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Status Updates posted by Dan

  1. Noticed something weird happenend  to my signuature, going to fix it later if it not fixed already

  2. I wish a Blazblue x Guilty Gear crossover game, that would be too perfect (if there one already, please tell me)

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      There are no imediate plans.

      Maybe after Central Fiction.

  3. Yesterday i watched Civil War, it's was very good but something bothered me,


    ======POSIBLE SPOILER=====

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    The spiderman apperance here for me was just a fanservice cameo, he was just here for 1 fight and he's gone for the rest of the movie, i was excepting something more important.




    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Well, that's sad...

    2. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Spiderman get rated under Iron Man. It's like Zangiev getting rated under Haggar.

  4. Getting my 3DS full of DS homebrew

  5. Got the One week achievement on GMod, i feel like i need better things to do

  6. i played Rhythm Heaven DS for first time, that was hard (got stuck with " i suppose" monkeys)

  7. i noticed every time i change my avatar everyone enter my profile

  8. So where i live everyone knows The King of Fighter 2002 but nobody knows the existense of Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting and, belive or not: Street Fighter 2

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Lol! Unlimited indeed. But really?! No Street Fighter?

    3. Dan


      by Power bar i not mean the HP/Energy/Life bar but the one bellow (The special bar)

    4. Solarflared


      I am sure everyone know what you are saying.

  9. i'm planning to buy a R4 for my 3DS, do they actually works?

    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      I had one for my DS, and it worked, but you need to keep the software of the card up to date, which caused mine to stop working.

  10. wow, the Super Smash Bros Crusade AI is just...bad

    1. Ganbare-Lucifer


      *...and in Smash Flash 2, the AI just kick your ass before you do something. :I

  11. i did it, i uploaded my stage, i actually feel really shy about it.

    1. SSBKing65✯


      Don't be, I think it looks great, the background could be a little higher but it's a nice stage.

  12. I noticed, circle avatars again

  13. i did this...eye thing..?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      Looks like it went through an acid trip. Very artistic.

    3. Kazagami



    4. Galvatron


      :confuse: woah! this makes you feel high looking at it.......

  14. *sigh* April fool (turn down volume)

  15. Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code is going to be released on Steam in 19/4!


    1. SSBKing65✯


      30% just takes all the fun out of Mugen, if there was a 10% a single short punch would take out half your HP.

  17. Replaying Mother 3 and brought Lucas DLC for Smash

    1. Алексей


      Such a good game. The story could use some work though. Too much "Deus ex Machina" if you know what I mean.

    2. Laharl
  18. Sadly, Diamond is Unbreakable Anime will come out the same day my vacations are over -_-

    1. Solarflared


      Well, it is unBREAKable.

  19. So i got banned for a TF2 Server just for playing good, wat?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Congratulations! That means you're good at the game.


      This happens to me a lot when I play Spy. It's pretty annoying, honestly.

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Wow...I still haven't reached that level yet.

      But then again, i mostly go to pubs, where matches are usually one-sided.

    4. 00EccoTenshi


      Being banned from a server because you're good at the game? That's nothing new to me.

  20. Got Super Smash Bros 3DS!!

    going to unlock Jigglypuff

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dan


      "Finally got all characters, now lets play online!"

      BAD IDEA

    3. Gaulbetti


      ...How bad was it?

    4. Dan


      Long time i didn't played smash online, also my internet is bad

  21. Any fullgame/compilation that use UNO tag thing?

  22. R.I.P My Pokemon rumble world data

  23. Downloading some full games since i'm lazy to rework my mugen

  24. i want one of these so badly (singing fish)


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