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Status Updates posted by Dan

  1. Quick question, does the screenpack px.face.window parameter doesn't work on Mugen 1.0? I can use it perfectly fine on both 1.1 and Ikemen GO but can't get it to work on 1.0.

  2. Playing around with the zoom feature on big stages, looks pretty neat but sometimes stuff like projectiles either fail to hit or just don't exist when it's zoomed out this far.


  3. I've got a question about the Guidelines update, are animted GIF signatures still allowed or should be just static images? It does mention to use pictures and text but not other media so not sure if it falls into the later.

    1. Sir Ghostler

      Sir Ghostler

      You're allowed to use animated .gif signatures, yeah.

    2. Dan


      Thanks for the answer, just making sure it was alright to keep it.

  4. Happy almost-new year everyone, I've been checking into more Mugen stuff lately as my interest on it has been coming back, rebuilding a roster after a long time.

  5. Today I learned Kung Fu Man actually has a parry move, somehow never noticed it despite I always keep him on my rosters.

    1. Gaulbetti


      It's also extremely good since it's Elecbyte Made. Most balanced character, yeah right.

    2. Dan


      He's able to survive pretty much anything as long as it's not a grab or something out of the ordinary.


    3. Astolfo2001
  6. Is this an issue with just my browser or is the directory list on the characters collection page broken? a big chunk of it from B to C shows below the rest of the page and can't be seen/clicked

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      It happens once in a while. They are already working on fixing it.

    2. HappyDappy666
  7. Happy 104th birthday

  8. Happy 20th birthday to MUGEN, I might not be as much into it as I was a few years ago, but it's really fun to revisit from time to time when I'm bored, it's still an experience like no other fighting game to me.

  9. It's been a while since last time i worked on something with Mugen, but i think i will start a Neo Bomberman screenpack, sounds kinda insane but i've always loved this game, getting some resources and probably starting later tonight, expecting to finish it before starting university.

    1. Gaulbetti


      Neo Bomberman was the strangest one of the bunch. Good luck, I had a lot of ideas for a Bomberman screenpack.

  10. So, what has been going on lately? i've been kinda busy lately with school stuffs (i graduated, now i'm going to university), but now i'm back into the most insane fighting game ever made.

  11. I never left, but at the same time, i'm never here.

    1. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      So are you here or not? make up your mind, you fool! XD

  12. Puyo Puyo Tetris is out on Steam!

  13. I see some little new page design, i like it!

  14. Happy new year everyone! it's still 14 minutes left here but whatever.

  15. After disappearing for about hundreds of years (actually just a few months), i'm back again, i'm kinda trying to get back into MUGEN, but i sometimes get pretty lazy and forget about it.

    1. Gaulbetti


      What is your avatar?

    2. Dan


      That's Ocean Prince, a character from the Puyo Puyo games.

  16. Oh my, it feels like ages since last time i was here, anyways, i was feeling like downloading MUGEN stuffs, and now here i am, glad to see this place is still as lively as ever.

  17. When was the last time i posted something? i really need to be more active in this place again.

  18. If anyone is wondering (probably nobody), yeah, i'm still alive, just lurking around here.

    1. wicloud


      i do the same...constantly,, darkness is our good friend. 

  19. Will someday there will be a update to MUGEN 1.1? (1.2?)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noside


      That's up to Electbyte, and could take years. (I guess)

    3. vgma2


      Maybe when Elecbyte makes their return again.

    4. DuckMannnn


      We all know how Elecbyte can appear for a few weeks before erasing their existence for a couple of years.

      Their origins are more mysterious than the Lochness monster, the Bermuda triangle and the evolution of space

  20. HkIMlIx.png

    Since i returned, i'm building my MUGEN again, still need some more characters.

    1. Starmie


      I'm rebuilding as well

  21. Guess who's back in MUGEN?

    1. Galvatron


      LOL! XD

      welcome back man! :-)

  22. May be a bit too late (not sure), but Happy Birthday RicePidgeon!

  23. Happy birthday CozySquirtle! (is it today or i am wrong?)

    1. CozySquirtle


      Thank you and you're right, its today.

    2. Sinjik


      Happy Birthday.

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