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Status Updates posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. When you hear a rooster cluckin and a wolf howling at the same time, you know there's something wrong with your world.

  2. Ugh, finally answers the phone. I'm at my aunt's house, and with her superior internet, I'll be able to be here all the time, how've you all been?

    1. Galvatron


      Its been well SSBK65. though I been working but its all good. :goodmood:

  3. Get N or get out, who else still has that good old N64?. I love it. So many memorable games, Banjo-Tooie's my favorite.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Laharl


      n64 had a few good games but not a TON or anything. no I do not I just emulate my games if I really wanna play an n64 game.

    3. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Used to. My favorite games were Donkey Kong 64 and Majora's Mask.

      My family had two, one for my sister and I, and one for my brother. My sister's ex stole ours, and my brother lost his when he threw a party.

    4. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      I had one but already long time ago that I give to someone I could appreciate it better,is it give with all games, controls, expansion pack,etc, each year he send a small message a small letter give me thanks and show me that even this functional and in good condition, recently I have returned to play some games on my computer, but it is not the same. (by the way i play SSB64 online)

  4. We all have to make sacrifices for our families, I got my paycheck for $370 on Friday and my daycare job is over. I donated 75$ to help my mother pay her house bill, she's about to be homeless, and I'd do anything for her, even if she couldn't take care of me. I don't like giving away money, but I'd hate to see her on the streets, it's the best thing I can do for her, I pray that she'll get an apartment soon, she's in a bad position now. Can you wish my mother that she'll find a house? I'm sure that'd make her happier to know there's other people concerned about her. We all have to do our part for our families, and I'm glad to to help her.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      SSBK65✯ You're a great person with a nice heart, I hope your mother out of that problem soon, hopefully have more people like you so considerate in helping your mother in any kind of situation that arises, I wish so much luck to you and your mother, certainly also spend time with your mother. ; )

      Let us know if the situation was resolved, with your help insurance will come out of this situation very soon.

      I bless you SSBK65✯ and your mother.

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Thank you Mimi, that's very thoughtful of you and I hope you can remember your friend well. Cherish the positive memories.

    4. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      Cherish but not sticking to them, a small council for my part, I say this from my experience  thanks man, not has day in which not remember it to her.

  5. I uninstalled Avast as it caused my laptop to crash repeatedly, I never thought an antivirus was the virus itself, but now it's stopped.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      It was Avast that kept making my laptop freeze. It's stopped now that I've uninstalled it. I use Windows 8.

    3. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      Use Baidu Antivirus,It is a suggestion only.

    4. O  R I O N

      O R I O N

      I use COMODO Antivirus and a few other utilities like Malwarebytes.

      This can help you clean your computer up without having to re-download everything: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/combofix/

      (Depending on how bad the infection was it may take a while)

      The freezing may have stopped but your computer may still be vulnerable.

  6. Anyone remember this awesome agent? , they got rid of her because of the dirty fanart, I loved those old Esurance commercials, I wish they'd bring her back.


    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      That "Dirty Fanart" was actually some porn comic, according to Cracked.

    2. BrawlTheMan


      Wait wut. They stopped doing those ads because of rule 34?
      Rule 34 has "no exceptions" for a reason.

    3. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Really? I know R34 had something to do with it, but I thought her poor reception was the main reason they got rid of her.

  7. Don't you just love coming home after a shopping spree?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      Well I'm still in school so that's no worry for me. You know I'm still a child right?

    3. Galvatron


      Yes im aware of your age.

      Just be sure you save all the money you earn from your job so you won't have to struggle too much in finances in the future.  :goodmood:


    4. SSBKing65✯


      You're more than right about that. I'll definitely keep that in mind.

  8. "Trouble with the trolley eh?" Oh, I had a lot of trouble with the trolley, that worthless thing.

    1. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      tbf it was one of the only few difficult things in the game

    2. Egnaro


      I hated that damn bird and that lvl....

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Yep 50 gears and if you crashed once you had to start the whole damn thing over. But I loved Breeze Harbor, especially the music.

  9. With all those FNAF parodies, who else would love to see a Five Nights at Think's?, and there's one with Shinku already, I think that'd be a pretty cool mod.

  10. After Nintendo's Year of Luigi, they should do a year of Waluigi, that'd be great, we could find out about his existence, get some new Waluigi themed games, find out his true backstory, who knows, Waluigi might have a real story behind his sneaky exterior, I'd love to see a Year of Toad or Yoshi too, those 2 deserve it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      That was funneh. And I need to try out that program sometime.

    3. Galvatron


      Even though is not clear but Waluigi background will more lilkly be similar to Wario's. Its also unknown is they are related....:-P

      I know alot people say they are not but then again who knows. I still say they are brothers considering they the opposite of Mario and Luigi.

    4. SSBKing65✯


      I think those 2 have a brotherly connection to each other, I wonder how Wario & Waluigi met?

  11. Listen to this, it's so surreal and beautiful, sounds like a dream, crystalline, sad and magical, this song portrays so many feelings at once. It's one of the strangest things I've ever heard.

  12. Got some new Mugen vids, including this high tech battle.

  13. Will our fine Earth ever see world peace?, as everyone has different motives, if everyone had a kind and caring personality, someone who was always willing to help others, someone who gives nice feedback, no matter how bad something looked or seemed , someone who ignored immature comments. There are many people like that. I am one of them, but there are some human beings who want nothing but war, but there is a way, if everyone could band together, they'd realize that Earth is for everyone, we must all share the world as it is, and take care of it for as long as we can, as no one can take it from us and no one can be the most powerful, MFFA is like Earth in a way. Even you're a member, creator, moderator, or administrator, we are still one big planet, a welcoming community who loves everyone, even if they make mistakes. That's just a little comparison I thought up. What do you think? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Flowrellik


      No shit. Don't get me wrong, there are a couple governments that are good with good intent, but the majority cares nothing more than to rob you blind of your money, your children, your rights, etc, take over your lives and treat you like scum and slaves, hiding the truth and lying to the masses while poisoning their food, making them nothing more than blind sheep to the slaughter, always afraid to bite the hand that feeds it.

      I am not sure if peace on Earth can truly happen, especially with the amount of chaos and self-destruction we as a species create every day.


    3. SSBKing65✯


      Yes, it's our own actions that make us ruthless monsters, It seems like the government is trying to make it harder for us all to live every day. We cant trust everything they do, we can only trust ourselves in the end, even with our destructive actions.

    4. Flowrellik


      Yeap. Pretty much that.

  14. If you've played/seen it, what was your reaction to Nijikaku?, that's just a question I've been wondering about.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      @Nodog, yep thier AI is pretty derp.

      And Spri, I think you should try some of the others, they aren't bad at all, when you finish your roster maybe?

    3. Gaulbetti


      I did try almost every character in the game at some point except for the maids, and I really liked Atusi, but I think there's something wrong with his commands, I mashed for about 10 minutes straight, and couldn't do any other moves aside from a hyper.

    4. SSBKing65✯


      This is Atusi's moveset, it's in Japanese but it shows everything he can do. You know, I'm surprised you didn't comment on the Niji collection I made.


  15. Anyone remember SMBZ? It had tons of funny scenes and references, It could have ended up great if it weren't canceled, one of the best sprite series ever. My favorite episode was 7. And anyone know where I can find that 1st sound clip?, I think it's from the Stooges.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      It's only a possibility, though. It really depends on his interest in the project, which I doubt is going to return, seeing as the remake of the first scene happened two years ago now.

    3. Staubhold


      That mumbling?

      It´s from Looney Tunes. Yosemite Sam does that...


    4. SSBKing65✯


      Thanks, Staubhold, been wondering what that was from for years.

  16. Still think he's a bad character after seeing this? I knew I could beat Orochi with em. And showing off that new stage as well.

    1. Doomguy


      That doesn't seem to be the same Orochi that I have.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      The one in this vid is GONZO-'s Orochi, very old, but still a tough opponent.

    3. Doomguy


      I'm using Zelgadis' Orochi.

  17. My Internet finally working again! , I missed this site, it's like a 2nd home to me, and I missed all of you, How's everyone?

    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      Well, I finished that darn KOF XI collection earlier today.

      I may move on to a KOF XII/XIII collection. But IDK for sure.

  18. Got back from seeing Pixels, loved it, it has a nice balance of romance, arcade games and, teamwork all rolled into one, a simple tale of how three gamers saved the Earth from arcade games. Q-bert had the most screentime as he was the only character who wasn't evil, and there were lots of funny moments too. It's 1 hour & 40 mins, short but sweet. There were some other movie previews like this realistic version of Peter Pan and the Secret Life of Dogs, there should be a sequel where modern video games of today attack.

    1. Trinitronity


      From what I have heard, Pixels could have been a good movie, if only Adam Sandler wouldn't have been involved.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      I only watched it for the classic characters, but it was enjoyable.

  19. A little match where I take on some AI patches. 

  20. Just got back from the dentist and several other places. 3 hours of pain, annoyance and boringness. I can't stand going tho the dentist, I had 2 cavities and they hurt filln em in. I'm glad it's over now. Then I was wasting my time with my aunt going to stores and now I'm back. My mouth still feels numb after all this time and my tooth hurts so much. Still, there aren't too many who care if I'm here or not but I just wasted half my day with that, I;m going to the movies tomorrow so that'll be nice. Kthxbai

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      I only want to see it for the game characters of course, I'm not interested in actors.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      The CGI Donkey Kong is possibly going to be the best part.

    4. SSBKing65✯


      I wonder why the Smurfs are cameoing, I need to look up their game.

  21. I almost died from dehydration after I was born, really. My mother wasn't feeding me, and then when my grandmom saw that I wasn't feeling good, her and my aunt rushed me to the hospital and saved my life. Had she not told my aunt what happened, I wouldn't be alive right now. I'm lucky to have a devoted grandmother who cares. I would've died and I owe it all to my grandmother. My aunt told me about it, and that's why I lived with her my whole life. My mother just couldn't take care of me. Isn't that amazing?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Both my brother and I almost suffocated at birth. We somehow got our umbilical cords wrapped around our necks before birth. My skin was blue when I was born, and my brother came out close to death. Had he not been a C-section when he was born, neither of us would be here today.

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Wow, that sounds like it was painful, I'm surprised at all these stories I'm hearing. Well, it's a blessing that you were able to survive with the help of your brother Mira. 

    4. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Thanks. It's also nice to hear that you were okay thanks to your grandmother's help.

  22. This MUGEN stream was insane in the membrane, it has commentary, upsets and even overpowered chars galore, like OP Snoopy and dat Charizard. And for the Donald lovers he shows up at 53:48, again at 59:54 and then Dark Donald appears at 1:49:21, funniest part of the whole thing, that match was ova. Even OTW shows up. This was also the first time I saw Abui, Zettai Milfe, at 16:06 and some other favorites of mine from 虹格, with OP lasers, broken hitboxes and crazy infinite kombos, this stream is one I'll always remember. 3 hours of pure randomness. with SF2 stages and a whopping 2500 characters. You should check this out sometime, it's absolute gold.

  23. The Internet is pretty much the TV of today, with You Tube of course. Who needs cable when you have YouTube. You can watch all your favorite shows there. Not saying cable's bad though. And yes, I'm saying this because I don't have cable.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cook4251


      Haven't watched tv going on 3 years and i'm fine with that. I usually just watch movies now asides from anime.

    3. Flowrellik


      Meh my parents and I thought about just getting rid of cable and just use the internet altogether anyways. Saves on cash, no bullshitty bills and we can have the TV for just games, PC, W/e stuff too, therefore it is not a real bad of a loss. Cable served it's purpose but now not so much. Only other country I can see that can benefit having this is well,...Japan just for the awesome stuff there.

    4. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      I just keeped Cable for my parents besides came with the Internet and Phone in plan so isnt bad at all

  24. I hate the feeling of getting a shot at the doctor's office, it just worries me having a syringe stuck in my arm, I did yesterday and it doesn't hurt too bad, but the feeling still makes me sick.

    1. Алексей


      Yeah, it's one of those things that's best not to watch.

    2. Big Green

      Big Green

      In the end, just remember that you'll be immune to a deadly disease for a while. That'll take your mind off the process as it did me. And yeah, what Алексей said.

    3. SSBKing65✯


      I look at it actually. it helps for me, but it's still pretty painful. Thanks you two.

  25. One of the shortest showdowns I've ever seen, Bowser beat Ridley in less than two minutes.


    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      I thought Ridley had it in the bag the first round... but then I realized how much damage he was actually doing...

      The second round, on the other hand, was a total massacare on the Bowz's part.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      Yeah, he really came back in the 2nd round, I thought Ridley would've won.

    3. Ridley "MOTHERF_____"

      Ridley "MOTHERF_____"

      Its pretty obvious who will win when Bowser has such ridicolous damage output that he can KO in 2-3 hits and yet has high defense.

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