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Status Updates posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. This site is like a flower, at first, it was a seed, but as people watered it with love and appreciation, MFFA became a beautiful blossom that is seen even from the farthest gardens. 

    Good morning everyone, I'm off work today again, hope you all have a good day.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      I'm just being creative, is that bad? 

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      So that's what MFFA looked like back in the days of old...


    4. Galvatron


      LOL! how time flies. XD

  2. After BIS, Don't you think the other villains of popular series like Zelda and DBZ deserve their own games, it'd be awesome playing as Ganon and taking over Hyrule IMO.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Big Green

      Big Green


      My dream game would be a Waluigi game. It has the core gameplay and platforming elements of Super Mario 3D World, but with Beat-em-Up or Fighting game elements. Smithy and Zero 2 would be bosses at one point or another.

    3. SSBKing65✯


      But Waluigi is a villain, still I think Bowser Jr should get his own game 1st. I wonder what kind of title Nintendo would make with Waluigi though.

    4. Galvatron


      @SSBK65: 'The Wario Brothers' of course LOL! XD

      Now that will be an interesting game to play especially if Nintendo make it like an RPG.

  3. Dragon Quest VIII will be one of the greatest RPG's you've ever seen/played in your life. Trust me. I love it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cayne


      There are no words for how turned up I am from seeing this trailor

    3. Galvatron


      Woah! awesome! :-D

    4. SSBKing65✯


      Yes, I'm going to make a topic about this now.

  4. My aunt went to North Carolina, and now I got the house all to myself,it's just me, our 2 dogs, and some snacks,

    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      Remmember SSBK, survival of the fittest.

      Eat or be eaten.

      Don't let those pesky snacks overwhelm you.

  5. Pumpkin Panty Fortune Telling! If she did that to me, I'd run out of there in a jiffy, ugh. I got off early and I don't even have to work tomorrow. Yayz.

    1. Big Green

      Big Green


      And then there's me, looking for a job all over.

  6. Video game sequels & remakes are almost always better than the originals: Paper Mario TTYD, Kingdom Hearts 2, and the new Dragon Quest 3DS remake, I'm so excited for it. I can finally play as Red, she's my favorite DQ char. But the 1st Dark Cloud game was better than the second, IMO, it had Ruby as a playable char. Love her.

    1. Noside


      I rather like the original polygon Final Fantasy 7 than the HD Remake one.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      Yep, I haven't played any FF games, but I've seen them all, I love the old, retro style of the older titles.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      Depends what franchises you talk about. Honestly, regarding the games I like, the sequels escalate and get better and better.

  7. Got back from a pool party, it was great, the water was freezing cold though. Had a good time.

  8. I got a new job at a daycare today, and if you think I'm strict, I get along pretty well with kids most of the time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      Yep, I love reading and can interact with them properly, I'm a nice person in general.

    3. sonikun


      That's pretty cool, mate. I need to start looking for a part time job myself. Anyways, congratulations.

    4. Big Green

      Big Green

      You do seem fit for this job. You don't seem like a strict person.

  9. A single Google Image Search can take you far... it helped me find characters & stages I was looking for, it's true. 

    1. yaminogun


      better use who stole my picture browser extension

  10. "You got an Ultra Boots!" It's "the" not "an".

  11. Even with our flaws, we can do wonderful things just from a single comment. Just a little saying I thought up.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      That's a good idea, I'm an artist, but I'm not good in computer arts and those programs, that's why my collection wasn't all fancy looking.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      Okay. I just whipped up some simple boxes using gradients. They are also colour coded.

    4. SSBKing65✯


      That's good, I don't mind how a collab looks, as long as it's not messy and well organized.

  12. I'm making another smaller collection, and it's going to have chars from an obscure author. Know who? When I discovered these chars, I really think the creator deserves a collab.

  13. Happy 4th Of July, there's fireworks outside my window, how're you celebrating? I'm just watching TV.

  14. What if Mugen & Nijikaku characters had amiibos? I would love a Think amiibo. The stores would be sold out in one day.

    1. Dan


      a Munch amiibo

    2. SSBKing65✯


      I would love that, having amiibos of these guys: te4ce8r42zfbq44zg.jpg4v1ch0bsc4icfcfzg.jpgz0h7e3chh9lmu1szg.jpgmv8kwn6m7sfvugxzg.jpg

      would be awesome.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      That means you could have a physical copy of Takakazu Abe to beat up!

  15. I hate Takakazu Abe and you should too.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      Good, because fighting him in Nijikaku is a nightmare, I use him as my Training mode dummy.

    3. Galvatron


      Hmph!! Join the club that what I use him for in mugen as a training dummy. >:-(

    4. Big Green

      Big Green

      I looked up the guy's origins and want to unsee the universe.

  16. Am I the only one here who thinks that Imoge is a great character. I mean this version: qm1r479s55bq0yfzg.jpg there's a boss version as well. I don't judge a char by appearance, and Mugen needs more Nijikaku fans.

  17. Did you know that Kabegami was created in 2002, but wasn't released until 2007?, I'm glad he didn't end up becoming private.

  18. Can anybody translate this?, I've always been wondering what he's saying, his text looks like a combination of Japanese mixed with Egyptian, that is just plain cool.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      So it's not supposed to mean anything? I knew it was just some repetitive gibberish Thanks Anekcen, always wanted to know that. 

    3. Kazagami


      Nah, it's usually used to express that you are exhausted.

    4. SSBKing65✯


      Oh, thanks Ryoucchi, I guess that's implying that he's tired from battling, like a Pokemon, or in this case, a Nijimon, I used to call all those weird Nijikaku characters that.

  19. There needs to be a forum/section for all the unique Mugen creations and creative things in general ,but that's just me. That way, people could see all the obscure and creative creations that were made, like this creature: mv8kwn6m7sfvugxzg.jpg I wish people liked surreal and out of this world things like me.

    1. Алексей


      I think they do more than you think. I know The_None is quite popular and fairly surreal with his creations. There are other creators too. On a side note, what is that purple thing?

    2. SSBKing65✯


      I know, he made a lot of great stuff like Kazu, he's pretty unique. I've seen a lot of unique creations. She's a mysterious papery creature called Communi, or the Unknown. You can find her in the Nijikaku collection.

  20. Tombstone just owned Counter-Revolution in like 40 seconds, that poor thing got destroyed faster than a one sided Mugen battle. If you're not watching the show, you won't get the reference.

  21. I love いもげ's, they'd be awesome pets. Just look at all those adorable things!

  22. A new start, a new day, to meet more people and gain more knowledge. This interface looks great, and there's more information being shown. Now I have to finish my collection, it should be up at 6:00 am or later.

  23. I love the moment when you find a rare character in your old hard drive. Even if you lose something from long ago, years later, it might just pop up again, true memories come from those moments.

  24. Your k€ЏßØα®d can do more than you think. Now that's creative.

    1. Dan


      i can do this smiley thing ☺☻☺☻☺☻☺

    2. SSBKing65✯


      That's good too. Nice little compilation Dan.

  25. I love creativity, just look at this. Reminds me of those Whittles from SMG2:http://tumblr.ngsw.jp/post/161723212/2ch

    1. SSBKing65✯


      So nobody thinks this is creative, am I the only person who likes creativity here?

    2. Big Green

      Big Green

      I think it looks cool. I've seen several pictures like this.

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Really?, well it's nice to see someone appreciating a unique creation like this.

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