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Everything posted by Duralminn

  1. MC'Chris(player) vs Tuzanagi(cpu) This is a request for Dio Uzumaki!! Thanks for requests :) Tuzanagi was quite stronger than I thought. His skills look interesting too :) If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  2. Really thanks for watching!! :D I also had 3 times rematch with Robo-sol to record that video.. :) (Quite nice AI than I thought..) And, I saw your Sol playing, it was so nice!! You are really good at playing Sol, envy you :D
  3. Aozaki Aoko(player) vs Syo Flame(cpu) This is a request for Mav3r1ck!! Thanks for nice request :D Syo's AI is not so good than I thought.. I want AI patch.. but still so nice character :) If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  4. Thanks for introducing nice char!! As you say, I replied at your video :D It was not so easy battle, but interesting battle :)
  5. Red Arcueid(player) vs Adam(cpu) This is a request for Remzy!! Thanks for nice request :D I always appreciate your requests!! If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  6. Nanaya Shiki(player) vs Robo Sol(cpu) Come back with new video!! :D First, this is a request for Shin Magus :) Thanks for request!! Robo Sol is really high-quality edit char, So nice..! If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  7. Uh-oh, you red my mind :D
  8. What a rapid reply!! :D Thanks for you and happy Halloween too, friend!!
  9. Haha, happy halloween! I should also upload halloween video later :) Where did you get that Evil Ash?? I found chars that have poor AI, but this is good :)
  10. Oh, this is interesting.. :D
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