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Status Updates posted by Dan

  1. Happy birthday man, i may not be very active, but still like to visit this place often.

  2. A bit late, but Happy Birthday!

  3. Been drawing lately, mostly re-drawing some sprites to higher resolutions.

    1. DS12


      To be truthful, I drew a sprite as well, but it's gonna be difficult drawing animation sprites. Wish someone made a spritesheet out of it.....

  4. Happy New Year Everyone!

    i think i will be here more often this year.

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Happy New Year!! MFFA For The Win, Yo! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”

  5. Looks like i forgot to say this here, but before the site goes (temporary) offline, i want to say a a secret revelation, please don't judge me, but...


    I am gay.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Алексей


      I'm guessing the community here makes you feel comfortable enough to reveal such information, in which case, great! Don't be ashamed though. You are who you are and should be proud of it. I can't guarantee that you won't be judged by someone, but you have support here nonetheless.

    3. Dan


      Thanks you all for understanding it, i'm sure i will visit this site more often after the re-opening.

    4. SSBKing65✯


      You're confident Dan, and that's a sign of a great person, don't let anyone bring you down, just keep doing what you love and everything will go smoothly.

  6. I'm here to say Merry Christmas to eveyone, i've been kind on inactive on this page, mostly since i've lost the interest on MUGEN, it's good to visit it once a while, but MUGEN is not my thing anymore, i'm sorry, I'm still active in some other pages, but i've left this place a little bit.

    1. Starmie


      It's ok that's what happened to me too and now I'm back

    2. gui0007


      @DanTH400 @Starmie
      Welcome back fellas. :)

  7. I'm Finally back after i repaired my internet connection, also, what is the "most liked content" thing?

    1. gui0007


      It's when your comment or post have more likes in a day.

  8. Happy birthday to me! (Yes, i'm still here but inactive.)

  9. I have been kind of inactive because i was playing Pokemon Sun and i am in another forums.

  10. Me and my brother just got Pokemon Sun and Moon! (mine is sun).

  11. Trumps wins

    Sad day

    1. Galvatron


      you mean sad years to come..

  12. It's the forum broken again?

  13. So, everything is finally back again?

    1. SSBKing65✯


      Yep, we all lost a couple posts and things but everything's back.

    2. Dan


      I'm pretty happy that the forum is back again.

    3. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Aye that it be prince, Arrrr

  14. I already brought Sega 3D Classics via internet ($500 + $150) but now its on sale on EShop ($300-400?), not the first time

  15. Whats that tap down there that says : " Offline    ^ " and says " Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. "

    1. Anastasia


      I agree with you. I am wondering what that is and I noticed that when I came back.

    2. Dan
    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      It's an instant messenger app we're considering.


  16. Nice, a Top page button

    1. Dan


      And looks like its gone

  17. I'm planning to buy Sega 3D Classics Collection for the 3DS (Theres Puyo Puyo Tsu!)

  18. I didn't notice it was September 9 until now, happy birthday to Dreamcast and happy Cirno day!

    1. Galvatron


      oh yeah that right. man time flies dosn't it. LOL! XD

    2. RoySquadRocks


      Don't forget Crash Bandicoot's 20th anniversary!

  19. Forum looking good with the new stuffs.

  20. Just look what i found in my English book:


    1. SSBKing65✯


      They would be putting thier money in jeopardy so that's no surprise.

  21. Got WarioWare D.I.Y, Now i spend more time in my 3DS than my PC.

  22. It's good to see that people is returning finally.

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      It's not like I wanted to return or anything...W-What gave you that impression...

      I just felt like cutting my vacation short...that's all...d-dummy!

    2. Galvatron


      LOL! XD


      well at least things are starting to get back to normal.  :-)

  23. Is this the day? MFFA will finally recover? i hope.

  24. I see the forum is still slow, but that won't stop me for visiting this place again.

  25. Finally got wireless internet on my PC.

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