lost all my coins, I threw my controller against the ground and the Control Stick broke, still have my silver controller though. I'm reckless. But still, Story Mode on Hard is not an easy task to complete.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      I get mad about losing easily, still wouldn't you if you had to start the whole board over? I beat it on Hard, but I'm never doing Intense.

    3. Gaulbetti


      You sound like me when I play Smash Bros... Guess that's why it's called Smash, then... I haven't done it in years, though.

    4. N_N


      "Story Mode on Hard is not an easy task to complete." Well, of course it isn't. I used to spout gibberish whenever something makes me mad in a game.

  14. Long ago I smashed my Black GBA SP and almost broke MK Super Circuit due to gamer rage, play Bowser Castle 3 and you'll get mad too. Super Circuit is the hardest MK game. I can't even beat the Extra Special Cup, but I still have my Silver (favorite color) GBA SP luckliy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      You know what happened with mine, the screen was fine, but when I turned it on, there were all these lines, my Super Circuit pak had a few bruises but it still works.

    3. Cook4251


      Mines was stolen by a friend(But i beat him up for it) but he still denies to this day that he didn't steal it. All i had for it was SA 2

    4. TotalDramaXtremist


      He denied it, yet you were 100% he did. How?

  15. Every time I hear someone say "Mugen is so unbalanced", I tell them to look at Smash, with all those crazy items & stage hazards, that's why they're sadly banned in tourneys. Just don't have any overpowered characters, that's all!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      I agree Matt, that's what I should have said.

    3. Gaulbetti


      Mister Fael's right... At least with Nijikaku, all the sexual stuff overshadows the cool stuff, at least with me. Mugen wise, I just play with debug keys and I'm happy.

    4. Trinitronity


      How the hell is Pichu a great character.

      It's an awful character, even in its own way.

  16. Isn't it annoying to have to share your laptop with your older brother? Well, as the site says, sharing is caring. I just shared 2 popular gems of pop culture in Other that I'm sure everyone will like. Oh, If you don't know, I started my drawing topic in Images, I even share some cool facts. I won't be on here so often now since my brother has to be such a hog though.

  17. I'm starting a drawing topic in the Image Gallery, I can draw pretty well and have been for years, so check it out from time to time. Tomorrow, you''ll see why I've picked this pink-haired cutie as my profile pic, I also have a nice surprise for DKCR fans. It'll be a crossover drawing.

    1. Galvatron
    2. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Sounds cool. I can only see where that pic's gonna go lol.

  18. Just got back home from a community meeting, if people stopped complaining about specific Mugen chars & stages today, they'd be enjoying the great creations that were made in the past.

    1. Mister Fael
    2. Big Green

      Big Green

      I just love playing with some old goodies that were made before I was even in preschool.

    3. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      but many creations in the past are actually bad .v.

  19. Just got back home from a community meeting, if people stopped complaining about specific Mugen chars & stages today, they'd be enjoying the great creations that were made in the past.

  20. You got 365 experience points! (Not that it matters.) Loved that game and the Kirby series overall, Ultra was one of the greatest games I've ever played,from beating Helper to Hero (my favorite mode) with every helper, to going for the fastest time in the True Arena. HAL made that masterpiece, I'll remember it forever.

  21. ♪JoJo was a man who thought he was a loner, but he knew it wouldn''t last..♪. She sings in Japanese & English, Kewl.

  22. Just shared 2 rare gems that I have been looking for forvever in the Hi-res stages section, check em out, they're pretty awesome. Oh and if you can't find a character or stage, remember that aside from Google there's the Internet Wayback Machine and other web capturing archives as well.

  23. If you're uploading anything,you should always make it in a RAR format, as a ZIP will not be preserved forever. There are many dead links of old files that were ZIPS & people should upload in RAR instead,as those files shouldn't ever become dead at all.

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael


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