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Status Updates posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. Happy Birthday once again Ry, hope you had a great one.

  2. Happy Birthday Lord Batros.

  3. This is gonna be a wonderful year for gaming with the new Dragon Quest VIII remake for 3DS, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, and the new ports & titles for the Switch, what are y'all excited for?

    1. RoySquadRocks


      Sonic Mania

      Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment

      ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove

    2. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Happy New Year!! MFFA For The Win, Yo! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”

    3. DS12


      Im not so excited for 2017 to be honest. I was off to a bad start already. :/

  4. Back from another long BT session. Every time I click anywhere on this site, it opens up an external  link in a new tab, just pointing that out, it may just be Torch but I'm not sure, seems like an ad attack.

  5. Happy Birthday to you Sonikun.

  6. Happy Birthday and may you have a wonderful day Galvatron.

    1. Galvatron


      Thank you man! just hitting my prime of my life...and still going strong.... though i know im going start getting old but i keep my self positive to stay young LOL! XD



  7. Happy birthday FD.

  8. Happy Birthday Dizzy.

  9. Happy Birthday Dumanios.

  10. I've missed this site, glad to see it up again.

    1. Galvatron


      yeah we had some server problems but everything sould be good now. :-)

  11. Happy Birthday to you.

  12. I took some swimming lessons today. I'm not all too ecstatic about it but it's good to learn.

    1. Galvatron


      That cool man! its one of those things ya need to learn for survival..

  13. Happy Birthday to you DuckMannnn.

  14. @Niitris@ShinzakiK   Happy Birthday, hope you both had a great one.
  15. Happy Birthday, hope you had a great one.

    1. Demitri


      late but thank you!

  16. Glad to see this site up again. I went to the 5k run last Saturday, it was a fun endurance course, aside from going to the beach, my summer wasn't all that exciting. I just got a new charger a couple of days ago, so I'm glad to be back.

  17. Being the careless eediot I am, I lost my laptop charger,  until I buy a replacement. So how's everyone? Great to see this lovely site again though, I'm going to get another job in a few weeks, and I've got lots to do.

    1. Cook4251


      Can you order another charger? There are some pretty cheap ones on Ebay and Amazon.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      Of course, the one in my current models are 24$ so I shouldn't have a problem finding one.

    3. Galvatron


      We doing ok man. :-)

      MFFA is awesome like its always be...

  18. I went to my Boy's Track ceremony today at the Clarion Hotel, it was nice, and there was food, dancing and awards given out. It's the last time I'll be in the program, and May Ail rest in peace.

  19. I'm back from our White Party Cruise, on the Ben Franklin Yacht, it was a relaxing 1st time experience, I danced, played some games, and had some great food.

  20. Happy Birthday Gladiacloud, have a wonderful day.

  21. Did a nice Smash Bros playthrough, it's been so long but I still love this game:


    1. gui0007


      Oh, so nostalgic. :)

    2. Galvatron
  22. Happy Birthday, enjoy it for all it's worth.

    1. Big Fella

      Big Fella

      Thank you, best of luck for your day too!

  23. Happy Birthday Mister Fael, hope you had a great one.

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